#the incredibles

By far the nicest Disney movie posters I’ve seen to date.By far the nicest Disney movie posters I’ve seen to date.By far the nicest Disney movie posters I’ve seen to date.By far the nicest Disney movie posters I’ve seen to date.

By far the nicest Disney movie posters I’ve seen to date.

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Honestly though, the scene in Incredibles where Dash gets called into the office for putting a tack on his teacher’s chair gets 100x funnier when you consider that the teacher almost certainly knows what’s going on with Dash.

I mean, he probably doesn’t know that he has super speed specifically— “I don’t know how he does it!"— but this guy is fully aware of the existence of supers.

This isn’t a Harry Potter situation where the muggles don’t even know that magic exists— supers were lauded public figures and a key part of the criminal justice system until just fifteen years ago. This dude was definitely an adult and probably already teaching at the time. He may have been expected to include lessons on supers and their role in society in the curriculum.

And while we don’t know exactly how supers get their powers, Edna mentions in Incredibles 2 that "it’s not unknown for supers to have more than one power when young”, so Dash, Violet and Jack-Jack evidently weren’t the first people to develop them as children.

This guy lives in a setting in which he knows— with 100% certainty— that there are people out there who are born with special powers that enable them to do impossible things. And, from observing Dash, he knows that what this kid seems to be doing shouldn’t be possible for a normal kid.

Heabsolutely knows this boy has powers. It’s the most logical explanation, and it makes perfect sense within the laws of the universe he lives in. He may think that the kid is teleporting the tacks onto his chair, or turning invisible, or shifting reality or whatever, but he knows that some sort of super power is at work here.

The problem is… he can’t openly acknowledge it.

Now the supers are in hiding, normal civilians aren’t allowed to know of their existence. Even if there is no formal law against it (and there might be a formal law against it), everyone who figures out that their coworker or friend or whatever is a super, and doesn’t keep quiet about it, gets black-bagged by a government agency and has their memory erased. There’s no way people aren’t at least vaguely aware that it’s best not to talk about who you think might be a super, because bad things happen to people who do.

When the Principal ushers Helen and Dash out of the room and starts trying to calm the teacher down, he’s not doing it because he thinks he’s crazy. He’s doing it because he’s just seen video evidence that this kid is a super, and is trying to keep his friend from being taken away for Re-Education.

Dash is fully exploiting the fact that people like him legally don’t exist to pull pranks on his teacher, knowing that the guy can’t actually call him out without getting his mind wiped.

Went to see Incredibles 2 today- at one point, the little girl behind me shouted, “I want to be Elastigirl for Halloween!” That’s such a mood, I couldn’t even be mad

“Your identity is your most valuable possession”



Brad Bird Has Started Writing THE INCREDIBLES 2.

Brad Bird Has Started Writing THE INCREDIBLES 2.


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the fact that it’s 2020 and pixar hasn’t made the Edna Mode movie yet is honestly shameful

Guys, I’m literally so sorry. I forgot I had a tumblr cuz I haven’t been on since The Incredibles came out. I’m working on requests now! Be prepared for art throughout the day!

Literally out of nowhere random headcanon:

I headcanon that when Violet was born she came out on time after 9 months. Violet gave her mother your usual pregnancy pain n shit but when born she wasn’t crying. She didn’t come out crying but she sure came out definitely invisible. Dash was born 5 months early yet fully developed because of his speedy powers. Jack Jack is the one who caused Helen to gain some real weight in her breast and hips (mostly hips). Her pregnant belly would seem to look like it would get bigger a day but somehow smaller the next day. Everyone assumed it was just Helen’s powers malfunctioning they guessed but it was really Jack Jack “using” his growth abilities.

All of the births were done by a super who was a doctor specifically for supers.
