#the lost boys

LostGirl:I’m going to steal that chair from him one day


I’m going to steal that chair from him one day

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LostGirl:Tried wearing this out, I’ll give you one guess who made me change


Tried wearing this out, I’ll give you one guess who made me change

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Watching The Lost Boys

But I’m am obviously gonna stop it just right before the Frog Brothers enter the cave because beyond that line is nothing but pain and despair

Can’t get this image out of my head of Billy Hargove being apart of the lost boys. He would fit in so well but would clash with David alot.

Like don’t be surprised if you see me write Billy as a lost boy


The Creation of Marko’s Jacket

DAMNIT I lost your ask saved it as a draft and it fucking deleted itself I am so upset. BUT I did remember your user so I am tagging you in this post.


And to answer your ask thank you so much and I’m glad you like my work it means a lot to me.

Now I’m not a fashionita or anything but looking at Marko’s Jacket it seems like that Marko cut out patches from other jackets and sewed it onto his jacket. Which explains why I can see a patch that has a little fur on it.

His jacket looks like it was originally black and was leather. But over time he cut stuff out and added colorful patches it. The jacket obviously looks like it’s been through hell but you can very clearly tell that stuff was just added in.

I reckon he either got his jacket in the 50s or 60s. Or possibly the 40s as well. In some parts it does look ruggy but other parts look leathery as well. His jacket has in all haha. Soft patches, rough patches, leather patches, fur patches you name it. Thank you for you ask and I wish it didn’t glitch and deleted itself

Dating Dwayne would Include…..

This was requested by @justsomeomehere sorry it took so long! I just took a step back from tumblr for a little bit

  • Boyfriend of the year award goes go the one and only.
  • He can be just as crazy as the other boys can. But like a calm crazy if you know what I’m saying.
  • Is very in tune with your feelings and partically knows if something is wrong with you.
  • Takes you out on nice little dates like local diners,arcades,walks on the beach, or even having the cave all to himself for a while.
  • Dwayne is definitely likes to read so on some days you two don’t feel like going out he would read to you (and 99% of the time you fall asleep due to how soothing his voice sounds)
  • Getting close to Laddie and him seeing you as an older sibling/parent.
  • Warms Dwaynes heart to see you playing with Laddie,makes him fall in love with you even more.
  • Likes to hold eye contact with you.
  • Touch is his way of showing love.
  • He would hold your hand,backhug you,rest his head in your neck.
  • Loves to stay at the cave or at home and just watch movies on the TV they stolebought.
  • Leaves little poems for you to find.
  • If you are having a bad day he would just bring you in his arms and let you sob it out if you need to.
  • Listens to anything and everything you say. So if you mention something that you like, you bet your ass it’s gonna to appear right infront of you.
  • You guys rarely get into arguments,sure you will have some disagreements but yall won’t have a full on screaming match
  • If he makes you mad he would want to make up with you asap. But will give you space if you need it and will just sulk in the corner until you are ready to talk.
  • If by chance you make him made he will give you the silent treatment. And it will hurt seeing him give you the silent treatment. But you are rarely the source when he is mad so we all good.
  • Did I mention the sex? ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC the dick is definitely a 10 out of 10
  • Very sensual,and romantic sexy time with him BUT don’t underestimate him he can and will go rough with you
  • Definitely drinks from you but doesn’t take a lot.
  • When it came to telling you what he was he was SCARED
  • Like he was terrified that you would be scared of him and leave him.
  • It took a lot of courage for him to show/tell you. And he cried when you stayed with him anyway.
  • He doesn’t kill around you unless the situation calls for it (like hunters,other vampires,humans in general etc.)
  • Yall definitely have a place that only you two know about. Like a little paradise for you two.
  • Takes you on midnight rides on his bike.
  • Builds you a nest in the cave so you can spend the night and sleeps with you in it.
  • When you get sick he will worry,like a lot but since he has dealt with Laddie being sick he can help you feel better too:)
  • He hasn’t been human in a loooonnngg time so of course he is going to worry and be scared for a little bit. But he will try his best. He will go to the store and get what you need,and will make some home remedies that he remembers his mother used to give him when he got sick.
  • Laddie will help to since you have been with Dwayne long enough to help Laddie when he got sick
  • Laddie is such a sweet boy.
  • David will be suspicious of you in the beginning cuz he doesn’t want you to break Dwayne’s unbeating heart (it’s been broken before but we don’t talk about that-)
  • Which he tells him to back off a little bit (ciz David is fucking intimidating ok?)
  • You will get close to the boys and they will view you as a sister as time goes buy.
  • Then came the topic of you becoming a vampire
  • He would respect your wishes if you wanted to stay human but he would just be heartbroken knowing that kne day he would have to see you die.
  • It took you some time to think wheather or not you wanted to become a vampire.
  • But with Dwayne, living forever didn’t seem so bad :)
  • So when the time came you dranked from the bottle and had your first kill. Dwayne helped you eith your new reborn life.
  • There was times it was rough
  • But having Dwayne by your side made it 100 times better and completely worth it :)

Would they try Pegging?

I’ve been thinking about this for ages


  • Absolutely not
  • Look I’m sorry, but I just don’t see David trying out pegging
  • Like I just can’t picture it my guy‍♀️


  • It’s gonna take a lot of convincing for him to try it.
  • And it’s probably going to be a one time thing if he does try it. Probably a 50% chance he would like it.
  • Feel like he would be kind of silent with a grunt every now and then.


  • Like I can definitely see Paul trying it out
  • Probably will be the one who brings it up to you
  • Will moan and whimper. Don’t care who the he’ll hears him.
  • Will like it and will add it to yalls sex routine to spice it up cuz that’s just how Paul is.


  • Will try and but would want to be in charge.
  • So he would be on top.
  • Will whimper and moan like Paul but will be shy about it .
  • Hiding in your neck and shit.
  • Is surprised when he cums without being touched.
  • Is surprised with himself that he likes it and sex for yall will never be the same.
ohmy80s:The Lost Boys (1987)


The Lost Boys (1987)

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I know nobody else would even care but I really want a crossover between Dirk gently, specifically the Rowdy 3 and Amanda Brotzman with The Lost Boys. Like both are a quartet of feral punk vampires it just makes sense to me.

- Like they just be chilling in the cave Gripps be doing Pauls nails, Vogel is being taught how to handle pigeons by Marko.

- Beast And Laddy be bouncing around as the Rock box plays. Dwayne and cross drink beer whilst watching them to make sure nobody gets hurt.

- Star being a bit worried but happy to have Amanda to talk to about their experiences with their groups.

-David trying to do the food into bug trick on Martin and even after telling him his food is bugs Martin looking him dead in the eye and just eating it. Laughing afterwards telling him psychic shit don’t work on them and explaining the whole psychic vampire thing.

- At some point there would be at least one clothing swap and it is priceless.
