#trump scandals


You know that guy Jake Angeli from the storming of the capitol?

This guy? Yeah?

I think he’s a knobhead but his look is pretty sick. Well look at all his tattoos. They all have a Norse mythology theme, certainly the ones over his heart ie ‘paganism’.

How much of a radical Christian can you be with tattoos to another religion on full display? It just seems oddly inconsistent. ‍♂️

Blame the system. Blame the ideology. Blame those that uphold and support and voted for him.

China strikes again lol



Proud Boys

(From the song “Proud of Your Boy” from the 2011 Disney musical Aladdin.)……..FOR REAL!

Proud Boys




“no heterosexual brother of the Fraternity shall masturbate more than one time in any calendar month”.

(But Why?!)


Ideology: Primarily alt lite: Misogynistic, Islamophobic, transphobic and anti-immigration. Some members espouse white supremacist and anti-Semitic ideologies and/or engage with white supremacist groups.

Membership: Unknown, likely several hundred.

Notable characteristics: Members frequently wear black and yellow Fred Perry polo shirts.

Global footprint: Proud Boys have chapters in most states and several international chapters in Britain, Norway and Australia.

Membership: Controlled by local chapter leadership and subject to initiation rituals.

Tactics: Public rallies and protests. Members have been known to engage in violent tactics; several members have been convicted of violent crimes.

A True Patriot
