#the owl house hollow mind


Things I want to happen in Hollow Mind!

1: Huntlow! (Like let Hunter blush at the mention of Willow or something. Please Dana, gimme the crumbs.)

2: The Wittebane brother reveal.

3: The Wittebane brother name reveal, and it being Caleb.

4: Flapjack being alive. (Let the bird live!)

5: Collector lore!

6: Hunter and Luz finding out Belos is Philip.

7: Hunter discovers he’s a Grimwalker. (Sorry, Hunter.)

8: Lots of Belos and brother lore on earth and demon realm. I want to see their dynamic and backstory!

9: Hunter backstory (baby hunter?).

10: Some information on the Day of Unity and Hunter’s role in it.

11: Confirmed Wittebane and Clawthorne connection.

12: Hunter not leaving the Emperors Coven, but questioning its motifs. His trust in Belos is gone. (Just him being a step closer to his redemption arc.)

13: Wittebane brother not being a jerk, I want him to be nice and be an absolute dork.

14: Belos and Hunter confrontation! (Belos is going to remember everything what happened, like Willow did)

15: What happened to the Wittebane brother.

16: Some information on Belos’ curse.

17: Inner child Belos associating Hunter as his brother, and calling him brother. Being extra clingy to him.

18: Hunter wearing the sigil of the Golden Guard, Luz noticing that it is the Gravesfield symbol.

Silly prediction for Hollow Mind, because I want more Huntlow. Also because we need more Willow, Willow is the best.

During break, Hunter is video calling Willow. They have developed a crush on each other by now, and they’re blushing during their whole conversation. Sorry, it is how it is. I don’t make the rules. Hunter opens up to Willow about Belos, and how the segil of the Golden Guard prompts him to know more about their family history, and why he can’t do magic. But his uncle won’t tell him anything. Willow inspires Hunter to go into his uncle’s mind, and tells him the story of how Luz and Amity went into her mind, and that he might get answers there. Hunter thinks it’s a great idea.

During the ep, Willow suddenly starts to text Hunter, prompting Hunter to smile and blush. Of course, he got to text her back. Luz is suspicious, and quickly knows what’s up and starts teasing him. To Hunter’s great dismay. But Hunter quickly got saved by the plot, yay plot.

Bonus points if Hunter video calls Willow back at the end of Hollow Mind while having a break down. He opens up to Willow, and tells her what happened. Willow listens, and guides him through his break down.

Hollow Mind

Hahah that last The Owl House episode was something :’)))

Please don’t hurt Hunter, he is best boi

Managed to cram this into my absolutely overworked week just before the new ep. Hopefully nothing goes wrong, right ?

I’ve just noticed something. The picture in the center. Grimwalker’s drowning. A man is standing in the corner, it’s clearly Philip, his earliest outfit

This bitch is RIGHT NEXT TO HIM, my boy’s dying in a swamp? and Philip ABSOLUTELY can save him but this fucker just stands still and doesn’t even BOTHER TO BEND OVER OR SOMETHING I —
