#the penguin

A Cool Customer.A little caricature of the Penguin, dressed to impress, ready to talk business and w

A Cool Customer.A little caricature of the Penguin, dressed to impress, ready to talk business and welcome guest to the tables of the Iceberg Lounge. The only upset he expects on his opening night is Batman crashing the party and checking for dirty deals being done under the tables. 

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read a fic so good it had me punching drywall

read a fic so good it had me punching drywall

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the way i just want to keep watching the batman. it just such an aesthetically pleasing movie to watch, the cinema 10/10, the acting 50/10, the plot 100/10, robert put his whole batussy in this, paul put his whole riddussy in it too and man zoe fuck me zoe she was such a force to see on screen.

and oh my god the fucjing bat mobile i don’t know if i’m attracted ted to cars or what but that scene holy fucking moly was the most sexiest thing i’ve ever seen. like the upside down shot godddddddd

everyone else is freaking the f out over the new batman meanwhile i still suffer from gotham brainro

everyone else is freaking the f out over the new batman meanwhile i still suffer from gotham brainrot. smh

consider placing a commission! uwu

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EMERGENCY COMMISSIONSHello there! I got fired and I kinda gotta pay for groceries. You know how it i


Hello there! I got fired and I kinda gotta pay for groceries. You know how it is. 
If you have any pocket change to spare, please consider commissioning me! Likes & Reblogs are also appreciated.
You can contact me via e-mail at [email protected] , or tumblr messages!


Commission Information:

High Contrast:
Head: 9$
Part Body: 14$
Full Body: 19$

Head: 5$
Part Body: 10$
Full Body:15$

Flat Color:
Head: 7$
Part Body: 12$
Full Body: 17$

Head: 10$
Part Body: 15$
Full Body: 21$

More Info:
- additional characters: +5$ per character
- backgrounds: 5$ - 20$ depending on complexity
- nudity: 5$
- graphic sexual content: 15$
- WON’T DRAW: underage; lolita; noncon

Please contact me via e-mail: [email protected]
I only accept payment via PayPal.

Thank you for your attention. <3

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yall liked the 5 sec doodle i did of em making out how abt THIS

Jervis: I made dinner

Oswald: Ok And?

Jervis: You Uh…want some?

Oswald: I want to live, thanks

Jervis: Oh

Jonathan: Get out the fucking way I want some

Oswald: Brave soul


Harvey: Is Santa Claus real?

Jervis: Yes, I’ve seen him and heard him

Harvey: Easter bunny?

Jervis: Obviously

Harvey: Tooth fairy?

Jervis: You bet

Harvey: ….Unicorns?

Jervis: Yes! 

Oswald: Who’s gonna tell him?

Jonathan: Absolutely NO-ONE. If I find out anyone told him I’ll kidnap you and force-feed you fear toxin, you hear me?

Oswald:….Yes Of course…Dr.Crane


Drawing the boys smol. Also rewatching the series on HBOmax because I find em rad.


Ed: you’re disloyal, mean and kind of a bitch. It’s why no one likes you and you’re alone.

Oswald: I’m disloyal, mean and kind of a bitch. It’s why I’m alone.

Ed with tears in his eyes: You shut your fucking mouth. You’re a great friend and i’d die for you

What if the stars of the Hammer Horror films portrayed the villains on Batman 66?

New Penguin design

Made him a bit tubbier, gave him a ducky umbrella cuz I find it funny hehe ☂️

Starving for riddlebird (the batman 2022) content
