#saturday morning cartoons

“The Adventures of Muhammad Ali” (1977) animated series. “The Adventures of Muhammad Ali” (1977) animated series. 

“The Adventures of Muhammad Ali” (1977) animated series. 

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This was my final for my Advanced Drawing class. I wanted to focus on how much cartoons I watched as

This was my final for my Advanced Drawing class. I wanted to focus on how much cartoons I watched as a kid and how they impacted my life.

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They call me… Jack.

The life of a Samurai trying to destroy the evil demon is not for the faint of heart, but for Jack, it is what he has been training all his life for. Here he is slicing his way through the horrors and of the far-flung future and a world ruled by his adversary Aku.

Billy’s mind over matter

An exploratory piece of Power Rangers Fan Art depicting Billy Cranston, the original Blue Power Ranger from the 90’s Saturday Morning TV show. Following a similar process I did for the Trini image a while ago, with a dynamic Triceratops Zord in the background. I’ll admit it’s got some issues, like the Zord, but we all make mistake to learn from. Enjoy!

Snack time? A little caricatured bust of everyone’s favourite cowardly mystery solving great dane, S

Snack time? 

A little caricatured bust of everyone’s favourite cowardly mystery solving great dane, Scooby Doo. Enjoy!

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The Greatest Test.My little take on Ash and Pikachu about to face off with their next opponent to be

The Greatest Test.
My little take on Ash and Pikachu about to face off with their next opponent to become Pokemon Champion. For those of you with a keen eye for detail, I can confirm I have tweaked his original design here and there. From the logo on his hat to changing his jacket to a hoodie.

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He puts the Taz in … Just a simple Tasmanian Devil image from the Looney Tunes. With just a h

He puts the Taz in …

Just a simple Tasmanian Devil image from the Looney Tunes. With just a hint of Crash Bandicoot thrown in to add a little extra crazy to his character. Enjoy!

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It’s what I’m good for.A little caricature of Wargreymon from the world of Digimon, about to give a

It’s what I’m good for.

A little caricature of Wargreymon from the world of Digimon, about to give a display of why ‘War’ is in his name.

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For the Republic.Of all the Clone Commanders in the Grand Army of the Republic, none could out match

For the Republic.

Of all the Clone Commanders in the Grand Army of the Republic, none could out match Commander Cody’s strategic coordination of man and machine on the battlefront. Here we have him of the world of Utapau, keeping the bulk of the Separatists Droid forces occupied. While his Jedi General Master Kenobi chases down General Grivous to bring an end to the Clone War.

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A Cool Customer.A little caricature of the Penguin, dressed to impress, ready to talk business and w

A Cool Customer.A little caricature of the Penguin, dressed to impress, ready to talk business and welcome guest to the tables of the Iceberg Lounge. The only upset he expects on his opening night is Batman crashing the party and checking for dirty deals being done under the tables. 

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Any fans of the Pirates of Dark Water out there? My buddy and I just launched the first 3 episodes of our new podcast, aptly titled The Podcast of Dark Water, dedicated to this forgotten Saturday morning cartoon. Join us every Monday as we discuss the show episode by episode and discover just what a treasure this show was. It’s high adventure on the Podcast of Dark Water! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-podcast-of-dark-water/id1458917031

 TMNT + Toxic Crusader. I was surprised these green goofballs never teamed up over the years, so her

TMNT + Toxic Crusader. I was surprised these green goofballs never teamed up over the years, so here ya go :)

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TRICK MOON, my short for CN, is up!!

If you love fun, colorful Saturday morning cartoon vibes and cute animals, this one’s for you! Please share, and be sure to tell CN if you want more!

#trick moon    #trickshot    #pocket    #cartoon    #cartoon network    #animation    #saturday morning cartoons    #wolves    #funny animal    #adventure    

Saturday Morning Cartoons // Halloween Edition 10am EST today || All ages friendly server : https://discord.gg/wVMMbmQw

My cover of the theme song of The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is my most viewed YouTube video.

Perhaps the only success I’ll find on Youtube is covering 90s shows theme songs :///…

TEMPERANCE“Everything in moderation, including moderation.” - Oscar WildeAfter the massi


“Everything in moderation, including moderation.” - Oscar Wilde

After the massive change in perspective (Hanged Man) and all the endings and changes that creates (Death), it’s time to balance out and find the stability in your life, so enter the Temperance card. This card denotes finding that comfortable, healing center so that you can restore harmony in your life. It points to the need to balance two opposing forces, combining the best of them so that you can center your mind and heart. Thus, it’s a very healing card, one that reminds us to have patience in order to reach that equilibrium (if you’ve ever seen a scale balance, you know it takes a little while for things to level out as the scales wibble-wobble for a bit). This card points to peace and tranquility being found once you find that happy middle ground and figure out who you are after that adjustment.  

::Who’s Who On This Card::

1.Astrid Magnussen from White Oleander - White Oleander is a movie about a young woman who is shuffled from foster home to foster home after her mother is put in jail. She loses her compass during all this turmoil, taking on a different personality in each home in order to fit in. By the end though, she’s gone through a major healing process and stands in a room where there is an art display of a bunch of different suitcases, each one with mementos of a different home and a different life she lived there, but she stands in the center, fully having integrated all of these different personalities into herself in order to find her center in them all. The holds onto the most important parts of herself and transforms into this beautiful mixture, a perfectly balanced moderation.

2.Zotoh Zhaan from Farscape - After Zotoh Zhaan was put in prison for murder, she turned to meditation in order to facilitate her healing and keep the wild side of herself in check. Even though her dark impulses never fully went away, she was able to hold balance our her emotions and became one of the most compassionate and wisest of the Farscape crew. It’s this kind of peaceful equilibrium that the Temperance card points to in a reading, and finding that calm center so that you can stabilize.

3.Grey Jedi from Star Wars Extended Universe - In the original movies, you were either a good Jedi or a vile Sith, but in the extended universe of the Star Wars books and comics, there was a sect called the Grey Jedi, who sought to find the balance between the two and live in that gray middle area, bringing together those opposites like the Temperance card likes us to do. As their code states, “There must be both dark and light. I will do what I must to keep the balance, as the balance is what holds all life. There is no good without evil, but evil must not be allowed to flourish. There is passion, yet peace; serenity, yet emotion; chaos, yet order. I am a wielder of the flame; a champion of balance. I am a guardian of life. I am a Gray Jedi.”

4.Wei Wei from Stick It - Technically, this could be any gymnast out there on the balance beam, but Stick It is one of my favorite gymnastics movies. A gymnast has to have both grace and strength to stay stable up there and keep their balance, which I think is a good lesson the Temperance card leaves us with– it takes a lot of dexterity to find the eye of the storm sometimes, to not let those little frustrations in life knock us off balance. But when you become an adept gymnast in life, temperance and moderation becomes easier.

5.The Beast from Beauty And The Beast - When the Beast first meets Belle, his actions and emotions are way too strong, he feels that force is the way to get what he wants and doesn’t care if his anger is off the chart loud and in people’s faces. But when he starts to fall for her, Belle changes him and he learns to not come off so harshly. That anger inside him starts to heal, resulting in a sense of inner calm that allows him to have more patience and moderate his behavior. In turn, Belle makes compromises herself, like forgoing silverware so everyone can eat together gracefully.

6.Franklin Dudikoff from Recess - This was only one episode of a Saturday morning cartoon show, but it always kind of stuck with me. In it, there was a new student teacher trying to find his footing in his field. When he first came into the classroom, he billed himself as Mr. Dudikoff, a very stuffy and nervous new teacher, who was trying to fit the mold of what a “teacher” should look and act like. But that wasn’t working. So he switched to calling himself The Dude, let the kids play all day and didn’t give them any rules or discipline. Again, that failed miserably. So after talking to the Recess kids, he realized he was going to the extremes when he could instead combine them into the perfect mixture– hence the creation of Mr. Dude, a fun guy who was able to add his fun side to his more serious teacher side, really gaining the kid’s approval, respect and finding a great way to teach them in a creative and fun way. Temperance is all about finding that happy balance in between extremes.

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