#the sabbats


Ways to Celebrate Mabon - the Autumn Equinox

Take a walk in nature to observe the transition of the seasons

Gather fall leaves, acorns, creek stones, and mushrooms

Gratitude journaling

Host a bonfire with music & dancing

Have a potluck or feast with loved ones

Hang up plants & herbs to dry

Practice ancestor veneration

Give offerings to your God or deities

Works of charity — give to others

Rituals for prosperity, protection, and power

Bake bread or fruit pies

Honor the Harvest Moon

Decorate your altar to honor and highlight the season

Visit an orchard or vineyard

Use grapes and apples in your spellwork

Pray or set intention for a bountiful harvest, new opportunities, and protection of your blessings

Pyromancy and fire rites

More detailed tips and info about the Autumn Equinox HERE


How I Celebrate Samhain

Colors: orange, purple, mustard yellow, red, black

  • Orange- excitement, courage, motivation, confidence, stimulation
  • Purple- dreams, psychic abilities, fear, memories, divination, harmony, wisdom
  • Mustard yellow- knowledge, generosity, cultivation, success, abundance
  • Red- death, passion, lust, anger, action, impulsiveness
  • Black- chaos, renewal, release, transformation, instinct, self-indulgence, beginnings, endings

Herbs and spices: black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg

  • Black pepper- chaos, and cursing.
  • Cinnamon- passion, excitement, and lust.
  • Cloves- comfort, maturity, and domesticity
  • Cardamom- action, and forcefulness
  • Nutmeg- patience and strong familial  bonds

Food and beverages: pumpkin pastries and beverages, pumpkin seeds, maple syrup, pomegranates, apples, candy, squash, apple cider, candy, rosehips

Crystals: fancy jasper, Mookaite Jasper, honey calcite, amethyst, onyx

  • Fancy Jasper- death, chaos, and cursing.
  • Mookaite Jasper- confidence, courage, wisdom, cultivation, action
  • Honey Calcite- knowledge and success
  • Amethyst- dreams, psychic abilities, and divination
  • Onyx- chaos, instinct, and transformation

Plants: gourds, dead leaves, pumpkins, chrysanthemum

  • Gourds- pride, protection, cultivation, and restrictions
  • Dead leaves- death, and destruction
  • Pumpkins- excitement, courage, expression, and abundance
  • Chrysanthemum:
  • Purple- Fear
  • Red- Impulsiveness
  • Orange- Frustration
  • Yellow- Victory

Weather associations: Wind

  • The cool wind on Samhain reminds us of the coming darkness as it shifts the fallen leaves. Wind magic is amazing to do during this time of year. Do a ceremony asking the shifting winds to not only take away the negative thoughts and feeling from the past year but ask them to also bring you new positive things. Make an offering to the air element using fallen leaves. Or simply just take time to appreciate the wind.

Animal associations: bats, black cats, owls, spiders( and other creepy bugs), crows, rats

Happy Samhain!


Samhain Altar Tips

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! For many Witches, that is… Samhain is the holiday which follows Mabon (another wonderfully welcoming Autumn Sabbat)! It is during this time in which the veil is thinnest, sparking an aura of mystery in the air. The atmosphere is filled with exciting and potent energies; invoking inspiration, gratitude, and the desire for deep inner change. Honor those who have passed by creating an altar dedicated to Samhain!

Ideas for Objects:

Colors:Oranges, reds, golds, blacks, yellows, and browns. Incorporate these colors into the candles, leaves, statues, stones, photos, fabrics, or flowers you use!

Candles:Try scents that go with the season; like pumpkin spice, apple, and cinnamon, just to name a few. ~ :-)

Incense:Choose scents that invoke mysterious and warming vibes, such an Myrhh, Frankincense, or Potchouli. Oils work just as well, too!

Crystals:Smoky quartz, black obsidian, amber, clear quartz, and ruby are just a few wonderful options to consider for stones!

Divination Objects: Acknowledge the cycle of life and death by displaying your most loved divination tools/photos of these tools! This may include pendulums, ouija boards or planchettes, tarot cards or decks, a scrying mirror, or runes.

Imagery:Skulls and skeletons should be the obvious choices! Many Witches like to decorate for their Samhain celebrations by displaying them and other Halloween staples - ghosts, witches, and black cats! Try also to incorporate feathers and/or bones/horns (if real, than gathered humanely/from beings who died of natural causes).

Nature:Bring the outside, inside! Gather fallen leaves and sticks, and put together or purchase a bouquet filled with colors of the season. (Fake plants and leaves work perfectly, also)!

Food:Leave offerings for those who have passed. A basket of apples, gourds, corn, nuts, and pumpkins is a wonderful idea, as is a special goblet of wine or freshly-baked bread.

Deities: If you worship dieties, why not incorporate them into your sacred space? Add statues or photos of Gods and Goddesses such as Hecate, Hades, Anubis, and Freya!

Sentimental Things: If you choose to honor specific fallen family members or friends, think about getting a little sentimental! Include photos of them, notes or letters, special objects they loved, or their favourite foods. If you do not have any of these things, consider playing some of their favourite music or writing them a letter and placing it somewhere special in your altar.

Hoping that this guide is useful to those who plan on celebrating! Have a wonderful Halloween/Dia De Los Muertos/Samhain, and stay witchy!


                                 Change, Courage, Healing

Celebration:Samhain - October 31st

Moon: Blood Moon, Harvest Moon*, Hunting Moon, Wine Moon

Colours:Red, orange, brown, dark green, black, blue, purple

Decoration: Pumpkins, black candles, white candles.

Flowers: chrysanthemums, soapwort.

Trees:Oak, red maple

Crystals: Tourmaline, opal, aquamarine, garnet, morganite, sapphire.

Animals:Goose, kingfisher, bat, spiders.

Food: Acorns, pumpkins, corn, grains, pear, apples, tangerines, seeds, nuts.

Spells: Change, letting go, memories, courage, healing, inspiration, divination, stability.

*October is the last harvest month, so gather all your herbs, fruits and start making preparations for the winter,

October, the spookiest month of the year! Start carving pumpkins and decorate for Halloween / Samhain !


Samhain - the festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter
