#pagan sabbats


Ways to Celebrate Mabon - the Autumn Equinox

Take a walk in nature to observe the transition of the seasons

Gather fall leaves, acorns, creek stones, and mushrooms

Gratitude journaling

Host a bonfire with music & dancing

Have a potluck or feast with loved ones

Hang up plants & herbs to dry

Practice ancestor veneration

Give offerings to your God or deities

Works of charity — give to others

Rituals for prosperity, protection, and power

Bake bread or fruit pies

Honor the Harvest Moon

Decorate your altar to honor and highlight the season

Visit an orchard or vineyard

Use grapes and apples in your spellwork

Pray or set intention for a bountiful harvest, new opportunities, and protection of your blessings

Pyromancy and fire rites

More detailed tips and info about the Autumn Equinox HERE

Mabon apple twist bread

More mabon goodies!!! This is something I devised while looking at various recipes and having a apples that needed to be used up. I think it turned out fairly well.

7 apples - fertility/abundance

4 cans of pillsbury crescent rolls

1tspVanilla extract- beauty/self love

2tbs Ground nutmeg-prosperity/luck

1tbs Ground cloves-prosperity/good relationships

3tbs Cinnamon-happiness/wealth

½ Crushed Walnuts-protection/empowerment

2/3 cup butter ( used vegan butter but dairy works fine) -tenacity/nurturing

1 cup sugar (preferably brown but white works fine)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Dice apples into bite size peices

then add apples, nutmeg, sugar, cloves, butter, cinnamon, and vanilla extract into pan

Keep them on medium until apples are soft.

(My stove was right between 4-3. And

it took 5-10 minutes till they were soft)

Open up the pillyberry dough and take out a single triangle from each one

(This will be used to patch up while we’re the apples break through if your like me and over stuff them)

Take the remaining dough and roll them into four separate balls

Roll out the balls into basically dough lines

Load up each line with the soft apples

Then pull on the sides to fill and create long dough filled apple things

Repeat for each ball of dough using the dough you pulled out to patch wholes along the way

Put non stick stuff into your pan (I just brush mine with olive oil)

Twist two lines of dough into a braid like thing

And repeat with the other two

Then brush over both twists with left over goop from the apples

Sprinkle on the crushed walnuts and bake for 30-35 minutes

Super easy Pumkin Muffins For Mabon

I figured I’d post this bc Mabon is fast approaching and these legit take like 10 minutes of actual work and are yummy.

Psa these are vegan friendly if you use a vegan cake mix and dark chocolate chips. I’m vegan myself and use Duncan Hines white and spice cake mixes and enjoy life’s dark chocolate chips.

¾ tsp Cinnamon - happiness/wealth

½ tsp Cloves prosperity/good relationships

½ tsp Nutmeg prosperity/luck

1 tsp Vanilla extract beauty/self love

15oz Can of Pumpkin- protection

Box of vanilla or spice cake mix


1 cup crushed Walnuts (or really any nuts you like) -protection/empowerment

1 to ½ cup chocolate chips

Dark chocolate (what I use) - grounding/fertility

Milk chocolate- balance/comfort

Preheat oven to temp it says on the cake box.

Mix everything into a bowl

Spray muffin tin with cooking spray stuff

Bake for 15-20 minutes

Merry & Blessed Imbolc

Many different ways to celebrate today. Imbolc, first day of February 2022.

Blessed Beltane to you all

I hope you all have a wonderful Beltane. Here is a little post with a few ideas to celebrate the day.

Happy May Day and Blessed Beltane!

brightest of blessings for Imbolc,

May the stirring of life underground stir new dreams into life within you. May the flames of inspiration and new growth be ignited within your Being.
