#autumn days


Ways to Celebrate Mabon - the Autumn Equinox

Take a walk in nature to observe the transition of the seasons

Gather fall leaves, acorns, creek stones, and mushrooms

Gratitude journaling

Host a bonfire with music & dancing

Have a potluck or feast with loved ones

Hang up plants & herbs to dry

Practice ancestor veneration

Give offerings to your God or deities

Works of charity — give to others

Rituals for prosperity, protection, and power

Bake bread or fruit pies

Honor the Harvest Moon

Decorate your altar to honor and highlight the season

Visit an orchard or vineyard

Use grapes and apples in your spellwork

Pray or set intention for a bountiful harvest, new opportunities, and protection of your blessings

Pyromancy and fire rites

More detailed tips and info about the Autumn Equinox HERE

Autumn Leaves and Lime Crime Penny Lips…I’ve been stumbling upon these brooches for a w

Autumn Leaves and Lime Crime Penny Lips…
I’ve been stumbling upon these brooches for a while and before I knew it, I had enough to start sprucing up my scraggly old jumper…
Have you ever made any accidental collections…?

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