#theo raekan imagine


I Wish

Pairing: Theo Raeken x Fem!reader 

Summary: Theo comes and visits you after all the bad things he did. You just wish things would have ended different. 

Word count: 1,362

Warnings: angst

Authors Note: i really hope you enjoy this because i am really proud of this one <3


You remember the first time you met him. The first time you fell for him. Theodore Raeken came into your world and automatically changed it for the better. He became everything to you. He was funny, mysterious, and incredibly handsome. But the only problem was the relationship, it was all based on lies. His first lie was about what he was. He said he was a werewolf. Then he lied about what he wanted, which was a pack to join.

After everything that he had done to you, you still loved him. You knew it was wrong, but you couldn’t help it. You wanted to stop loving him but all you can think about was how much he hurt you and your pack, how much pain and suffering he brought.

It was two days after Theo tried to kill Scott and betrayed everyone. The pack hasn’t been together for a while. You only have talked to Stiles and Scott because you were the closes with them and you knew that no matter what happened between everyone, that you will always be with them and have their backs.

You were currently in your room. You just got back from the hospital from visiting Stiles’s dad. His dad was like a dad to you since you lost your dad at such a young age. You were at the hospital all day just talking to the Sheriff. It was a long day and you were so tired and ready to go to bed. You already put on your pajama shorts and a random t-shirt you stolen from Scott.

You walked into your bathroom connected to your bedroom and put your hair up in a messy ponytail to take off your makeup when you heard a noise coming from your room. You walked out of the bathroom and saw someone opening the window and climb halfway into your room. You got scared and didn’t know who would come to your house so late, so you grab your baseball bat that was next to your Stiles gave you for protection.

The mystery person fully entered your room, with their back towards you. You put the baseball bat over your shoulder, getting in defense mode and ready to attack. But then the person turned around, facing you, and you saw their face.

“Theo?” You said shocked. You didn’t expect to see him again after everything that happened. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I came to see you.” He responded with a cheeky smile.


“Why not? I can’t see my girlfriend”

“No.” You said angrily. You were mad that he really thought that things were gonna be fine between the two of you. “I’m not your girlfriend.”

“What do you mean? If I remember clearly, you said yes when I asked you to be my girlfriend.”

“If I remember clearly, you killed Scott, almost killed Stiles’s dad and Malia, and you ruined our pack and killed your own. So no, I’m not your girlfriend anymore. You used me just to get to Scott and made me believe that you actually cared about me.” You put your bat down, next to your desk again. You then face him, and you can feel your eyes starting to water.

“I actually did care about you. I wasn’t meant to fall in love with you.” He slowly started walking closer to you.

“I don’t believe you.” You said sadly. “How can I when you did all these horrible things to me and the people I love, and still say that you love me?”

“I had to. I had no choice.” He was right in front of you. You can smell his cologne. It reminds you of those late nights where you both stayed up late talking and cuddling with him. All you want to do is reach out and kiss him until you both can’t breathe.

“What do you mean you had no choice? You always have a choice.”

“Not this time.” He put his hand on your cheek while looking down into your eyes. “I wanted to hurt you. I wasn’t supposed to falling love, but it just happened.”

“What do you mean you weren’t supposed to? You’re the one who asked me out?”

“The dread doctors told me to find a way to get close to Scott and find an easier way to get into his pack. So I thought about what was the best way to get closer to Scott than his best friend. Stiles didn’t trust me and you were always so nice to me, so I asked you out. But the more we went out, the more I fall for you. I knew it was wrong and I wanted to stop it, but I just couldn’t get you out of my head. I knew I had to let you go eventually, but I guess it was too late, and I already hurt you.” Everything he said to you was true. You meant the world to him.

“So, you did use me to get into the pack. I shouldn’t have known you just weren’t looking for a pack.” He can see the tears coming down your face, and that broke his heart knowing that he is the one who caused those tears and brought you heartbreak. “Do you even love me? Was our whole relationship a lie?”

“Yes, I did love you. Don’t ever think I didn’t love you.” He put his other hand on your other cheek while wiping away your tears. “In the beginning, it was a lie. But the more I got to know you, the more I fell. I wanted to spend every second with you, telling you how much I love you.”

“But you lied to me. You used me.” You hurt and he knew that, and there was nothing he can do to stop that. “I don’t know how you expect everything to be ok.”

“I don’t. I was just wanted to see you one last time and tell you the truth about everything.”

“Well, you did, and now I know. So you can leave now.” You looked down at the floor and pushed his hands away from your face. “I wish you were different. I wish you had do the right thing, then maybe we could have been together. We could have been happy, but you had to selfish.”

“I’m sorry. I really am.” You knew he was, but it was too late. “I hope one day you can forgive me and we can finally be together and be happy.”

“I don’t know if I can forgive you.” You wiped another tear that was running down your face. “Maybe one day. But I don’t think that day is gonna come anytime soon.”

“I understand. Its probably for the better.”

“Yea, it probably is.” You look back up at him and you see a single tear falling from his eye. “You should probably go.”

He nods after you say that. He turns to walk to the window on the opposite side of the room. He opens the window and right before he goes through it, he turns and looks at you for s second, probably for the last time.

“You know I really did love you, and I wish things were different. But there not and that’s ok. I will always love you and I will always do my best to protect you and make sure your safe, even if you don’t want me to.” He then goes through the window and shuts it close, and goes down to his car.

You go to the window and see him drive away in his car. You then go sit on the edge of your bed and think about everything that has happened. You wish you didn’t fall for him, you wish you never met and you wish you can forget him. But after everything, you couldn’t and you knew that was your fault because you were to nice to him and you gave him the benefit of the doubt. You just wish he would do to the right thing in the end and be together, but you knew that wasn’t gonna happen.

join my taglist and my request are open!


I just made this and I can’t unsee it. Liam really regretted his words at that point

Thiam fans, check this out

Stiles: Wow, your legs look great in those jeans!

Derek: You should see me without ‘em


Scott: *laughs*

Lydia: *giggle*


Liam: *confused* …why would you take off your legs?

Cora: *rolls eyes*

Derek: *laughs*

Theo: …I’m gonna tell him.



It’s not brilliant but I made it, show some love ❤
