#they are the cutest



Ok. So. I’ve split this chapter. It was about to get very long so I thought you might like an update a little sooner rather than later. I also liked the idea of building a little bit of suspense *shoulder dance*



Rowan was on his way out of work and he was more than ready to head home, but he had a feeling he should stop by Lorcan’s office first just to make sure his boss had given him Wednesday evening off. Rowan wasn’t in tomorrow, and Lorcan wasn’t the most communicative person over the phone but Rowan was still a little surprised when he didn’t receive an answer to his text. Wednesday evenings for the next four weeks were taken up but Aelin’s prenatal classes, and Rowan was determined to keep his word and go.

Knocking on the open door Lorcan looked up and Rowan stepped into the office. “Just wanted to make sure you’ve covered my Wednesday evening shift.”

“What, why?” Lorcan said, crossing his arms.

“We’ve got the birthing classes starting this week,” Rowan explained matter of factly. “I texted you about it a few days ago.”

Lorcan’s brow furrowed as if he was about about to contradict him but then his face went a bit slack and he rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry, I may have been a bit… busy with something in that moment.”

It was Rowan who crossed his arms this time, the makings of a knowing smirk on his lips. “Busy, huh? Should I tell Elide you referred to her as something?”

“Shut it,” Lorcan said. Just at that moment Connall walked past. “Con, come in for a sec.”

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A lil post-No Way Home fan art to soothe your aching soul

  • Artwork by happyaspie
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