

New Product Release

Crampless is an herbal blend that I created for those of you who suffer from menstrual cramps and PMS. I really felt moved to create this blend because too many women around me are suffering every month and I want to help them have a positive connection with their period. I’ve had my little sister crying and paralyzed in pain and watch a close friend of my almost faint when her period kicked in. This blend was designed to reduce inflammation, premenstrual syndrome, tone the uterus, and help you cramp less. You take crampless a few days before the onset of the menstrual cycle and stop on the 3rd day.

To celebrate the launch I’m having a sale because I want everyone to feel good. Use coupon code “womb” for 30% off.

To purchase go to https://www.yesbabyilikeitraw.com/products/crampless-herbal-blend
