#toa game night


Jim: You lying, cheating @&X!&?/X&@! F'ing $@&!$X%£¥}!!!!

Claire: F'k you Jim! You backstabbing tyrant asshole!

Douxie, absolutely aghast at the words coming out of Jim’s mouth: Uhhhhh….. where did Jim learn to curse in Draconic?

Archie: Who thought a game of Risk was a good idea after what happened with Monopoly?? You know Risk is even worse!

Strickler, side eying Claire: Yeah… I admit this was not my best idea… Young Atlas, perhaps you sh…

Jim: F'ing Back off Strickler!

Archie: Uhmmmmmm Douxie?? Maybe we should break this up…..

Douxie, noticing Claires eyes: Oh fuzzbuckets….

I had a thought…. since monopoly gone wrong has been done and banned already. what if… Strickler introduces the team to Risk (which he has never lost) hedging on his many years as a spy, strategist, history teacher, and head of the Janus Order to give him the upper hand, only to forget about how competitive Claire can be, and even more shocking… finding out dear, sweet, good boy, make enemies into friends/family Jim is an absolutely ruthless cutthroat tyrant hellbent on (board game) world domination.

Don’t worry though, in my head, this ends in one of those anger turned to well… you know… make out sessions… where the angry parties get closer and closer and suddenly kissing, like happens in the movies, totally oblivious to the fact that other people are still there and embarrassing everyone.

Fun fact, as this is Strickler’s game, I figured he bought it new when it first came out, so I did the original 1950’s aqua box.

Bonus closeups below
