#douxie casperan



Also TOA fans who have seen the trailer for Rise of the Titans, because the Titans have in fact risen, it most likely means that Nari was taken by the Order and then that also means that Douxie unfortunately failed to protect her. And If the movie opens with that I will cry.

I feel like it most likely will. And if it will, I’ll gladly join us


Hi@forthegloryofdragons! I’m your Secret Santa for the @toa-secret-santa event! At this point it probably looks more like a New Year present, but Merry Christmas anyway and I hope you spent nice festivities!

Here we go with some Jlaire and our favorite punk wizard! ❤❤

Summary: Peace is momentary in their lives but when they get it, they enjoy it as much as they can.
Dessert is always welcomed.

Also on the AO3

Keep reading

Oh my god I LOVE IT! Thank you so much! I love this whole concept of Christmas in July and that you really went all out with the fluff between Jlaire and Douxie. It’s beautiful. I don’t have the words for it. Thank you! Happy New Year to you as well, and I suppose a belated Merry Christmas!


Douxie: Look, here’s my impression of you.

Douxie, with a half assed Californian accent: I like my tea iced, dude.

Jim: I don’t say that!

Douxie continuing: I don’t use the metric system!


Jim: You lying, cheating @&X!&?/X&@! F'ing $@&!$X%£¥}!!!!

Claire: F'k you Jim! You backstabbing tyrant asshole!

Douxie, absolutely aghast at the words coming out of Jim’s mouth: Uhhhhh….. where did Jim learn to curse in Draconic?

Archie: Who thought a game of Risk was a good idea after what happened with Monopoly?? You know Risk is even worse!

Strickler, side eying Claire: Yeah… I admit this was not my best idea… Young Atlas, perhaps you sh…

Jim: F'ing Back off Strickler!

Archie: Uhmmmmmm Douxie?? Maybe we should break this up…..

Douxie, noticing Claires eyes: Oh fuzzbuckets….

I had a thought…. since monopoly gone wrong has been done and banned already. what if… Strickler introduces the team to Risk (which he has never lost) hedging on his many years as a spy, strategist, history teacher, and head of the Janus Order to give him the upper hand, only to forget about how competitive Claire can be, and even more shocking… finding out dear, sweet, good boy, make enemies into friends/family Jim is an absolutely ruthless cutthroat tyrant hellbent on (board game) world domination.

Don’t worry though, in my head, this ends in one of those anger turned to well… you know… make out sessions… where the angry parties get closer and closer and suddenly kissing, like happens in the movies, totally oblivious to the fact that other people are still there and embarrassing everyone.

Fun fact, as this is Strickler’s game, I figured he bought it new when it first came out, so I did the original 1950’s aqua box.

Bonus closeups below

Lake family game night goes very wrong.

Jim: You lying, cheating @&X!&?/X&@! F'ing $@&!$X%£¥}!!!!

Claire: F'k you Jim! You backstabbing tyrant asshole!

Douxie, absolutely aghast at the words coming out of Jim’s mouth: Uhhhhh….. where did Jim learn to curse in Draconic?

Archie: Who thought a game of Risk was a good idea after what happened with Monopoly?? You know Risk is even worse!

Strickler, side eying Claire: Yeah… I admit this was not my best idea… Young Atlas, perhaps you sh…

Jim: F'ing Back off Strickler!

Archie: Uhmmmmmm Douxie?? Maybe we should break this up…..

Douxie, noticing Claires eyes: Oh fuzzbuckets….

I had a thought…. since monopoly gone wrong has been done and banned already. what if… Strickler introduces the team to Risk (which he has never lost) hedging on his many years as a spy, strategist, history teacher, and head of the Janus Order to give him the upper hand, only to forget about how competitive Claire can be, and even more shocking… finding out dear, sweet, good boy, make enemies into friends/family Jim is an absolutely ruthless cutthroat tyrant hellbent on (board game) world domination.

Don’t worry though, in my head, this ends in one of those anger turned to well… you know… make out sessions… where the angry parties get closer and closer and suddenly kissing, like happens in the movies, totally oblivious to the fact that other people are still there and embarrassing everyone.

Fun fact, as this is Strickler’s game, I figured he bought it new when it first came out, so I did the original 1950’s aqua box.

Bonus closeups below


There I did a Galavant x Wizards thing a year late


Here is a sweet little Zouxie moment! I kind of imagined Douxie & Zoe took a rare moment off to just sit at a park somewhere & just quietly observe ppl, muse on life maybe, or maybe they’re at one of Steve’s varsity games (cuz big bro D is sweet supportive Bebe) And Zoe gets an affectionate hand smooch goodyyy, enjoy!


Douxie and Zoe at the beach with the ToA kids! I actually have this written out as a short comic, on the to do list of Zouxie fanart shenanigans :) might have some angst in there too anyhoo enjoy Douxie’s mischief I love Steve, bestest boi


Forgot to post this here!! It’s THEMM


Power couple bebeesss

tenyai: Oh well hello there my bebes


Oh well hello there my bebes

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Merry Christmas @aethling ! I was your Secret Santa for the @toa-secret-santa exchange! You requested some Douxie and Troll Jim being bros/bonding, so I hope you enioy what I came up with! Hope you had fantastic holidays and thanks to the mods in the TOA Secret Santa for organizing this!


Been drawing Troll Jim almost exclusively for so long I realized I didnt know how to properly draw Jim, so did a few sketches and explorations of human Jim post-Wizards! Still dont feel like I quite got him in my style yet but feeling happy with the direction so far. Almost there!

TROLLHUNTERS   ROTT Prediction #24To all you Trollhunters ~ Thank you so much for loving these charaTROLLHUNTERS   ROTT Prediction #24To all you Trollhunters ~ Thank you so much for loving these chara

TROLLHUNTERS   ROTT Prediction #24

To all you Trollhunters ~ Thank you so much for loving these characters

This is the last prediction drawing for ToA. Really I can’t thank you enough for coming on this journey with me, sending me the most heartfelt suggestions and loving this cast of incredible misfits
Thank you so much to @sillywafflefries for this prediction

| For more ToA drawings visit my tumblr
| This is not canon

I definitely will still be doing ToA art whenever I get a chance

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Aja, Eli, and Krel have been added into the outfit swap!if you have any suggestions, please suggest Aja, Eli, and Krel have been added into the outfit swap!if you have any suggestions, please suggest

Aja, Eli, and Krel have been added into the outfit swap!

if you have any suggestions, please suggest them on my twitter (capsulect)

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Outfit swap I’m doing over on my twitter

Fluffy haired boys ❤️

You can’t tell me that Zoe hasn’t caught douxie vibing and blackmailed him with it later on.


Here’s my finished piece for the @douxiezine !! It was an honor to be a part of this project alongsiHere’s my finished piece for the @douxiezine !! It was an honor to be a part of this project alongsiHere’s my finished piece for the @douxiezine !! It was an honor to be a part of this project alongsiHere’s my finished piece for the @douxiezine !! It was an honor to be a part of this project alongsi

Here’s my finished piece for the @douxiezine !! It was an honor to be a part of this project alongside so many talented artists!

I really enjoyed drawing Douxie and his friends celebrating with a well-deserved party at his new apartment after the events of Wizards!

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douxiezine: Pre-orders for Fuzzbuckets: A Douxie Zine are NOW OPEN until May 15th! Visit our post fo


Pre-orders for Fuzzbuckets: A Douxie Zine are NOW OPEN until May 15th! Visit our post for more information about the zine, and follow us for updates!!

Today we have a preview of our sticker sheet! These rad stickers were designed by @nadbov and is included in the Wizard Associate, Spellcaster, and Master Wizard tiers

Oh here’s the preview for the stickers I made for the zine too! Cant wait to get these printed and stick em all over EVERYTHING

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Hey everybody….been a while…eh? ಥ_ಥ sorry for disappearing for like….a…month..now ✧*。٩(ΠᗜΠ*)و✧*。
