


When you’re learning a language, you would often like to also learn something of the corresponding culture. However one thing that I always find hard to find resources on is the children’s part of the culture. Which is sad, because I think that the media you come in touch with as a kid shapes you for a big part. Yet I can’t find much more about Swedish children’s media than Pippi Longstocking.

I would like to make some posts about Dutch and Flemish media meant for kids that most people born from 1990-2005 (my and my sisters age group) will probably know. Because everyone of this age will expect you to know K3 and other Studio 100 things, probably a couple of Kinderen voor Kinderen songs and Jip en Janneke.

I would like to ask Dutch speaking people here to come up with suggestions for what I should include. So please send me an ask or react to this post and maybe indicate if you’re Dutch or Flemish. I’m thinking of making 3 or 4 posts in the categories music, books, and tv and film (and possible a category other).

Thanks Erik & Thijs for the energy! #runrun #bar #justnuts #energy #working #busy #day #food #Hi

Thanks Erik & Thijs for the energy! #runrun #bar #justnuts #energy #working #busy #day #food #Hi #nuts #fruit #amsterdam #sweet #todolist #home #dinner #cooking

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There is this a peculiar set of reasons and biases when it comes to NOT commenting on AO3.

They are all false, but here they are:

  • Do not comment on old fics
  • Do not comment on each chapter of a multichapter
  • Do not comment if the author left the fandom
  • Do not comment if the author doesn’t respond to comments


It comes from the idea, that if you leave a comment on my old work, or leave too many comments, I will think you are strange, clingy, and gross.

Readers are imagining it as commenting on an old Facebook photo — only your granny and creepy strangers do that.

That is not the case with AO3.

Writers put their works there for long-term storage, and we expect, wish, and hope that you will like our works and tell us about it.

This all very interesting, not, but why should I care?

This has awful consequences.  Fanfic authors feel constant pressure to create more and crippling fear of being forgotten, useless, and being literally kicked away from fandom.

I’m online friends with a few great fandom authors, who wrote storied with thousands of kudos, but ALL of them at some point expressed this fear. Very talented people told me, “I’m not sure if I should have ‘writer’ in my bio. I didn’t post anything new in the last half of a year.”

Some young or entitled readers might say, “Hm, well, they are right. They should create MORE to be relevant. Isn’t that a good thing to push authors to write more?”

For better or worse, life doesn’t work like that. We are talking about real people, who go to real schools, have real jobs, families, and all the other important things outside the fandom. Some of them might push to create more from that fear, but most would only get more frustrated and depressed about the whole fanfic writing.

So, please, if you like the work comment on it.

Even if it’s old, even if it’s a multichapter, even if the author doesn’t have time and energy to interact. Especially in all those cases.

Encourage your authors, and show them your support.


my previous post How to start writing comments

explanation about fics from 70sby olderthannetfic. Thank you so much for it.

#Happy #Friday Stayed up too late last night playing #civ6 with the hubby, but it was worth it ♥️ No

#Happy #Friday
Stayed up too late last night playing #civ6 with the hubby, but it was worth it ♥️
Now to plan the #todolist for another wonderful day

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This made me chuckle #lol #pinkpanther #todolist

This made me chuckle #lol #pinkpanther #todolist

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Sincerely this is one of the projects that I would like to give it a try…. But…

Damn… Could maybe Himapapa make a Calendar Event for 2022???

Fun fact… If I had started the 2022 Hetalia Calendar project on the same I posted this (October 22nd)… We would actually have plenty of time

If any of the artists of the “2022 Hetalia Calendar project” is here seeing this… Just let me say that…

I actually regret nothing! (humor)

(I’m still feel sorry for making you all work on a short time period, but it’s amazing how you all have been handled it so well)

Et si tu arrêtais de faire pour faire ! . Est-ce que tu te sens débordée ? Submergée ? Tout le temps

Et si tu arrêtais de faire pour faire !


Est-ce que tu te sens débordée ? Submergée ? Tout le temps en train de courir pour venir à bout de ta to do l’ost ?
Est-ce que la phrase qui se répète en boucle dans ton esprit est « je n’ai pas le temps ! »


Pendant longtemps, moi aussi, j’ai été comme ça. Même que beaucoup d’amis me disaient « comment tu fais ?! »

Oui, j’ai toujours fait beaucoup.
Je me suis à deux nombreux moments sentie submergée…
Je me suis sentie en apnée - tout en étant très contente de faire toutes mes activités : blogging, YouTube, mon activité salariale, etc. A peine je rentrais chez moi (en grande banlieue parisienne en plus !) et je repartais pour voir du monde, aller à des événements, danser, etc.

Je ne me posais jamais…

C'est quand je me suis retrouvée frustrée de ne pas avoir de temps de respiration que je me suis dit : il faut que cela change !

J’ai eu envie et décider de vivre ma vie différemment !


J’ai toujours un besoin fondamental de « faire » beaucoup de choses car j’ai une énergie très forte qui a besoin de s’exprimer (et ça, c’est très personnel) mais surtout, j’ai répondu aux questions suivantes :

> À quoi/ à qui je donne mon temps ?
> Est-ce que tout ce « faire » me permet d’être qui je suis ?
> Où se situe mon plaisir ?

Et toi, est-ce que tu as la sensation de ne jamais te poser ? De vivre une vie que tu n’as pas vraiment décidé ?
Si c’est le cas, discutons en en MP !

#pasletemps #paslechoix #coach #developpementpersonnel #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #chargementale #planning #todolist #viedemaman #viedefamille #femme #autoentrepreneur #autonomie #bienetre #parisianstyle #femmeronde #goldenhour #photography (à Pyramide du Louvre)

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Draw our smile to mark your list! ❤️❤️ ❤️❤️Check out my Etsy shop! (Link in profile) Sale Starts rig

Draw our smile to mark your list! ❤️❤️ ❤️❤️Check out my Etsy shop! (Link in profile) Sale Starts right now!
#notepad #custom #design #todolist #checklist #smilelist #happy #etsy #products #customnotepad #frog #vector #vectorart #art #instaart #NYC #illustration #illustrator #uijungkim #smile #mom #student #lifesaving #items

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