


neutral pronouns in Portuguese (br)

if you’re learning Portuguese and want to use neutral pronouns, well — officially we don’t have them but— irl we’re starting to use elu/elus.

ela > she

ele > he

elu > they (singular)

elas > they (feminine)

eles > they (masculine)

elus > they (neutral)

the best way to “neutralize” a sentence, since everything “has a gender” in Portuguese is to use synonyms and choose words that don’t have gender variation, if it’s not possible, grammatically we use masculine to “neutralize” or you can use neo language again

bonito > bonite(handsome/beautiful)

aluno > alune(student)

engraçado > engraçade(funny)

if you’re insecure about when to use “u” or “e”, well, basically

if the words in the masculine form ends with “o” you change to “e”, and if it ends with “e” you changes to “u”

amado > amade

ele > elu

hope it’s helpful

p.s.: this is for people, we still “gender” things (like table (feminine), floor (masculine)

“En el mundo casi no hay nada más importante que amar”.

— Jean Valjean | Los miserables, Víctor Hugo.

es gracioso como hasta la conducta que mas nos puede molestar en otrxs… nos sale, de vez en cuando, como si nada… sin esfuerzo ni pensar. Eso tengo que aprender si si si, a escuchar si e m pr e e e ee e e e ✨

sixmonthsandgone: Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin (2018), dir. Arwen Currysixmonthsandgone: Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin (2018), dir. Arwen Currysixmonthsandgone: Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin (2018), dir. Arwen Curry


Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin (2018), dir. Arwen Curry

Post link


Megan thee Stallion really got called a liar, was mocked and gaslit for two years and the only other witness besides Tory literally not only sat by and let it happen, but also gaslit her and made a diss track saying she woulda shot and killed Meg herself. Like. It should not have taken Kelsey’s texts to come to light in order for Meg to be vindicated. She shouldn’t even have had to be.

themetafapzilla:welldamnwd:La Mejor Cola en Panama 2012!via Stumblr Colegas preparen maletas ythemetafapzilla:welldamnwd:La Mejor Cola en Panama 2012!via Stumblr Colegas preparen maletas ythemetafapzilla:welldamnwd:La Mejor Cola en Panama 2012!via Stumblr Colegas preparen maletas ythemetafapzilla:welldamnwd:La Mejor Cola en Panama 2012!via Stumblr Colegas preparen maletas ythemetafapzilla:welldamnwd:La Mejor Cola en Panama 2012!via Stumblr Colegas preparen maletas ythemetafapzilla:welldamnwd:La Mejor Cola en Panama 2012!via Stumblr Colegas preparen maletas ythemetafapzilla:welldamnwd:La Mejor Cola en Panama 2012!via Stumblr Colegas preparen maletas ythemetafapzilla:welldamnwd:La Mejor Cola en Panama 2012!via Stumblr Colegas preparen maletas ythemetafapzilla:welldamnwd:La Mejor Cola en Panama 2012!via Stumblr Colegas preparen maletas ythemetafapzilla:welldamnwd:La Mejor Cola en Panama 2012!via Stumblr Colegas preparen maletas y



La Mejor Cola en Panama 2012



Colegas preparen maletas y nos encontramos en Panama yo invito la primera ronda

Post link



Early Access Creators - YOU CANNOT SIT THE FENCE THIS TIME. :|

Look, I love y'all. I know you don’t want to participate in so-called “drama” because you think it’s messy and shit. I get that, I do. But here’s the deal. Cowbuild and her cronies are making the whole patreon method of dealing with the sims look bad, and that affects YOU guys too.

Because of these bad apples, there are some people questioning if patreon is safe. Especially because Anto is involved, and he USED TO BE EARLY ACCESS.

You guys need to join in on calling this out and saying “No. This is not okay. We do not accept it, and we do not want this to be part of our community.”

I and others have tried to explain that these bad apples don’t spoil the whole bunch, but when y'all choose to be silent on the issue, you don’t help your case. So now is the time to speak up. You don’t have to make your own post even. Just REBLOGGING what’s already been shared is enough.

not everyone has time to read up on all the info with this situation but just as a general rule of thumb for cc consumers:

  1. avoid creators who have to DM you their cc, instead of you being able to access it freely yourself.
  2. avoid creators who only give you the current months cc rewards and not previous ones, its scummy and they usually have to DM you…are you seeing a pattern here?
  3. avoid permapaywallers, if theyre already breaking ea’s rules, its not a stretch to imagine they might be doing stuff with your information

I think its too late to prevent people panicking but whatever ‍♂️

I really can’t believe I am writing about this, sorry if it translates something wrong but I speak Spanish as my first language.

  1. I think we are all aware enough that DOXXING A PERSON IS BAD. I can’t believe there are people who spend their time on this, it’s literally pixels for a computer game.
  2. Content creators using Patreon is perfect, there are a lot of wonderful content creators that make an early release and after a few days it is released (Now, in more or less time there you can judge)
  3. Do you really think that manually sending every link to your CC with the textures with tracking codes to doxx them is something healthy for your work?
  4. Permapaywalls is horrible, especially considering that their prices to pay in countries like mine would be as expensive as buying a new computer mouse.
  5. I hope this is the last time I write about any of this, this blog and my games are to entertain me and distract me from the problems of the normal day.
  6. I really don’t know how much people should or will be interested in my position on this. At the end of the day I’m just another pixel in the wide world of the internet, they shouldn’t be offended by what I think as long as I don’t hurt anyone.




Sincerely this is one of the projects that I would like to give it a try…. But…

Damn… Could maybe Himapapa make a Calendar Event for 2022???

Fun fact… If I had started the 2022 Hetalia Calendar project on the same I posted this (October 22nd)… We would actually have plenty of time

If any of the artists of the “2022 Hetalia Calendar project” is here seeing this… Just let me say that…

I actually regret nothing! (humor)

(I’m still feel sorry for making you all work on a short time period, but it’s amazing how you all have been handled it so well)

Hola, como muchos ya sabrán los icons del capuchino se murieron, hicieron kaput, la murición. Para los que esten usando codes mios que les falla, les pido que agreguen este código a sus post:

<link href=“https://dl.dropbox.com/s/sqxxq25cjm7ssfs/icons.css?dl=0” rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css”>

RECUERDEN CAMBIAR LAS COMILLAS porque Tumblr se apendeja y las cambia.

PD: iré cambiando poco a poco los pastebin de mis códigos para que no hayan problemas con eso, pero tenganme paciencia por favor.

PD2: Si quieren utilizar el link que deje aquí para tu foro/tablilla/etc úsenlo nomás, no hay problema :3

Besitos y abrazos, les quiero muchoooooo~


He convertido locuras1000 en una web grupal y para ello he tenido que cambiar de tumblr.

Por supuesto mantendré el mismo dominio de siempre, así que ya sabes donde encontrarme. En www.locuras1000.com

Perdonar por las molestias y gracias a tod@s por visitar mi humilde web.


Original thread:


Note, I am finding these threads on the twitter feeds of ICU nurses who are now dreading the horrors that Roe falling will bring to their hospitals. This, on top of the horrors that they’ve seen and continue to see because of the pandemic. They were already exhausted and hanging by a thread.




I reblogged this last month, tagged it, and said “might as well see if it works.” I used this video as a reference to find all the forms that i needed (which is A LOT, especially if you’re a dependent) and sent them through the mail, not really allowing myself to hope.


$2,714 of medical debt from my top surgery - gone. im shaking this was such a weight on me for 2 years and it fucking worked. what the fuck.

This is huge. Sharing for my US friendos.

Olá! Queria que vocês soubessem que eu não deixarei de postar as coisas por aqui. As postagens estão paradas pois estou com um problema no meu teclado, sendo assim, estou impossibilitada de logar no computador/editar as coisas no Photoshop até que eu compre outro teclado. Por favor, sejam pacientes e me entendam. Volto o quão breve possível.

