

Here is the 6 month voice video you’ve all been waiting for! For the 6 month mark, I’m doing comparison videos and photos. Click the link (or copy and paste) below for the pre-T voice video to compare this one too! I’m VERY proud of my progress!


#transgender    #voice video    #voicevideo    #testosterone    #transman    #transdude    #transguy    #transboy    #shotday    #shot day    

I’d like to impart a little wisdom to all the fledgling trans people out there. Yes, I’m still only 6 months on T and have a long way to go yet, BUT I’ve still been through a lot and have learned plenty more.

I see a lot of posts on FB, tumbler or wherever else asking on how to start hormones, what to do about therapists, how to get an appointment with a doctor, etc. And of course depending on where you live, what country, what state, what town, and depending on what insurance you have IF you have insurance, and depending on your home life, your support system, etc, there are a thousand different ways to go about transitioning, and you of course have to find the way that’s right for you. So what I’m about to write was simply my way and how I decided to do it. These are recommendations, and by no means is anyone obligated to follow them.


First and foremost, I HIGHLY recommend a gender therapist. Not just any old therapists. A normal therapist has no idea what the hell they’re talking about, and I’ve heard horror stories of very harmful things being said to trans people. No, you specifically need a gender therapist. One that had experience. One who’s helped other trans people transition.

Do your homework! Look online fist, google ‘gender therapists’ with your zip code. When you find some CALL them! Specifically ask them how long they’ve been practicing, if they have lots of experience helping people transition, explain your situation, ask if they feel they’d be a good fit for you!

But I promise once you find the right therapist (yes it takes time to find the right one!) you won’t regret it. You NEED someone professional to help you transition. I don’t care how stable you are, you will have hardships. You cannot predict how everyone around you will react, how people in your family will treat you, how your coworkers will treat you. A therapist will help you figure out how to come out at work, how to talk to difficult family members, how to maintain friendships, etc.

I would NOT have been able to transition as seamlessly as I have without my therapist. She was a miracle worker for me and helped me come up with a plan on how to come out to my wife’s family and how to speak to management at work. I only had to go once every 2 weeks and after that once a month. Now I don’t need to go at all.


You may have heard of informed consent versus getting a therapy letter. I highly recommend the therapy letter. Mainly because I recommend having a therapist. My therapist was willing to give me my hormone letter on the very first day. I chose to wait because I wanted to sort out some fears with her first. But any good gender therapist will NOT be a gate keeper! They will give you your letter within the first three sessions if you really want it. If they don’t, they’re not a good therapist, find someone else.

With a therapy letter, a doctor simply accepts it. You do not need to answer any embarrassing or personal questions, no one gets up in your business. With informed consent you have pages and pages of questions to answer and they basically dissect you under a microscope to make sure you’re mentally sound enough to understand what you’re doing. I didn’t want to go through that, which is why I got a letter.

Now, for the doctor themselves. Another reason to get a gender therapist with experience, they can refer you to a doctor who also has experience helping people transition. And trust me, again you want a doctor with experience! They know what they’re doing, they’ve helped others do it, they don’t ask stupid or offensive questions. Also, and this is important:


I’ve seen so many people saying they’re going to a specialist! You don’t need one. I don’t even understand why so many people are being referred to them. Testosterone and estrogen are the normal hormones that we naturally have in our bodies! ANY general practitioner should know how to take blood and tell you if your hormone levels are ok. And they should be able to write a prescription for T or E. It’s as simple as that. If a doctor doesn’t know how to prescribe a medication and read blood work they shouldn’t be practicing medicine at all!

My doctor is a plain old general practitioner. BUT, he is special because he is well known to the trans community for helping trans people transition. He had that experience I’ve been talking about. THAT is what’s important. If you have a therapist, have them refer you to a doctor. If you do not have a therapist, find a doctor the same way I described finding a therapist above. Google ‘transgender doctors’ and see what comes up. Then CALL. Ask the receptionist about informed consent, ask if they require a therapist letter to start hormones. If she doesn’t know what you’re talking about, that is NOT the doctor’s office for you. You need to find a place that has enough knowledge to do things like ask for your preferred name.

The visit itself should be fast, simple and easy. My doctor did a quick physical, took some blood work, and wrote me a script for T that same day. I drove down the road to the pharmacy and picked it up, all within an hour. There’s no reason they should be making you wait for weeks or months. The ONLY reason would be if they’re waiting for your blood work results to come back first.

So that is my shpeal for the time being. I was just getting so sick and tired of seeing so many trans fledglings, who just don’t know any better yet, being told by all these professionals that they have to wait for whatever stupid reason they’ve come up with. It can be simple and easy and it SHOULD be simple and easy.

As always, I’m always open for questions if anyone is having issues. But if you’re in a metropolitan area like I am, you really shouldn’t have these kinds of issues. If you’re stuck in a rural area and there’s only one doctor clinic for miles and miles THAT I understand. But otherwise…no. Just no.

Let’s get real for a second. I wanted to talk about this headline on this article I saw the other da

Let’s get real for a second. I wanted to talk about this headline on this article I saw the other day. It reads: “More American’s Claim to Have Seen a Ghost Than Have Met a Trans Person.” I read the article and disappointingly, it doesn’t discuss what I thought it would. And people I’ve showed this headline too also seem to have the wrong idea. Most people are taking this headline to mean that trans people are so rare that ghosts (or supposed ghosts) outnumber us. 

This is simply not true.Now, although it is impossible to get a true count of how many trans people are in America, since the government simply ignores us and refuses to put us on population surveys, it is estimated that we make up anywhere between 0.5%-1% of the population. I would argue it’s a lot greater than that, but I digress. At the higher end of that number, that means there is one transgender person per every 100 people you meet.

I’d like to hope that every human being alive has met AT LEAST 100 people in their life time. Guess what? That means you’ve met a transgender person. The HUGE problem that faces our community is that no one KNOWS that they know a trans person. Many of us are completely finished transitioning, which means we blend in nicely with everyone else.

That’s the goal after all. To live being treated as normal human being in the bodies we need in order to excel at every day life. And obviously, we don’t go around announcing ourselves to everyone around us since…you know…we’re getting murdered and beat up by all the transphobes, homophones, racists and bigots out there.

This puts us in quite a pickle! Because people apparently believe in fucking GHOSTS more than us! Also, the general population seems to have this crazy idea that trans people are easily spottable. As if we have purple skin, antlers, or are some other kind of freak or monster that they can pick out of a crowd.

This is apparent by the infamous and ridiculous bathroom bill that’s STILL being enforced in North Carolina today. The idea that you can tell a trans person which bathroom to use is absurd. How can you tell who is trans and who isn’t? Does the general population think that can just…pick us out of a crowd?

All that bathroom bill does is discriminate against the transgender people who are in the MIDDLE of transitioning. The in-betweeners who aren’t quite there yet. And quite frankly, even they aren’t too easy to spot a lot of the time, because a person will look at them and assume they are either a boy or a girl and not think anything of it.

I JUST went through this in my in between stages which I’m JUST now starting to come out of. NO ONE looked at me and was like “YOU’RE ONE OF THOSE TRANSGENDERS!” No! They either assumed I was male or female, made their assumptions and then moved on. 

My point is, that this headline indicates that most American’s still assume that we look different somehow. That we are freaks or monsters or somehow “weird” looking.We’re not.We look just like everyone else! So much so that no one even understands that they’ve already met us, already talked to us, already work with us or have been in the same bathroom with us. They’d rather say they’ve seen a ghost than think for one second that they’ve probably met MULTIPLE trans people throughout their lifetime, at the very least in passing.

I honestly don’t know how to combat this problem. Many in the trans community advocate for announcing yourself to everyone everywhere you go so that people understand they’re looking at a trans person. But I tell everyone to do what is SAFE! Safety should always be first. And because of that, many of us are stealth. And so, because we’re so good at hiding ourselves so we don’t get bullied, discriminated against, harassed or even killed, we remain invisible. And because we’re invisible, the general population continues to misunderstand and ostracize us. It’s a vicious cycle that seems impossible to break.

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Sorry for posting the photo and video a day late this week. I just completely forgot yesterday. Anyw

Sorry for posting the photo and video a day late this week. I just completely forgot yesterday. Anyway, where’s month five week two! I’m diggin’ my new hairdo adn I’m thinking it helps me pass a lot better. Whatchyou guys think?  

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Whoops! I’m posting these a day late. Forgot to post them yesterday, sorry guys! Also, this is month 5 week TWO, not three. I’m clearly eager to get to that 6 month mark so I got ahead of myself in the video. Also, hope you all like the hair. I feel it’s helping me pass wonderfully! 

#transgender    #testosterone    #transman    #transguy    #transdude    #shot day    #shotday    #voice video    #voicevideo    

Time for the voice video! This week you guys get to meet my cat Otani! He insisted on being in the video. Also, I’ve been sick all week from the funk my wife gave me. Love you hun! But I did NOT love the plague you gave me…

#transgender    #testosterone    #voice video    #voicevideo    #shot day    #shotday    #transman    #transdude    #transguy    
Hey guys! Picture day! I took two, the one on the left is obviously my usual official one in front oHey guys! Picture day! I took two, the one on the left is obviously my usual official one in front o

Hey guys! Picture day! I took two, the one on the left is obviously my usual official one in front of our utility door, lol! The one on the right I had to have because I just got a new shirt and I love it and wanted to show it off. Don’t know if anyone else there is still an Avatar fan, but I sure am. I’m a huge Zuko fan and this shirt reminded me so much of him I had to have it and show it off. 

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Here is the photo update for shot day. First shot day of 2018! And yes, that is a Gryffindor shirt I

Here is the photo update for shot day. First shot day of 2018! And yes, that is a Gryffindor shirt I’m wearing. What houses are you guys in?

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First shot day of the year everyone! I don’t know about you, but I sure am glad 2017 is done and over with. Only good things to look forward to from here on out! Here is my 5 month voice/video update. I’m LOVING how my voice is coming along. Let’s keep trucking ahead!

#transgender    #testosterone    #transman    #transguy    #transdude    #voicevideo    #voice video    #shot day    #shotday    
Aaand another picture for you guys! The growth spurt has slowed down some, but I’m still gaining! Th

Aaand another picture for you guys! The growth spurt has slowed down some, but I’m still gaining! The goal is to get into a men’s small for shirts. The XS are just too friggin hard to find. No one carry’s them. But at least I’m in the damned Men’s section now! I’m starting to really see results!

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Happy New Years everyone! I hope everyone is being safe whilst partying. Here’s my weekly voice video. It seems to be getting deeper every day!

#transgender    #transguy    #transman    #transdude    #voice video    #voicevideo    #shot day    #shotday    #testosterone    

Taking the day off to relax. Maybe. We will see how long it lasts before I can’t sit still.

Decided to spend more time for myself and do something I love. Made this snap bandanna!

Shutting down my onlyfans mates! I don’t have enough time to dedicate to it anymore. I’ll probably still post on here.

I like the black and white more.
