
Happy hormones all together! New enamel pins, from left to right: Testosterone, Insulin and Estrogen

Happyhormones all together! 

New enamel pins, from left to right: Testosterone,InsulinandEstrogen

Because we are total nerds, Testosterone boasts a molecular model beard and Estrogen is sporting the molecular structure for estradiol, one of three types of estrogen made by humans. We especially love the beautiful form of the amino acid chain that comprises Insulin. 

Get in on this nerdy fashion action at iheartguts.com.

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Meet Estrogen, a hormone that regulates the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and secondary sex characteris

MeetEstrogen, a hormone that regulates the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and secondary sex characteristics such as breasts and wide hips. 

Estrogen is made when the hypothalamus inside the brain releases Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone, which prompts the pituitary gland to squirt out Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone into the bloodstream, where they travel the the ovary, to, well… stimulate some follicles in the gonads! Egg follicles inside the ovary make estrogen, which also goes into your bloodstream. During the menstrual cycle, estrogen triggers ovulation and helps build up the uterine walls.

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What is Gyno aka gynecomastia aka man boobs? Gyno or gynecomastia is actually a formation of breast tissue. Gynecomastia is swelling of the breast tissue in boys or men, caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Click to Subscribe to this YouTube channel Watch Other

Read more at https://plus.google.com/103074467826698825974/posts/FD9JZsCnpTp

What is Gyno aka gynecomastia aka man boobs? Gyno or gynecomastia is actually a formation of breast tissue. Gynecomastia is swelling of the breast tissue in boys or men, caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Click to Subscribe to this YouTube channel Watch Other

Read more at http://www.reddit.com/r/TheAmazingFacts/comments/4sf75q/dude_have_you_got_gyno_for_those_who_have_then/

Homemade Scrambled TofuFirm Organic Tofu Vegetable OilSesame OilTumericSalt Pepperoptional: [i think

Homemade Scrambled Tofu

  • Firm Organic Tofu 
  • Vegetable Oil
  • Sesame Oil
  • Tumeric
  • Salt 
  • Pepper
  • optional: [i think i put a very small amount of granulated onion & garlic seasoning]

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Her intentions were always clear…


This is so true. Good dolls always dress to impress to be on display. I certainly want to be.


She told me that I would be crafted into her very personal eye candy…

HRT effect take time, but it’s time well spent… Enjoy the journey!

HRT effect take time, but it’s time well spent… Enjoy the journey!

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Happiness is aligning your body with your brain. Be honest with yourself… You need this!


Forever trapped in my feminine desires


Oh the joy of feeling “pink” in my veins…

HRT bloodwork tomorrow rheheheeh

Trans 101 question answered: Why aren’t trans people just given more of the male or female hormones needed to match their outward physical self?

LEXIE CANNES STATE OF TRANS — By guest writer Michelle Rose. Trans folk in transition are given hormones; as much as is medically safe and consistent with the patient’s physiological profile. The average dose of estrogen (orally) [for trans women] is about 4 mg a day. I have no accurate data concerning the amount of testosterone for trans men, but I am aware that in their case, it’s mostly…

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fucked up how there’s no chemical element with the symbol E. that seems somehow incorrect

I’d like to impart a little wisdom to all the fledgling trans people out there. Yes, I’m still only 6 months on T and have a long way to go yet, BUT I’ve still been through a lot and have learned plenty more.

I see a lot of posts on FB, tumbler or wherever else asking on how to start hormones, what to do about therapists, how to get an appointment with a doctor, etc. And of course depending on where you live, what country, what state, what town, and depending on what insurance you have IF you have insurance, and depending on your home life, your support system, etc, there are a thousand different ways to go about transitioning, and you of course have to find the way that’s right for you. So what I’m about to write was simply my way and how I decided to do it. These are recommendations, and by no means is anyone obligated to follow them.


First and foremost, I HIGHLY recommend a gender therapist. Not just any old therapists. A normal therapist has no idea what the hell they’re talking about, and I’ve heard horror stories of very harmful things being said to trans people. No, you specifically need a gender therapist. One that had experience. One who’s helped other trans people transition.

Do your homework! Look online fist, google ‘gender therapists’ with your zip code. When you find some CALL them! Specifically ask them how long they’ve been practicing, if they have lots of experience helping people transition, explain your situation, ask if they feel they’d be a good fit for you!

But I promise once you find the right therapist (yes it takes time to find the right one!) you won’t regret it. You NEED someone professional to help you transition. I don’t care how stable you are, you will have hardships. You cannot predict how everyone around you will react, how people in your family will treat you, how your coworkers will treat you. A therapist will help you figure out how to come out at work, how to talk to difficult family members, how to maintain friendships, etc.

I would NOT have been able to transition as seamlessly as I have without my therapist. She was a miracle worker for me and helped me come up with a plan on how to come out to my wife’s family and how to speak to management at work. I only had to go once every 2 weeks and after that once a month. Now I don’t need to go at all.


You may have heard of informed consent versus getting a therapy letter. I highly recommend the therapy letter. Mainly because I recommend having a therapist. My therapist was willing to give me my hormone letter on the very first day. I chose to wait because I wanted to sort out some fears with her first. But any good gender therapist will NOT be a gate keeper! They will give you your letter within the first three sessions if you really want it. If they don’t, they’re not a good therapist, find someone else.

With a therapy letter, a doctor simply accepts it. You do not need to answer any embarrassing or personal questions, no one gets up in your business. With informed consent you have pages and pages of questions to answer and they basically dissect you under a microscope to make sure you’re mentally sound enough to understand what you’re doing. I didn’t want to go through that, which is why I got a letter.

Now, for the doctor themselves. Another reason to get a gender therapist with experience, they can refer you to a doctor who also has experience helping people transition. And trust me, again you want a doctor with experience! They know what they’re doing, they’ve helped others do it, they don’t ask stupid or offensive questions. Also, and this is important:


I’ve seen so many people saying they’re going to a specialist! You don’t need one. I don’t even understand why so many people are being referred to them. Testosterone and estrogen are the normal hormones that we naturally have in our bodies! ANY general practitioner should know how to take blood and tell you if your hormone levels are ok. And they should be able to write a prescription for T or E. It’s as simple as that. If a doctor doesn’t know how to prescribe a medication and read blood work they shouldn’t be practicing medicine at all!

My doctor is a plain old general practitioner. BUT, he is special because he is well known to the trans community for helping trans people transition. He had that experience I’ve been talking about. THAT is what’s important. If you have a therapist, have them refer you to a doctor. If you do not have a therapist, find a doctor the same way I described finding a therapist above. Google ‘transgender doctors’ and see what comes up. Then CALL. Ask the receptionist about informed consent, ask if they require a therapist letter to start hormones. If she doesn’t know what you’re talking about, that is NOT the doctor’s office for you. You need to find a place that has enough knowledge to do things like ask for your preferred name.

The visit itself should be fast, simple and easy. My doctor did a quick physical, took some blood work, and wrote me a script for T that same day. I drove down the road to the pharmacy and picked it up, all within an hour. There’s no reason they should be making you wait for weeks or months. The ONLY reason would be if they’re waiting for your blood work results to come back first.

So that is my shpeal for the time being. I was just getting so sick and tired of seeing so many trans fledglings, who just don’t know any better yet, being told by all these professionals that they have to wait for whatever stupid reason they’ve come up with. It can be simple and easy and it SHOULD be simple and easy.

As always, I’m always open for questions if anyone is having issues. But if you’re in a metropolitan area like I am, you really shouldn’t have these kinds of issues. If you’re stuck in a rural area and there’s only one doctor clinic for miles and miles THAT I understand. But otherwise…no. Just no.

Estrogens alleviate hyperactivity in ‘autistic’ zebrafishThe female sex hormone estrogenEstrogens alleviate hyperactivity in ‘autistic’ zebrafishThe female sex hormone estrogenEstrogens alleviate hyperactivity in ‘autistic’ zebrafishThe female sex hormone estrogen

Estrogens alleviate hyperactivity in ‘autistic’ zebrafish

The female sex hormone estrogen reduces sleep disruption in zebrafish genetically designed to help understand autism spectrum disorder (ASD) scientists have discovered.

Researchers from the University College London In collaboration with scientists at Yale University and University of California, San Francisco, were investigating the function of genes linked to autism and seizures in humans by using zebrafish as a model system. They unexpectedly discovered that estrogens calm hyperactive fish during the night, which will help scientists to understand the brain pathways affected in ASD.

The finding is intriguing given ASD is four times more common in men than women. All humans produce estrogen, but levels are significantly higher in women than men.

These images show zebrafish brains, with axon tracts, neurons and interneurons tagged in different colours.

This research helps scientists to understand the function of an autism risk gene in the developing brain, which is important for understanding the biology of autism.

Images: Kate Turner,  UCL

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