



stop judging transfems worth and validity by how “passing” their voices are.

ok but seriously this is such a big problem. my voice does not pass and i honestly love that! my voice is great! i dont want to change it. people shouldnt have to change parts of themselves just because others dont find it to their liking.

stop treating voice training like its some necessary crucible all transfems must endure to be a “real woman”. voice has no bearing on gender. voice training is hard! not everyone has the time, energy, motivation, or will to do it. thats not a bad thing!

i could elaborate more on this but i dont feel a particular need to grovel on the ground and explain exactly why its okay for a woman to have a deep voice. its really goddamn simple honestly. if you cant understand that, youre transphobic, plain and simple.


so i saw this sponsored post made by a trans man and he was talking about how much he loved his girlfriend (who’s a trans woman) and i was like aw that’s so sweet and then i went into the comments and saw some idiots who were like “ew i hate the straights” and i just wanna say that idc if you’re gay yourself if your first thought upon seeing a trans man and trans woman who are in a loving relationship is “omg the straights are so annoying lol i hate the straights” i genuinely hope you die alone ❤️

“Neopronouns will never be used in real life/will never gain recognition.”

Tell that to hen, gender-neutral pronoun coined in the 1960s and 1990s in Sweden, and in the past decade officially recognized and used in the Swedish language, across both official and casual contexts.

This determination to tell anyone using neopronouns that there will never be any positive recognition stems largely from bias against neopronouns and disrespect towards people who use them. It’s used, more often than not, as an excuse not to personally recognize or validate neopronouns. Maybe they won’t gain recognition in English, but neither will a whole lot of words that people use. This is not a reasonable argument against using new words, or against respecting other people.

The trans movement is not about making cis people comfortable. Trans liberation is not supposed to only be for the people who can appear most palatable to cis people. It shouldn’t ever be.

Cis society desires our eradication and silence. Placating those desires by silencing and fighting any trans and gender nonconforming person who is easily visible, atypical, and targeted by cis society’s hatred…that leads directly into a path of community “cleansing” that denies & kills every one of us who does not meet cis standards. By the way, that’s most of us, and the most marginalized first.


If you:

  • Have a Twitter account
  • Know who LGB Alliance are
  • Are not straight - regardless of whether you’re trans or cis!

Pleaseclick here and vote in this Twitter poll (not mine for a change), deadline Sunday 5th September 2021.

Please reblog, because in order to be a bit representative this needs many many thousands of votes! It’s currently leaning towards the transphobic side because the person who posted the poll is anti-trans, so let’s make it a little more representative. :)



I always hear cis people describing trans anger but I never hear cis people describing trans silence. I always hear trans people defending ourselves being defined as “getting offended.” I always hear about trans people having healthy needs, standards, and boundaries as “being sensitive.” I always hear about the mythological furious trans person who cuts down cis people like weeds, with no exception or hesitation, ever. Instead of the millions of moments of grace, forgiveness, pain, erasure, oppression, fear, anger, hopelessness and despair that we endure for every one moment of finally saying, “No, this is not how I will be treated.” It is clear to me that every inch we take back will be seen as taking too much by those who want us to disappear entirely. We will always be too loud according to those who have been sitting in comfortable silence all their lives.

#They complain that we have bitten them while refusing to acknowledge that they have been the ones holding their hands over our mouths.
