#anti transmed


The trans movement is not about making cis people comfortable. Trans liberation is not supposed to only be for the people who can appear most palatable to cis people. It shouldn’t ever be.

Cis society desires our eradication and silence. Placating those desires by silencing and fighting any trans and gender nonconforming person who is easily visible, atypical, and targeted by cis society’s hatred…that leads directly into a path of community “cleansing” that denies & kills every one of us who does not meet cis standards. By the way, that’s most of us, and the most marginalized first.


this is what debating truscum feels like

(Read the FAQ for source links & more)

Fuck transmeds. All my homies hate transmeds

So Trump rolled-back trans health care laws protecting us, huh? 

And yet, people like me are being blamed by transmeds for apparently “potentially making trans people not be covered medically”?

The target is wrong. Tucutes and anti transmeds understand that there are many medical aspects of many trans people that need to be protected (such as surgery, HRT, etc.), and we also understand that being trans is not inherently a disorder or illness. No one is advocating for certain medical things for trans people to not be covered and protected. Other countries have demedicalized being trans, yet they still have medical protections for trans people.

Transmeds got their priorities all wrong. Or at least, they just want to harm people that don’t have their mindset.

If any person perpetuates black/white. binary ideology, enforcing that false belief system onto the trans community with the intent to push trans people into a male/female or masculine/feminine box just so the trans community can be “taken seriously”,

Then those people have NO RIGHT to complain about trans people being denied HRT or other treatments for trans people.

I say this because enforcing this binary rule onto trans people will only make the medical system believe and insist that all trans people must fit a mold of masculine/male or feminine/female, and subsequently pass on treatment to certain people that fit said molds. 

The general public needs to recognize that trans people are a diverse group of people. Transmeds do not realize the harm that they are doing, and even anti transmeds and the “tucutes” and “trenders” that desire medical transition are being denied treatment (despite the fact that transmeds believe that “tucutes” and those against them are “privileged”.)

Stop perpetuating black/white ideology transmeds, you are not helping anyone. At all.

deerlegz replied to your post “Transmed Belief & Detransitioners”
actually it’s tucute ideology that caused me to transition and subsequently detransition, but go off ig

I would like to know how tucute ideals caused you to regret transitioning. I’m really sorry for your regrets and unwanted transition. Did anyone coerce or convince you that transitioning is okay for you, despite you having doubts about it?

Personally, I don’t understand how tucute/anti transmed beliefs can cause someone to detrans/re-id because anti transmeds usually agree that not every trans person has to medically transition. I also believe that medical transition is not the ONLY method of relieving dysphoria. I usually see transmeds perpetuating that dysphoria is needed to be trans, and that medical transition is the only method of relieving dysphoria/medical transitioning is inherent in being trans.




By implying that detransitioners are “frauds” because they realized they weren’t trans is not making you and your shit ideology look good (not that it looked good to begin with lol)

Miss me with that “transmeds are rational and accepting” crap. A detransitioning person states their feelings, and you idiots state that they are a “fraud”??? Seriously?? This is adding fuel to the fire!!

Not only will detrans people feel like shit and delay their detrans and re-iding (due to the shit they receive from you idiots), but radfems and other transphobes can take what transmeds think and say of detrans poeple, and USE IT AGAINST THE ENTIRE TRANS COMMUNITY.

So much for being reasonable. So much for “making the trans community look better”.

Last time I checked, anti transmeds and tucutes and other adjacent groups were the ones stating that 

  1. “dysphoria isn’t needed to be trans” and that 
  2. “no trans person is required to transition medically/surgically”.

Only transmeds/adjacent and other groups are saying those things, the latter statement being said less than the first.

Detransitioners often state that their “dysphoria” was actually other health problems they were facing, possibly resulting from abuse, self image issues, depression, etc.,. The videos I’ve been watching have had detransitioners state that they thought they had dysphoria, which leads me to conclude that they had in mind that “dysphoria was the reason that they were trans”. Because of said dysphoria “requirement”, they believed that medical transitioning was the way to go. It wasn’t, and they ended up detransitioning.

Transmeds cannot blame tucutes, and those against the transmedicalist ideology for detransitioners detransitioning, and reidentifying. Those against transmed ideology know that medical transitioning is a major thing not to be taken lightly, and that it IS NOT required to be trans. Those against transmedicalism know that gender dysphoria is NOT required to be trans, and that, for some with gender dysphoria, medical transition isn’t always the answer. There are people with dysphoria that cope with it without medical transition.

People like me are advocating for the trans identity to not be medicalized. Transmeds advocate for dysphoria and medical transition to be inherent aspects of being trans. Many detransitioners thought they had dysphoria, and thought they had to transition because of that. Transmedicalism isn’t helping anyone.


imagine calling yourself a “transsexual”, not because your personal trans state aligns more with/feel more grounded in that word

but because you wanna “dIsTaNcE yOuRsElF” from transgender people.

And then you have the audacity to rant on about how you’re tired of “everyone ChOoSiNg to be trans/nb to feel special” when you actively chose to take on the “transsexual” term to feel better than other trans people??

Some cool news- my province has officially demedicalised the process of changing the sex marker on our ID! Previously, you needed a medical professional’s recommendation to correct your ID in BC.

lol okay so um ive talked it over with friends and my bf + kinda feeling influenced by an alter so.

i wanna just. apologize incase anyone has been hurt by my blog or anything ive posted. truthfully i felt rly in denial of things so i took it out on other ppl. recently my bf and friends have come out in wanting to use neopronouns and i don’t see any option in denying them that and im no hypocrite either so i know i shouldn’t say i support them but nobody else.

maybe ill change my mind about this but for now i just want to apologize to anyone in the event they felt hurt or invalidated by me. im just really sorry and over the months ive learned to sympathize with ppl who use neos and nounself pronouns. i don’t rly see myself running this blog like i use to because the selfhate and venting literally seeps through every post i made. i don’t resent or hate anyone whether they’re transmed or tucute or not i just don’t really want to return to something like this ive made again and spread hate


If you don’t know them, they play on Pose as Angel.

Edit: I can already see the “Being GNC isn’t inherently trans!” comments and messages so please, please remember: You’re VERY likely thinking of the wrong definition/use of the term “GNC”. Whereas it seems the younger, newer, western community members use it to solely refer to style, older (as in generally above 20) members seem to mean a literal “gender does not conform”. “You’re saying women wearing men’s clothes are trans” No.

Isn’t it lovely that trumeds are so hellbent on demonizing every single person that supports us that they 1: Make Indya’s accomplishments seem insignificant. 2: Treat Indya’s age and time spent in the community as insignificant. And 3: repeatedly, intentionally misunderstand and lie about the intent of this post?

I keep getting notifications for this post, so I’m gonna reblog it again with a link to sources
