#transmisia tw



The new law Alabama about to pass plans to make it a felony to give gender affirming care to trans youth under 19 years old… It hasn’t become law yet, but if/when it does, I want every trans youth in Alabama reading this to know:

I see you. I know you’re hurting. I know you’re scared. I know you’re devastated. I know it feels like hope has been ripped straight out of your hands. But I am begging you, friend. Don’t go. Stay alive. I may not know you, but I don’t want to lose you. I don’t care about discourse right now, I only care about you knowing that you deserve to live. That hope isn’t gone. It’s nevergone.

If/when this bill passes, so many people are going to leap to help you. Activists you don’t know, who have dedicated so much of their time - their life - to helping people just like you… They’re about to fight like hell. People online that you don’t know, from places you’ve never seen, or even know exist, are going to scream at the top of their lungs if this passes. They’re alreadyscreaming. Foryou.

We’ve gotten bills like this to the Supreme Court and won before. I know times are definitely different now, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my short time on this Earth, it’s that even in the most disparaging situations, even the ones where you don’t have control, there is always something to hold on to. I know, I know. They always say that. I used to think it didn’t apply to me, but it did. And it applies to you too, whoever you are, wherever you are.

If you’re reading this, I greatly encourage you to reblog it.

The trans movement is not about making cis people comfortable. Trans liberation is not supposed to only be for the people who can appear most palatable to cis people. It shouldn’t ever be.

Cis society desires our eradication and silence. Placating those desires by silencing and fighting any trans and gender nonconforming person who is easily visible, atypical, and targeted by cis society’s hatred…that leads directly into a path of community “cleansing” that denies & kills every one of us who does not meet cis standards. By the way, that’s most of us, and the most marginalized first.



terfs arent feminists isnt the same as denying that there are bigots in feminism. its meant to be that feminism should be intersectional, and that means forcing terfs out of feminist spaces, that they do not fit what feminism should be about, and that terfs should not be included in feminist spaces. that is what i am meaning with that post of mine. terfs use feminism as their excuse for bigotry - they should be forced out of feminist spaces, because their bigotry does not fit the values of what feminism should be and what intersectional feminism is.

if u have any questions about this, it is okay for u to ask them if u want.

fixed post, if u wanna rb this is the version

why its been fixed https://isappho.tumblr.com/post/662667640682283008/are-not-arent-im-sorry

fyi this is because my laptop and my train of thought when typing do not mix v well sometimes. so what happened here basically is that i had been trying to retype something and it didnt work
