




“oh no we need to practice for our fake dating” is the funniest trope to me cause like. there are so many people who force themselves into a shitty relationship they hate just because of amatonormatiivity that it’s an ingrained part of popular culture to joke about hating your partner.

which is to say, oh my god you dont need to hold hands and go on fake dates, you don’t even need to agree on a single detail of your cover story beforehand. you can literally stand 6 feet apart at all times and look profoundly uncomfortable and all anyone will think is “yikes™. not my problem”

actually people should address this in fanfic more because “i know we could half-ass it, but i wouldneverfake mistreat my fake husband, how dare you” is absolutely delightful

New trope: fake dating for spite.

“Look, my only goal here is for our pretend relationship to be demonstrably healthier than Aunt Rita and Uncle Carl’s fifteen year, three child marriage - which means the bar is so low we probably can’t fuck this up”


i like the concept of soulmates—not a “you’re destined to meet me, and love me” kind of soulmate, but a “i’d pick you, every time.” kind of soulmate. a “no matter what happens, and what has happened, i want to go through it with you.” kind of soulmate. a “i love you by choice, and you’re a blessing, and i’m going to continue thinking about you this way not because i have to but because i want to.” kind of soulmate. a “you help me rest easy when everything is difficult” kind of soulmate. a “in every possible outcome, i want you there, to share it with me.” kind of soulmate.


Enemies to Lovers is where Darling (hatred) goes to Darling (confession of love)


Body swap episode where the characters voices follow them to their new bodies my absolute beloathed.

Yep, it means you don’t trust your audience or your actors (both live action and voice acting).

If your actors can’t believably act out the behaviors and voice tones/accents of a different character… You need better actors. Because they’re kinda failing at job #1, which is literally to be able to *act* out different characters.

If you can’t trust your audience to follow along with who is who… What is the point you doing a body swap episode?



you know what’s a trope that never gets tired is when theyre bouncing around in the plot and suddenly an important name crops up- it’sblorbo bleebus.and some dude is like who the hell is blorbo bleebus. and we immediately cut to our new friend blorbo bleebus pulling the most absolutely buckwild shit you’ve ever seen

enhanced edition of this trope is when they cut to blorbo bleebus doing something entirely contradictory to how they were just introduced, like “i know a professional, someone discreet who can handle things quietly” cut to blorbo bleebus in the wildest fucking bar brawl you’ve ever seen, screaming their own name and stopping to down shots while still holding some dude in a headlock




cliché but classic trope: when the person who almost died wakes up in a hospital bed, looks around and sees the object of their affection sleeping uncomfortably in the chair next to them because they haven’t moved in days.

You can pry that trope from my cold dead hands.

cliché but classic sub trope of this: the person who almost died tells the object of their affection “you look like shit” despite the fact that they are the one in the hospital bed and almost died.



you know what’s a trope that never gets tired is when theyre bouncing around in the plot and suddenly an important name crops up- it’sblorbo bleebus.and some dude is like who the hell is blorbo bleebus. and we immediately cut to our new friend blorbo bleebus pulling the most absolutely buckwild shit you’ve ever seen

enhanced edition of this trope is when they cut to blorbo bleebus doing something entirely contradictory to how they were just introduced, like “i know a professional, someone discreet who can handle things quietly” cut to blorbo bleebus in the wildest fucking bar brawl you’ve ever seen, screaming their own name and stopping to down shots while still holding some dude in a headlock

I’d give up everything rn to have an enemies to lovers trope in irl




my favourite ever literary trope is “you want me to be a villain? i’ll show you a villain” that shit gives me goosebumps and given the right context also turns me on

#the tiger…he destroyed his cage… yes… YES…. the tiger is out

“Everyone is a monster to someone. Since you are so convinced that I am yours. I will be it.”


have realized that I like found family as a trope most when the found family is as dysfunctional and messy and kind of fucked up as a real one can be. and this is perhaps not what most people are talking about when they talk about found family as a trope



If i were in a high fantasy setting i’d be corrupted by the allure of ancient and forbidden magicks SO quickly you have no idea

Oh, a forbifmdden magic wants to corrupt me? Not if I get them first.


“clichés are bad” ok then explain showing up bloody or bruised outside your enemy’s door because you didn’t know where else to go


feral protagonists- 5 stars

protagonists who are uptight about everything but it’s slowly revealed they are one step away from genocide at all times- 7267785 stars


Hmm though, not to slip into actual accidental intelligent conversation, but damn the abuse angle of this part of Dracula placing Jonathan into a traditionally feminine narrative. Dracula is awful but he is the Protector now, it could be Worse so at least be thankful he is there as a small help.

No surprises that adaptations like to conveniently miss this angle of the story.

The whole “giving the bride away” is so disturbingly patriarchal and objectifying to women as something to be given from one man to another, but good gods I absolutely love it as a found family reaffirmation.

When the bride goes to the father-figure of her found family and nervously rambles on about how she doesn’t have a father and how he has always been like a father and she kinda fears rejection, but he’s like two seconds from crying because she thinks of him as a dad and there are hugs and reassurance and shit I love that so much.


there’s something so compelling about stories where a character’s virtues intensify into flaws that lead to their downfall. loyalty and love becoming so all-consuming that compassion outside of them ceases to exist. duty overwhelming any moral compass until order becomes more important than justice. selflessness so intense it becomes self-destruction. let me watch while whatever saved the hero in the beginning destroys them. let me see them fall to their own worst impulses disguised as what once made them good.



Fifteen essential components of an evil lair:

  1. Bottomless pit (no safety rail)
  2. Vat of molten metal, giant, easily tipped
  3. Cavernous room illuminated by single spotlight
  4. Big dial that’s marked in percentages but goes up to 300%
  5. Wall of CRT televisions
  6. Laser hallway
  7. Monolith, enigmatic
  8. Blast doors that open or close when button is destroyed, whichever would be most convenient for person doing the destroying
  9. Barrels, acid
  10. Barrels, exploding
  11. Barrels, acid, exploding
  12. Control panel with exposed high-voltage cables routed directly across its surface
  13. Steam pipes, numerous (note: actual steam-driven infrastructure not required)
  14. That room where the floor is always wet for some reason
  15. One (1) random cylinder liquid nitrogen

While the additions in the notes are appreciated, the lair features that many folks are bringing up aren’t essential features: they’re nemesis enrichment. It’s important not to confuse the two; after all, what suitable nemesis enrichment features look like depends entirely on one’s choice of nemesis.

For example, if your nemesis is the bloodthirsty sort, an enormous rotating fan for them to kick hapless henchpersons into may be a good idea. However, if they prefer to keep things neat, a henchperson-shredding fan would simply be inappropriate.

Similarly, a nemesis who favours hand-to-hand combat may appreciate being provided with a taciturn henchperson who’s notably much larger than all of the other henchpeople, but a nemesis who favours gunplay would simply be confused by it.

Reinforced ductwork that’s just large enough for a person to crawl around in? Great for a nemesis who prefers to infiltrate, not so much for one inclined to storm the front gates!

(The preceding classification of a laser hallway as a lair essential rather than a nemesis enrichment feature is, admittedly, not without controversy; however, one must bear in mind that the laser hallway’s primary function is to discourage resident henchpersons from straying into the inner sanctum. The fact that it’s also a highly flexible nemesis enrichment feature is more of a bonus – it should never be relied upon as the sole enrichment feature of a well-appointed lair.)

All these years in fandom, all this time exploring different ships and dynamics, and no ship dynamic will ever give me quite as much joy as “aloof-seeming rival who has the Biggest Soft Spot Ever for the plucky underdog.”

When the underdog works their heart and soul out to get acknowledged by the rival, and meanwhile the rival has been hopelessly crushing on them for two years and is just too damn repressed to do anything about it. Nothing else hits like that. Absolutely nothing.
