#one sided crush


I’d give up everything rn to have an enemies to lovers trope in irl

Dear ▇▇▇,

I hate you for making me miss you so much. Your hurtful words chip away at my soul yet I still think about you everyday at least a thousand times or more. Use me, abuse me I still miss you. You say you love me the most but you treat me like I’m never there. I crave you, i’ll do for your attention.

I need y’all’s advice on how to get over a MAJOR crush. and no I will not confess to him. but please give me advice because he’s a grade above me and I only ever interact with him in PE but even then we never talk or anything unless we’re forced to because of an activity/assignment or something. Just please help because I have such a huge crush on this guy that it’s hard for me to even get through the day or focus on school because when I even get a glimpse of him or pass him in the hall it’s like my legs turn to jello and my heart races super fast and then I’ll just think about him all day. At this point it’s really not healthy for me because I already have low self esteem so my crush not even looking at me or anything makes me feel like I’m super ugly and it’s just slowly making me less confident but at the same time I put so much work into my looks just so I look good FOR HIM. I really want to get over this so badly because my grades are slipping and so is my self esteem and it feels like I’m just falling in a never-ending hole.

You know what I hate the most?

I hate you for always being there for her as much as I want you to be with me. I hate the way you look onto her, the way you hold her because for a moment, I felt like she was holding my universe. I hate it when you always have to leave me just because you will need to fetch her and ask her out. I hate the fact that even when you left me, I am still a fool waiting for you to return. I hate it when you ask me about what she likes, about the things that make her uncomfortable, I hate it when you always pay attention to the things she love to do, while I am stuck here, seeing how persistent you are on waiting for her. I hate the smile you wear as her name flashes your screen. I hate the way you misses her. I hate the way you talk to her, I hate the way you bring her name on our conversation. I hate the way you tell me how much you love her and the things you are willing to risk for her. I hate it. I hate how dense you are. I hate the fact that after all these years, you never noticed me, but I am still clinging onto you. I hate the fact that I love you as much as you love her. I was here even before she came and I will probably be here if she decided to leave you one morning. The fact that I have to support your love for her and I can’t compete with her because she’s way better than me, slowly kills me.

I was waiting for you to look at me too, but maybe I will stay like this, loving you in silence.

the danger of one sided love j.a

nothing much, just obsessively pining for you at 4:30 in the morning even though you’ll never love me, same old same old

Saw my crush today. So hard sitting across a table from her, staring in to her eyes talking about whatever and all I wanted to do was pull her face towards mine and kiss her.
