


if you all are bothered by the new update where long posts are cut off by the ‘view post’ thingy, then just follow this:

- settings>dashboard>shorten long posts and toggle it off (browser)


- settings>general settings>dashboard preferences>shorten long posts and toggle it off (the app)

#aesthetic    #chillwave    #study beats    #lofi mix    #retrowave    #vaporwave    #synthwave    #dj mix    #cyberpunk    #chillwave mix    #lofi and chill    #v a p o r w a v e    #a e s t h e t i c    #tumblr    #studybeats    #outrun    

Is anyone interested in doing an experiment with me? I want to check/confirm how a tumblr feature works, but I need another person for it. (Preferable if you have Twitter, too.)


Introducing: Reblog Controls

This is not a drill, repeat, this is not a drill—we are rolling out reblog controls across web and iOS, starting today. 

How does it work?

When drafting a post, select the settings cog in the top right corner of your post editor. From here, you can choose one of two options.

  • “Anyone (on Tumblr)” means just that.
  • “No one” means that your post cannot be reblogged by anyone, ever.


Your wish is our command. Many of you have told us this feature would give you a welcome sense of safety. If you block someone after the post was made, don’t worry—they still can’t reblog it. This change gives you control over your own posts, and so will improve your posting experience. Ultimately, better posting means a better Tumblr. And finally, don’t worry, Android users. The feature will follow on your platform soon.

That’s all, folks. Happy reblogging!

Any questions? Drop us a line on @wiporSupport, and keep an eye out for the mobile rollout on@changes.


If you see weird pics of ladies with dubious links posted on your blog out of the blue, here’s a step by step way of stopping this and preventing it from happening again that I think mightwork.

Important : this only works if you can still access your blog!

Changing your password is important, but it won’t do you any good if your hacker still has an opened session on your blog and can still access it. So the first thing you wanna do is close your hacker’s session.

For that you need to go in your blog’s settings:


On the new page opened, scroll all the way down. There, you can see something called “Active Sessions“. The first and oldest one (”current session” in green) should be yours, the new one should be the hacker’s session. To close your hacker’s session, click the gray X next to it.


Now that their session is closed, they can’t access your blog anymore unless they enter the password again.

So don’t lose time, go all the way back up and change your password immediately. Make also sure your hacker didn’t change your email address.


Now you should be safe from your hacker. But it won’t prevent you from getting hacked again.

If you really want to be safe from hackers, you should turn on the “Two-factor authentification” option (on the same page).


It requires you to enter your phone number, which is a bummer. But if it’s turned on, everytime you wanna log on (so not if your session is already opened, but only if you log off and try to log on again), it will send a code on your phone that you’ll have to enter (in addition to having a password).

That way if someone tries to hack you again, even if they get your password right, they won’t be able to enter your blog without having that code.

There it is. I hope it will help some of you, since I see more and more people noticing blogs being hacked



i think tumblr is the only website where the users have to employ the scientific method to figure out how it works


hate being australian on the internet americans will be like “happy wet fuck wednesday!!” and i will look at the clock and it is 4:37pm on a thursday. i have missed wet fuck wednesday yet again
