#tw child death




John Landis should be rotting in prison tbh

This doesn’t even scratch the surface of the negligence on his part that led to the accident. And, immediately after they all saw one child get crushed to death, and another child and an actor be cut in half by the helicopter, he reportedly said “That’s a wrap.”




a decade ago, 20 children and 6 staff members were shot and killed in the tragic sandy hook elementary school shooting. today, a decade later, 14 children and 1 teacher had their lives taken at robb elementary school in texas. it’s been a decade, and there has been nothing done to prevent this from ever happening again. may they all rest in peace.

 the south texas blood and tissue center are in critical need of blood donations following this horrific mass shooting. you can visit their website to find a donation location. 



i will be updating this post with more resources.

the total death count is now 21. 18 children and 3 adults dead.


a decade ago, 20 children and 6 staff members were shot and killed in the tragic sandy hook elementary school shooting. today, a decade later, 14 children and 1 teacher had their lives taken at robb elementary school in texas. it’s been a decade, and there has been nothing done to prevent this from ever happening again. may they all rest in peace.


by Matthew Olzmann

You whom I could not save,
Listen to me.

Can we agree Kevlar
backpacks shouldn’t be needed
for children walking to school?
Those same children
also shouldn’t require a suit
of armor when standing
on their front lawns, or snipers
to watch their backs
as they eat at McDonalds.
They shouldn’t have to stop
to consider the speed
of a bullet or how it might
reshape their bodies. But
one winter, back in Detroit,
I had one student
who opened a door and died.
It was the front
door of his house, but
it could have been any door,
and the bullet could have written
any name. The shooter
was thirteen years old
and was aiming
at someone else. But
a bullet doesn’t care
about “aim,” it doesn’t
distinguish between
the innocent and the innocent,
and how was the bullet
supposed to know this
child would open the door
at the exact wrong moment
because his friend
was outside and screaming
for help. Did I say
I had “one” student who
opened a door and died?
That’s wrong.
There were many.
The classroom of grief
had far more seats
than the classroom for math
though every student
in the classroom for math
could count the names
of the dead.
A kid opens a door. The bullet
couldn’t possibly know,
nor could the gun, because
“guns don’t kill people,” they don’t
have minds to decide
such things, they don’t choose
or have a conscience,
and when a man doesn’t
have a conscience, we call him
a psychopath. This is how
we know what type of assault rifle
a man can be,
and how we discover
the hell that thrums inside
each of them. Today,
there’s another
shooting with dead
kids everywhere. It was a school,
a movie theater, a parking lot.
The world
is full of doors.
And you, whom I cannot save,
you may open a door
and enter
a meadow or a eulogy.
And if the latter, you will be
mourned, then buried
in rhetoric.
There will be
monuments of legislation,
little flowers made
from red tape.
What should we do? we’ll ask
again. The earth will close
like a door above you.
What should we do?
And that click you hear?
That’s just our voices,
the deadbolt of discourse
sliding into place.


a decade ago, 20 children and 6 staff members were shot and killed in the tragic sandy hook elementary school shooting. today, a decade later, 14 children and 1 teacher had their lives taken at robb elementary school in texas. it’s been a decade, and there has been nothing done to prevent this from ever happening again. may they all rest in peace.

Rogue: *out of character* You guys are alarmingly chill about telling my character her dead child never had a soul.



There’s no word yet on how to help the families but I’ll update when I know and would appreciate any help for them then.


I know Tumblr throttles any posts with links so I’d be grateful to anyone who shares this.

Odin and Hunter were best friends who loved playing in the dirt with their toys.


There’s no word yet on how to help the families but I’ll update when I know and would appreciate any help for them then.


My sister just called.

My parents live and work the barn where they keep their horses and do club activities.

Two little boys were playing outside when a car crashed through the fence, smashed through half a dozen horse stalls, flipped, and killed them.

I don’t even know what to say right now but I’m holding my kids so hard right now.




Another 751 unmarked graves were found at a Saskatchewan residential school.

Seven hundred fifty one.

This school, The Marieval Indian Residential School, operated from 1899 to 1997.

It was one of the last residential schools to close in Canada. One of more than 130. 

In case you didn’t know, residential schools were created to “cleanse” the people of Canada. These schools operated from 1831, when the Mohawk Institute Residential School opened, to 1996, when residential schools were finallyoutlawed.

That is 166 years of cultural genocide.

An estimated 150 000 children attended these schools, and an estimated 6 000 children died at these schools (current records of death are incomplete) 

These children were beaten, sexually abused, even experimented on. They were treated like prisoners, like they were sub-human. 

A child’s likelihood of dying in a residential school was one in twenty-five. In comparison, a Canadian World War 2 soldier’s odds of dying were one in twenty-six. 

I am not Indigenous. I cannot pretend to know how painful this may be. But what I can do is speak out. This inhumane treatment of citizens of Canada must be condemned. 

The government of Canada, and The Catholic Church, must. make. reparations. 







so can we start hunting down white liberals now or what

The full picture is even more heart breaking after you open the uncropped version. Just a heads-up, it’s rough

Nah let’s post it. Let’s feel it. Don’t look away.

I notice alot of my followers on here skipping these posts just to mess with my lgbt ones, suspiciously the white popular ones.

Heres a not so friendly reminder, as an lgbt metis person, i dont give a single fuck what your blog is themed or if this is too painful for you to look at. Reblog this post. Reblog this post with the sources of the 751 children who were found.

Your compliance and silence as well as the compliance and silence of your ancestors is what allowed these schools to open and kill first nations children. The children of MY people.

Dont follow me if you cant reblog this post or the one with sources to your political blog or your most popular blog. Add trigger warnings if you must but if your political blog is only focused on the harms you personally face like being lgbt then you need to see some bigger pictures and stop being afraid of angering your racist mutural or actually saying some shit about racism. If you can reblog some antifa graphics or add blm to your bio to be a surface level ally, you can reblog some sources on the genocide first nations people faced and still face today.

They were CHILDREN.

They were murdered in cold blood.

I’d like to add this photo I took last night in Victoria of the statue of Captain Cook. Though I myself am not indigenous, I 100% agree that these murderers, kidnappers and rapists shouldn’t have huge statues and plaques that decorate them and say how “great” they were.

Here’s another photo of the legislative assembly from yesterday. Later on there were more items, candles and signs at the memorial, as well as a big poster with 1505 painted on it but I didn’t get a picture

People need to see this. Not just quickly glance at the photos and keep on scrolling. They need to seethis.

Reblog this or just stop following me


a decade ago, 20 children and 6 staff members were shot and killed in the tragic sandy hook elementary school shooting. today, a decade later, 14 children and 1 teacher had their lives taken at robb elementary school in texas. it’s been a decade, and there has been nothing done to prevent this from ever happening again. may they all rest in peace.


Take action to honor the Uvalde elementary school victims.

The death toll continues to climb from a mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. Last year, over 1500 children and teenagers were killed by guns in the US. Enough is enough. Gun control legislation is needed to end senseless gun violence in America.

Here’s how to show your support


there’s a woman who published a book telling how she murdered her disabled toddler, thirty two years ago, in france.

she was given an interview. no challenge was posed against her. the prescription for murder passed, she is no longer at risk of being taken to trial.

the child had agonized for three days, of poison, without eating nor drinking.

her name is anne ratier.

the baby’s was frédérique.

here’s her ugly face and her fucking book cover.

it’s entitled “i offered death to my son”.

i don’t know what to do. so i thought i’d let people know.





every now and then i have to think of the roman family from two thousand years ago that buried their little daughter in a boy’s athletic-themed sarcophagus and i weep a little because that’s the softest declaration of love i can possibly imagine

i am once again emotional and sleep deprived so let me elaborate to make myself feel better.

octavia paulina was a six year old girl whose sarcophagus was found in her family’s tomb at via triumphalis in rome, dated roughly around the third century a.d. her parents mourned her mors immatura, her premature death, by having the wall behind her sarcophagus painted with the image of a giant meadow with children and a chariot pulled by doves accompanied by hermes leading an unconscious girl into afterlife. (to my knowledge, the doves and the fact that they were led by hermes was a symbol for hope.)

the sarcophagus itself shows athletic competitions between girls and boys alike, and in the most important one on the front, octavia paulina appears as the winner (a palm branch in her hand, which is meant to symbolize her strength and honor, her virtus). her opponent is sitting on the floor, upset. what really stands out is that octavia paulina’s parents ordered a common sarcophagus that was usually used to bury boys with athletic interests or futures but then proceeded to have it remodeled — smaller heads and genitalia cut off etc — to include girls in the relief.

i just get very soft when i think about parents ordering a sarcophagus for their little daughter who think it’s perfect for her and who remodel it to make it even more accurate for her. the thought of parents more than 1.700 years ago thinking their six year old daughter deserves a sarcophagus that fits her personality (rather than what was expected of her as a young girl of the time) despite none being available and then ordering for it to be altered makes me wanna scream because it’s such a human and caring thing to do. maybe octavia paulina even had a say in this because it took weeks to months to make a sarcophagus this detailed.

disclaimer: a lot of this messy little thing was transcribed from what my professor has told us in his sarcophagus class and this article; this is just a rambling post, it isn’t detailed or well put or structured properly, and not fit for scientific research.













Unbroken full-size can be found here.


Normally I wouldn’t do this because this book is so not 101, and is probably immensely traumatizing* if you haven’t already desensitized yourself, but if you want any kind of background/deep back story on this war I HIGHLY recommend Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin by Timothy Snyder.

*it opens with Ukrainian toddlers cannibalizing each other during the Holodomor and only gets less chill from there.

I have a new fixation for the next few weeks!

honestly, this was a really good movie in my opinion.

tw: child death

The night is old and slow. It buzzes and aches. The rain is dense and heavy. The smoke is sticky, the plants weep an acidic smell. Fragments of cement crack beneath the black leather boots. The gun is slipping from a sweaty hand. The heart runs and the eyes burn. The bullet cracks the skull and the blood rushes out.

The boy falls, still holding his toy.
