#twice memes


Momo, doing the shoot dance into the kitchen at 4am so she can raid the fridge:hongrey

Jeongyeon: If you want to know how much our friendship means to me, count the stars in the sky

Nayeon: But it’s daytime


Sana: Good job Dahyun, high five!

Dahyun: [gives her a high five]

Sana: [intertwines fingers]


Sana: I’m in love with you

Chaeyoung: [standing outside holding a sign that says “prom?”]

Nayeon: OH MY GOD YES!

Chaeyoung: No! Tell Mina!


Jihyo: Quick, we need a distraction. Is anyone good at yelling, screaming and jumping around violently?

Sana, already jumping: Finally my time has come!

Tzuyu: I never know what to say to people at funerals

Jihyo: Just say “I’m sorry for your loss” and move on

[later at a funeral]

Tzuyu: Sorry for your loss, move on.

Church: Follow Jesus

Dahyun: Does he follow back?




Dahyun: Promo for promo?

[after sex]

Jeongyeon: wow that was great I had you screaming the entire time

Momo: sorry I’m afraid of the dark

Momo: Why won’t the ghosts talk to us?

Sana: Maybe they’re homophobic

Jihyo: We aren’t gay, Sana

Sana & Momo, clearly confused: We aren’t?

Jeongyeon: Your home is on fire, you have sixty seconds. What do you take?


Nayeon: My awards

Mina: A nap

Jihyo: Have a good time!


Jihyo: Why is no one having a good time? I specifically requested it.

Jihyo: Last night I slept for eight hours straight

Jihyo: Then two hours gay

Jihyo: Stop doing weird things, you need to go out sometime

Mina: I went to the park today

Jihyo: There you go, I hope you got something out of that

Mina: [opens coat] Yeah this duck

Jeongyeon: Go to bed, you’re tired.

Dahyun: No I’m not

Jeongyeon: Go to bed, I’m tired.

Nayeon: [trying to flirt] So, do you come here often?

Tzuyu: This is my fucking house.

Sana: Is 3 fingers too much?

Dahyun: Not at all! Most people have 10.

Jeongyeon: [accidentally bumps into Momo while dancing]

Momo: You wanna fucking die?

Jeongyeon: [whispering] Kinda

Momo: [Softly] Baby we talked about this…

[Jihyo leaving to go to the store]

Mina: What am I gonna do while you’re gone?

Jihyo: I don’t know. What do you usually do?

Mina [voice cracking]: wait for you to come back :(

Sana: What do you say when you like someone of your own gender?

Jihyo: Sana, no…

Sana: Sarangay

Momo: [counting her fingers]

Bouncer: I just asked how old you are

Momo: Can you shut the fuck up for a second

Sana: [moves around in bed and hears a soft thump on the floor]

Sana: [gasping softly] Mina, no

Momo: hey i found you this cool thing

Nayeon: this… is a worm

Momo: [delicately placing the worm in Nayeon’s palm] haha yeah it’s a worm

Sana: Isn’t it great Mina? It’s just the three of us here

Sana: You, me and the brick wall you built between us
