#uk politics


Jamie Oliver is a cunt.

HAHAHA. Ah, the second public gender neutral toilet in the UK.

Imagine unironically thinking or saying this

Keith steamtrain has said he’s going to resign if he’s found guilty of breaking lockdown rules fingers crossed so much right now


Anything sum up the state of this country more than foodbanks being shut over the Jubilee weekend?

 When everyone remembers to button their jacket except you.

When everyone remembers to button their jacket except you.

Post link

Hello there, I’m interesting in lovely submission and I’m looking for a good, honest, truthful, obedient and understanding slut to own and collar.




It’s been dragging out so long, the impending implosion of the Tory party as Boris Johnson plummets from on high, and now suddenly it’s happening so fast I keep checking the Guardian website for one of those voting day liveblog timelines

Like fuck the Queen and fuck her special weekend and fuck everyone who gathered to stand in the crowd at it and cheer her but MY FUCKING GOD, every one of them who booed Boris Johnson and Carrie Symmonds so loudly even the BBC commentators were shocked into silence is a hero, because here we are not 48 hours later about to see Johnson downvoted into oblivion by his own horrified party

And now Nadine Dorries is having some sort of mental break on Twitter and revealing Tory party secrets that no one was supposed to know in a bid to insult and silence the enemies of Big Dog because WITH FRIENDS LIKE NADINE DORRIES AM I RIGHT

I fucking love a Tory Civil War

This was such a deeply healing moment for the nation.

The Prime Minister @BorisJohnson arriving with wife Carrie at St Paul’s Cathedral for the Platinum Thanksgiving Service is booed by some in the crowd@BBCNews pic.twitter.com/rHbBgX8Jzh — Victoria Derbyshire (@vicderbyshire) June 3, 2022

Oh my god she’s completely losing it.

Jeremy Hunt (lollllll) is voting Johnson out (LOLLLLL) and Nadine Dorries has just gone full “Jilted 15-year-old in the group chat on him”

She’s just confirmed what the government has denied for the last two years, which is that the Tories had no pandemic preparedness. She’s just confirmed what the government has been denying about people dying unnecessarily in care homes of covid. Why has no one rugby tackled her away from her keyboard yet. This is so funny.








I think England should have its Stonehenge privileges revoked. I think we need to put another power in charge of Stonehenge. Nobody asked themselves “Is a sacred Neolithic burial site really the place for tacky holograms of a woman everyone hates?”

everyone in the notes is saying this is real but it has to be fake right

Someone photoshop this to be pictures of Queen

this is basically what I’ve been saying all along tho

Thinking about this more and I’m pretty sure almost every colonial power has done some form of colonialism to itself

well yeah and you’ve also got like

tumblr likes to talk about it as if this only applies to Scotland and Ireland and shit but there are parts of England that have every bit as much reason to object to the way they’re ruled from London for the benefit of a London-and-Home-Counties-based elite, and fewer safeguards in the form of devolution powers


NHS waiting lists drive more Britons to pay for medical treatment | NHS | The Guardian

This is how NHS privatisation happens. It’s not one fell swoop, the Tories don’t wake up tomorrow and say “we’re abolishing the NHS”.

There’s a slow chip at services, meaning more people pay to go private. Failing services get sold off to private enterprise. Decisions are made ever more on cost, not quality of care, so more people go private. The NHS is underfunded, so waiting lists grow longer and longer - so people who couldn’t afford it before scrape together what they have, take out loans, go private. People hear about this and take out private health insurance because they’re scared.

Slowly, it might become a bit like dentists, where actually you can’t see an NHS one for love nor money, and if you can’t go private you can only access emergency treatment.

Except accessing that treatment becomes difficult and slow and maybe that gets contracted out to private providers. Maybe then, the NHS dies a final death, or maybe they don’t bother.

The point is, if the government get their way, the NHS will face a slow death of a thousand cuts over the next 10 years or so. And some people will become very rich indeed off the back of it.

And don’t think labour will save you. Starmer is also in the pocket of private healthcare.

If you want the NHS to survive, if you want things to get better, not worse, now is the time to start fighting.



image text from Les Mis: England solves the first of these two problems. She creates wealth wonderfully; she distributes it badly. This solution, which is complete only on one side, leads her inevitably to these two extremes: monstrous opulence, monstrous misery. All the enjoyment to a few, all the privation to the rest, that is to say, to the people; privilege, exception, monopoly, feudality, springing from labour itself, a false and dangerous situation which founds public power upon private misery, which plants the grandeur of the state in the suffering of the individual.
