#uk politics



The government is going to debate my (and many other people’s) legal existence.


To say my expectations are low would be a understatement.


Don’t worry if you’re poor- you can go and be cannon fodder in Tory wars.

Disgusting misogynistic attack on Angela Rayner by from the Mail on Sunday:

Beyond the sexism this article also adds classism to the mix with this quote:

The fact that Angela Rayner was a working class girl Who dropped out of school Who was pregnant at 16 Who went from full-time carer to being Shadow Minister Should make us respect her more Not less …and a damn sight more than politicians who arrive via Eton conveyor belt 2:50 pm · 24 Apr 2022·Twitter for iPhoneALT


Someone actually thought this, then wrote it, others then approved it, then published it. At no point did it apparently occur to any of the above that this was embarrassingly awful. Hang your heads in shame. 1:14 am · 24 Apr 2022·Twitter for iPhoneALT


The attack on Angela Rayner came out the same day as this story:

23 Apr 2022


the rest of the world is really unaware that the uk is dumping all its asylum seekers in rwanda, 4000 miles away, like thats official policy now we’re doing australia 2 because this government sees refugees as criminals


Dan Stevens roasting Boris Johnson on The One Show 13/4/22


The police have issues 50 fines to Downing Street staff for attending parties during lockdown including the Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak, the two most senior people in government. They broke the very laws they put in place, lied about it repeatedly before finally getting exposed and prosecuted. And yet has either offered to resign? 

What do you think?


The Prime Minister, the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the PM’s wife all received fixed penalty notices for attending a birthday gathering for the PM in No 10.

As a result, Mr Johnson became the UK’s first serving prime minister to be sanctioned for breaking the law.

All three apologised, but both the PM and Mr Sunak rejected calls to resign.

Mr Johnson said he felt “an even greater sense of obligation to deliver on the priorities of the British people”, while the chancellor said he was “focused on delivering for the British people”.

Oh for the love of all that is holy, unholy and the atheist bits inbetween….

So Johnson KNOWINGLY lied to the House of Commons about the parties he absolutely 100% did not, no siree, attend, has been found guilty enough by the Police to be fined for attending those parties, and still he wouldn’t know the decent thing if it slapped him in the face with a fresh haddock.

(Up until this afternoon, knowingly lying to the House is seen as an automatic resigning offence amongst Cabinet members and MP’s, no ifs and’s or buts, you just GO!)

And the other Tories wil let him get away with it, because they have no one else to suggest as leader thanks to Sunak being embroiled in messes of his own beyond even the fine. (I mean, Michael Gove as PM? A fate possibly scarier than BoJo in charge). And they keep him on even realising that almighty harm this will do to their vote in the upcoming local council elections in May.

The sad part is that Parliament just went into recess for Easter, so there will be no Prime Minister’s Questions tomorrow, because that would be must see viewing by anyone’s definition. How… convenient.



Hey so I haven’t seen much about this on Tumblr, but the UK Government backed out of including Transgender people in the Conversion Therapy Ban yesterday on TDOV (Thursday 31st of March, 2022)

It was first stated that the ban would be dropped entirely, but a revision was made a few hours later, stating that it would go ahead for sexualities, but not gender identities - against the advice of the NHS (That’s the National Health Service, for those outside of the UK), even.

People living in the UK are urged to contact your MP, there is a site geared to help you do this;

Mermaids has also made a form by which you can contact your MP!

Here it is. Just pop in your details and it’ll find your MP and give you a form letter that you can edit if you want, and then send it for you.


UK petition: Ensure Trans people are fully protected under any conversion therapy ban

I’m sure you’re familiar with the news from earlier this month (April 2022) that UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has gone back on his pledge to ban conversion therapy for trans people.

There is now an official UK parliament petition that calls for the government to ban conversion therapy for everyone.

[Sign here]

The deadline is 6 October 2022. It has just over 3,000 signatures so far, and it needs 10,000 for a response from the government and 100,000 to be debated in parliament.

3,064 of 10,000 signatures.ALT

You can sign if you live in the UK or are a British citizen living anywhere.

It’s being tracked here, so you can see graphs of the rate of signatures over time.

If you’re in the UK or you have followers who are, please consider signing and/or reblogging! Every action helps, no matter how small.

[Sign here]








Someone made an engagement map for TERF tweets

Y’all in the notes please be mindful when you say stuff like “it’s time to kill the British.” The people suffering the most from British transphobia are….British trans people.

^^^^^ for serious. British trans folks rarely get to transition at all, and when they don’t they’re often denied any social transition period. TERFs in the UK aren’t here to start laws against people in America, they’re trying and succeeding to kill off trans people in the UK. This really isn’t the situation to cram on the brits to look and feel better about yourself… the trans body count is tremendous over there. Please have some respect for the people actually effected.

Please do keep this in mind. As much as I find the anti-British memes funny, this is a genuine issue in the UK.

I’m a trans man in the UK, I’ve been on the waiting list to be diagnosed for just over 2 years now, and am expected to wait around another 2 years before I get my first appointment (if the wait time doesn’t increase). I will then wait around 2 more years (at the very least) for my second appointment, and if I’m very lucky and am diagnosed in that appointment (which is not guaranteed in the slightest), I’ll enter another waiting list to access healthcare. The service I’m in is considered around average. There are people waiting 6 years for their first appointment in other services, so I am incredibly lucky with my supportive family (in that I haven’t been kicked out or abused, parents still don’t respect pronouns or name) and I have good friends who respect me, as well as only waiting 4 years for a first appointment.

Maybe you could go private if you had the money, right? Go a similar route to trans people in the US? A diagnosis from a private practice can be rejected by your General Practitioner, and any referral you get for hormones or surgery can be completely dismissed, because you weren’t diagnosed by an NHS practice. You would likely have to go entirely private, which is not possible for thousands of trans people who rely on the NHS. This is an issue within the NHS and a completely lack of funding and training for trans healthcare, resulting in horrifically long wait time and difficult to access help, especially given doctors and surgeons have and are having their practices shut down because they aren’t considered proper by the NHS, despite being one of very very few who commit to this kind of work.

The transphobia in the UK runs far deeper than just tweets, and combining the aggressively transphobic attitude of a large portion of the population with the lack of healthcare due to wait times and difficulties with funding, you set up an incredibly difficult and dangerous position for trans people. Maybe this sounds like a bunch of complaints and nothing to people in the US, but people here are dying as a result of this. Please do keep this in mind when making anti-UK memes surrounding specifically transphobia.

also, our wait times for HRT have gone up to 6 years through the NHS.

There are officially English asylum seekers in places like New Zealand now because other countries have acknowledged that it is genuinely unsafe for trans people to stay in this country.

#when you say everyone in [insert place here] should die#you are also talking about the countless number people who are suffering there#and that makes you kind of a cunt




oi british followers, we’re getting a surprise election 3 years early so you guys better fucking register to vote and get out there on june 8th. i’m sick of having to wake up after major votes to see that our futures have been decided by elderly racists and that turn out for 18-24 year olds was low. it’s your fucking future lads. this shit is important. 

here’s all the details on how to register

here is an excellent guide on how to best vote to keep the tories out


guys im in debt with my labour party membership and ive been ghosting my clp’s leader’s facebook messages but then i accidentally walked past him in town yesterday

The entire north east of England reading the tier system right now
