
Attenzione ragazzi, da oggi me ne mancano solamente 38 da disegnare!. Il traguardo si avvicina pre

Attenzione ragazzi, da oggi me ne mancano solamente 38 da disegnare!
Il traguardo si avvicina prepotentemente!
Torniamo seri dai… quel che posso dirvi è che pian pianino, completerò il mio mazzo digitale di @modiano_official #piacentine in #pixelart … poi se lo stamperò o meno, si vedrà!
PS: non so perché ho iniziato dagli 8, ma credo di aver fatto una scelta giusta!
#carte #cartedagioco #cards #modiano #italiangames #scopa #briscola #tresette #assopigliatutto #estate #summer #pixelastudio #ipad #applepencil #game #giochidicarte #cardsgame #retrogamer #retrogames #videogame #videogames #nerd #8bitartist #pixelarts #8bit #pixelated #theoluk (presso Rome, Italy)

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Ciao a tutti ragazzi… Finalmente posso annunciare l'uscita di #fruitman il videogioco ufficia

Ciao a tutti ragazzi… Finalmente posso annunciare l'uscita di #fruitman il videogioco ufficiale di @_frulla_ che vi farà vincere tantissimi premi deliziosi!
Vorrei ringraziare il team di @gamindoapp per avermi coinvolto in questo progetto molto divertente (siete grandi ragazzi!)… Li ringrazio anche perché allo sviluppo di questo gioco, indovinate un po’ chi c'era? Ma ovviamente @samuelesciacca il mio amico di avventure digitali!…
Fruit Man è ovviamente ispirato al mitico #pacman che in questo #2020 compie 40 anni.
Giocando a Fruit Man i migliori giocatori, vinceranno dei veri e propri PREMI… Quindi, non deludetemi, perché ho detto in giro che i miei followers, sono i più competitivi della rete!
Ora vi saluto e provo ad entrare nelle posizioni Top della Classifica!!! ️
Alla prossima!!!
#frulla #fruit #fruits #frutta #fruttafrullata #banana #apple #mela #blueberry #mirtilli #strawberry #fragola #pear #pera #videogame #videogames #retrogames #8bitartist #8bitart #8bitgames #pixelart #pixelartist #retrogamer #nerd #theoluk (presso Rome, Italy)

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Posso dire di essere a buon punto… Me ne mancano solamente 39 da disegnare!. Con l'estate c

Posso dire di essere a buon punto… Me ne mancano solamente 39 da disegnare!
Con l'estate che arriva, vengono rispolverate dai più grandi ai più piccini… Le @modiano_official #piacentine sono immortali!
Ero curioso di vederne un mazzo intero in #8bit , ma visto che non esiste, me lo sto disegnando da solo!
#carte #cartedagioco #cards #modiano #italiangames #scopa #briscola #tresette #assopigliatutto #estate #summer #game #giochidicarte #cardsgame #retrogamer #retrogames #videogame #videogames #nerd #8bitartist #pixelarts #pixelart #pixelated #theoluk (presso Rome, Italy)

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Ragazzi, a distanza di un mese da Al Bano vs Dinos abbiamo trovato di nuovo l'ispirazione…

Questa volta l'obiettivo è quello di riuscire a scendere più scalini del #capramento in soli 60 secondi. Ma attenzione agli STOP, se non li rispettate, qualcuno cadrà!

Ovviamente “ogni riferimento a fatti e persone presenti in questo meme game, è puramente casuale!”

Pixel Art: Manolo @the_oluk Saviantoni
Sviluppo: @samuelesciacca
Musica e Suoni: @jeff.man_

Potete giocare al Videogame andando a questo indirizzo https://bit.ly/capramento
Trovate una storia dedicata, dove vi basta fare swipe up!
Giocateci e poi scatenatevi con i commenti!️
Play this meme game:
#memegame #memegames #sgarbi #indiegame #indiegames #retrogame #retrogames #videogames #videogame #8bit #8bitartist #pixelart #pixelartist #nerd #gamer #gamers #gamedev #gamedeveloper #theoluk (presso Rome, Italy)

#capramento    #memegame    #memegames    #sgarbi    #indiegame    #indiegames    #retrogame    #retrogames    #videogames    #videogame    #8bitartist    #pixelart    #pixelartist    #gamers    #gamedev    #gamedeveloper    #theoluk    

Questa animazione nasce per #twitter ed è dedicata ad uno dei miei programmi preferiti… quello che il venerdì sera (come in questo momento) mi fa compagnia mentre sono al computer a disegnare le mie illustrazioni in #pixelart … Ovviamente sto parlando di #propagandalive @welikeduel
@zdizoro e @makkox è sempre una gioia seguirvi… MITI!
Questa volta ho deciso di illustrare direttamente voi! ️
Propaganda Live TV Show
#livedrawing #diegobianchi #makkox #tvshow #videogameart #videogame #videogames #retrogamer #retrogames #retrogame #8bit #8bitart #8bitartist #pixelarts #pixelart #nerd #gamer #theoluk (presso Rome, Italy)

#twitter    #pixelart    #propagandalive    #livedrawing    #diegobianchi    #makkox    #tvshow    #videogameart    #videogame    #videogames    #retrogamer    #retrogames    #retrogame    #8bitart    #8bitartist    #pixelarts    #theoluk    

Shooting gallery style shop! I decided to make it this way so that players can buy what they need at the same time, without using slow, clunky menus. This is a work in progress and I’m going to add more stuff to the shop as well as some randomly appearing targets that fly by with rare items.

Background mockups for the first level of my game Hot as Balls! 

The run animation is new but I’m not gonna post it individually because I don’t think it’s quite done yet.

Also I found out I can do little thumbnails instead of full size paper drawings(which take longer and are more complicated) What you see here is various building types that were drawn on different pieces of paper. These are all going to be pixeled over and adjusted so that will unify them. I’m a huge fan of the non straight/wavy lines. Drawing them feels natural to me. To be perfectly honest I came to this conclusion because I can’t draw straight lines to save my life so I just said EFF it and this is what I came up with. Sometimes instead of trying to fix something just go with the flow.

I’m believe(now) that style is a combination of 3 aspects. 

What you know- (for me: blocks, doors, windows)

what you don’t know- (for me: architecture, industrial design)

what you think you know-(for me: being a human I’ve been around buildings all my life so I think I know what they look like)

Before I learned about that I would research using google image search all the building types that I wanted to use but for some reason everything just turned out stale and lacking charm or life. I believe my problem was related to that I do not know what goes into buildings or backgrounds but I was trying to force myself to learn. I wanted to learn the underlining principal behind what made buildings interesting. One day I was looking at a helicopters POV of a city looking down at it. The more I looked at it the more I realized that …THERE IS NO RHYME OR REASON WHY BUILDINGS LOOK THE WAY THEY DO. Once I started to embrace that I didn’t know what went into buildings/BG I was free to create whatever I wanted. In addition I don’t care if it’s accurate anymore. 

Funny anecdote time. I realized something was wrong with my approach when I found myself reading a PDF on the exact workings of a utility pole. I DON’T GIVE A SHIT is what I realized. There had to be another way. I can’t know everything. I’ve been around this stuff all my life. I’ve seen them enough times. I just had to draw what I knew, what I didn’t and what I thought I knew.

Ultimately it’s not about being right. It’s about self expression. It took me a long time (a few months/my whole life) to really understand what that meant. I owe this enlightenment that I’ve had to my mentor anatomy-geek​ Jesus Lopez. He’s always there to help me when I have a question. He helps let me know if I’m going down a wrong path and suggests an alternative. He never forces me to do anything. Because of the deep respect I have for him as an artist and as I friend I always take his advice. He’s never once led me astray. With all that he is teaching me I am confident that one day I will have all the answers I need. I just have to know to look inside myself and trust that I do.

Anyway I hope I’ll have the pixeled/colored version of this done by next weekend or the week after that.

Thanks for reading!

#makapixel    #videogame    #gaming    #animation    #pixel art    #indie game    #indiedev    #gamedev    #hot as balls    #hotasballs    #hand drawn    #drawing    #indie game dev    #pc games    
Here’s some better lighting of the Alice Angel makeup. I don’t think I’ll do the t

Here’s some better lighting of the Alice Angel makeup. I don’t think I’ll do the tear on the “normal” side next time because I want to keep her more “perfect” on that side. We will see.
#AliceAngel #BendyAndTheInkMachine #Bendy #Boris #Cosplay #Cosplayer #CosplayPrep #cosplayersofinstagram #Makeup #Costest #Angel #BATIM #TheMeatly #FXMakeup #BodyPaint #CosplayMakeup #Snazaroo #FacePaint #CosplayPaint #Paint #Artist #artistsoninstagram #Videogame #Videogamecosplay #horror #HorrorGame #Horrorcosplay #RTX #RTXAustin #RTX2018

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Brigitte at your service . It was cool to see another Brigitte at @okashicon this weekend. Her cospl

Brigitte at your service
It was cool to see another Brigitte at @okashicon this weekend. Her cosplay was awesome too! You can also see my little Reinhardt I bought at the convention.
If you know the Cosplayer, please tag her!
#Okashicon #Okashicon2018 #Brigitte #brigittelindholm #overwatchgame #OverwatchLoot #OverwatchCosplay #BlizzardGames #blizzard #reinhardt #Funko #FunkoPop #Cosplay #Cosplayer #cosplayersofinstagram #CosplayBuild #VideoGame #Videogamecosplay #Videogames #toomanyhashtags (at Courtyard by Marriott Austin Pflugerville and Pflugerville Conference Center)

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Alla Till Mig! Brigitte was such a fun cosplay to do! I have to redo her wig, but other than that, I

Alla Till Mig!
Brigitte was such a fun cosplay to do! I have to redo her wig, but other than that, I love it!
#Overwatch #brigitte #BlizzardGames #Blizzard #brigittelindholm #RallyToMe #Support #Cosplay #Cosplayer #cosplayersofinstagram #Videogame #PCGame #IWorkOut #StrongWoman #SimpleCosplay #StrongFemale #torbjorn #reinhardt #overwatchgame #OverwatchCosplay #Videogamecosplay

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Quem qer jogar um GTA V?

Quem qer jogar um GTA V?

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Here’s my first new cartoon in a while! This was made for Disney and it’s impossible to try and explain; you just need to watch it! I directed it and the animation was done by the brilliant Dutch trio known as Brontomus.

#danmeth    #animation    #videos    #cartoon    #videogame    #nintendo    #disney    #polaris    #trippy    #brontomus    #netherlands    #animatie    