#virgin sherlock


A Satisfactory Arrangement

Description: John has an issue. He loves being back at Baker Street now that his marriage is over. The only thing is, he doesn’t fancy going the rest of his life without ever having sex again…

Review: John proposes a friends with benefits situation once he realizes he doesn’t want to date anymore for fear of Sherlock worrying that he’ll leave him again, and that is not something John wants to risk. Doesn’t want to have one-stsnds for the rest of his life either. Sherlock accepts his offer and cue the pining John and Sherlock indulging in his new-found enjoyment of sex.

Rating: E


Description: After solving a case for a major celebrity, Sherlock gets himself asked out. When John asks, he discovers that Sherlock has no intention of going, at least not until John agrees to coach him through whatever he might need to know for his date…

Review: I enjoyed every second of this fic. I’m a sucker for fics about Sherlock with other men and John being supportive yet jealous. Can’t get enough of it, there needs to be more. I particularly enjoy with this one how long the fic is and John’s struggles with his himself between wanting everything for Sherlock and letting himself indulge during their “coachings.” I also surprisingly liked the OC male character, which is always nice! Can’t recommend this one enough.

Rating: E
