#johnlock fic rec


A Satisfactory Arrangement

Description: John has an issue. He loves being back at Baker Street now that his marriage is over. The only thing is, he doesn’t fancy going the rest of his life without ever having sex again…

Review: John proposes a friends with benefits situation once he realizes he doesn’t want to date anymore for fear of Sherlock worrying that he’ll leave him again, and that is not something John wants to risk. Doesn’t want to have one-stsnds for the rest of his life either. Sherlock accepts his offer and cue the pining John and Sherlock indulging in his new-found enjoyment of sex.

Rating: E

Blind Spot

Description: Working a case involving a bomber in London, all Lestrade knows is that something big happened with Sherlock and John in the autumn leading up to John’s recent divorce, but so far no one has yet seen fit to fill him in…

Review: Told from Lestrade’s POV of Sherlock and John’s misunderstandings post Mary. I love outside POV fics cause they really highlight how couple-y they are, and when they fight everyone feels the rift in the universe. Three Garridebs moment!

Rating: General

Out of Time

Description: John was Sherlock’s friend with benefits, but for John… Sherlock was everything. Only… Sherlock is a alpha and John is a beta. John always knew this arrangement between them couldn’t last. One day Sherlock would find an omega to mate with and then he’d have to let Sherlock go, no matter how it would destroy him. Omegas were the intended bond mates to alphas. Being a beta, John knew he held no place in Sherlock’s life, apart from being a second, and that would destroy him. That dreaded day came too soon. John was left with two choices… Become Sherlock’s second, or leave. John wasn’t a runner, but this… John couldn’t take this, so he accepted Mycroft’s offer and left Sherlock before the alpha could leave him.

Review: I’ve been wanting to read an omegaverse fic where they’re not “biologically compatible” so I was glad to find this fic! Sherlock has a secret upcoming arranged marriage and when John finds out he leaves, allowing Mycroft to hide him from Sherlock so he doesn’t get his feelings hurt all over again. Little does John know that Sherlock never actually married her.

Rating: E


Description: After solving a case for a major celebrity, Sherlock gets himself asked out. When John asks, he discovers that Sherlock has no intention of going, at least not until John agrees to coach him through whatever he might need to know for his date…

Review: I enjoyed every second of this fic. I’m a sucker for fics about Sherlock with other men and John being supportive yet jealous. Can’t get enough of it, there needs to be more. I particularly enjoy with this one how long the fic is and John’s struggles with his himself between wanting everything for Sherlock and letting himself indulge during their “coachings.” I also surprisingly liked the OC male character, which is always nice! Can’t recommend this one enough.

Rating: E

The Cold Song

Description: Sherlock has a complicated relationship with drugs, but John gives Sherlock an ultimatum. What John doesn’t realize is what lengths Sherlock might have to go to in order to replace them. What Sherlock doesn’t realize is that John is okay with that.

Review: This is a really interesting set of fics. The series is marked incomplete and was last updated in 2013 so I doubt it will continue, but I enjoyed what’s posted. Sherlock gives up drugs and replaces it with a BDSM relationship with John, but then a case comed along to drudge’s up both Sherlock’s and John’s pasts. I really hope that this series will update because we dont get to see the conclusion of the case, but I loved seeing the progress of John and Sherlock’s relationship. There are a lot of extensive descriptive scenes, and internal thoughts, so this is a good one for you if you like character studies.

Rating: E

Five Times Sherlock Holmes and John Watson Hugged, and One Time They Didn’t

Description: They’re sitting in the living room one night after finishing their curry takeaway when Sherlock looks up from his violin. “John,” he says, “would you come hug me, please?”

Review: This is so incredibly cute and sweet for such a short fic. I adore these two.

Rating: Teen and up

Demons Series

Description: Set toward the end of The Lying Detective. With Ella’s help, John decides to start actively pursuing what he wants in spite of the demons standing in his way.

Review: This series has two installments, one from John’s POV and the other from Sherlock’s. I love both of them, they add to each other and isn’t just a retelling of the same story. There’s a special place in my heart for fics that center around therapy, Sherlock and John trying to help themselves be better with each other. So this fic was such a joy to read and I probably will again.

Rating: E

Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse

Description: John and Sherlock go to New York to attend a conference run by the National Defence of Traditional Marriage Coalition in order to investigate the potential bombing of the annual Manhattan Pride parade. As the conference unfolds, John finds himself repulsed by the toxic ideology being presented, which becomes relevent to his own unacknowledged issues and his friendship with Sherlock…

Review: The reverse of fake relationship for a case with a friends to lovers trope. Instead of pretending to be in a relationship, they have to make doubly sure they don’t accidentally come across as one, even though they aren’t (yet). I love this author and am always excited whenever they post an update. I really enjoyed the 180 approach to fake-it-for-a-case because the angst is different and kind of refreshing in a way, especially since they aren’t in a relationship at the beginning.

Rating: E

Without a Roof Over my Head

Description: Ten years after sending John off to the army, Sherlock finds him again in the worst way.

Review: John and Sherlock drift apart after John goes off to the army, but Sherlock will wait forever for him. He finds out that John is homeless and had been for years after he’s been discharged, and is hurt that he was never told of John’s return. He tried to convince him to move back in with him. I haven’t read any homeless John fics before so this was a nice change! I liked how both John and Sherlock’s feelings and motivations were talking about and acknowledged.

Rating: E

A Case for Domestic Propinquity

Description: As Sherlock and John renovate Baker Street with Rosie underfoot, Sherlock can’t help but wondering how he could possibly convince John to just stay indefinitely…

Review: So sweet and adorable. Pining Sherlock has a taste for domestic bliss, and John tries to figure out what’s best for Rosie while navigating what he wants. I love everything by this author, this fic included. Fluffy with a hint of emotional angst!

Rating: E
