


a few things to keep in mind as you talk about the current situation with roe v wade:

  1. women are not the only people who can get pregnant, and therefore are not the only people who get abortions or the only people affected by restrictions to abortion access — sincerely, a man with a uterus
  2. the recent legislation against trans people transitioning, particularly as it relates to trans men and transmasc people, has been justified by the politicians supporting it using the argument that transitioning jeopardizes our reproductive potential, which they see as more important than our actual lives. if you support the legislation against us or have been silent about it, you cannot claim to be fighting for reproductive rights. you don’t get to only care about it when it affects you — if you let them get away with that rhetoric against trans people, you give them the power to use it against you. if you can’t stand in solidarity with us, you will end up standing against yourself

please don’t forget us in these conversations, and don’t be silent about the attacks on our bodily autonomy

all of this is connected — criminalizing transition, overturning roe v wade, it’s all working toward the same goal. if you care about one part of it, you have to care about all of it, or any efforts against it willfail

if you don’t care enough about us to fight our oppression for our sake, do it because you cannot fight against your own oppression without fighting ours too

i am, to the very core of my being, exhausted by how many people think even the most basic fucking textbook transphobia is excusable when it’s directed at trans men

here’s a recap of a conversation i just witnessed in a tiktok comment section:

  • person A: here’s why it’s actually okay to say trans men are women sometimes
  • person B: that sounds like bullshit, do you also apply that logic to trans women?
  • person A: yes i do, it’s also okay to say trans women are men sometimes
  • person B: okay, now i know not to take anything you say seriously

why has this person decided that saying it’s okay to misgender trans men is only bad if they also use that logic to misgender trans women? when did we decide that misgendering trans men is okay as long as it’s just us getting misgendered? why was this blatantly transphobic perspective still seen as credible when it was already very openly arguing that it’s okay to misgender trans men? why were they so willing to give this transphobe the benefit of the doubt until their argument moved beyond trans men and involved trans women? is it really that easy for these “allies” to write trans men off as an acceptable sacrifice?

misgendering is transphobia 101, it’s as simple and stereotypical as transphobia gets, but somehow it’s still seen as “not that bad” when it’s only directed at us

the idea that some people think manhood magically cancels out oppression isn’t new to me by any means, but i thought at the very least we hadn’t gotten to the point of “man = okay to misgender” yet



I don’t even know where to start with this like just the sheer amount of “Trans men don’t have issues, shut up, stop whining, it could always be worse”

it’s all classic abuser shit but instead you slapped trans paint on it I don’t have the energy for these self flagellating men

Also, a lot of trans men understand this, especially those who are talking about queer theory and shit. Like there are a lot of transmascs who don’t understand that hypervisibility isn’t a privilege, but many of us do understand that, and keep it in mind (especially because some of us get hit with transmisogyny as well, especially femme & intersex transmascs). We just also recognize that erasure also isn’t a privilege. Saying that trans men can’t complain about erasure is just… so cruel? What are we allowed to complain about, what is “bad enough” that we finally get non-transmascs’ “permission” to speak up?

i love angry rude mean spiteful trans men. i love trans men who aren’t afraid to yell and make a scene and take up space. i love trans men who have no interest in being the good nice non-threatening men-lite that so many people want us to be. i love trans men who unapologetically want to see every single person who treats us like shit pay for it. i love trans men who got told they were “joining the enemy” one too many times and decided to embrace it. i love trans men who are entirely unconcerned with what anyone else thinks of them. i love trans men who just laugh when people talk about how horrible and evil they must be. i love trans men who couldn’t give less of a shit about respectability. i love trans men who don’t shy away from rage.

we have every reason to be so fucking angry and we deserve that anger. it is ours and no one can take it away from us, no matter how many people might try to. trans anger is so powerful and we have just as much of a right to it as anyone else; we don’t have to defang ourselves just because “men scary”. i love us, let’s be pissed off and a little bit evil together



People who shame trans men for transitioning should genuinely go fuck themselves and die. “Oh you’re joining the enemy!” “You’re helping the oppression of women by being a man!” Shut the fuck up. You find this shit among the trans community too, not just TERFs. I don’t care if it’s a joke, it’s not funny. It’s transphobic.

Also, it’s still fucked up and hurtful even when you aren’t trying to be this negative. Jokes about transmascs getting ugly or gross when they go on T, saying they should apologize for “putting another man in the world” (ESPECIALLY if they are transhet), negative remarks about bottom surgery and phallo in particular.

Even when you aren’t trying to suggest that we should detransition, it’s clear by the way you talk and the “jokes” you find funny that you think transmasc transitioning is a negative thing. And transmascs, especially young transmascs who are just realizing they are transmasc, hear this kind of shit and internalize it. You Are Not Immune To Internalized Transandrophobia, even if you are trans.


It’s very on purpose that trans men are expected to censer ourselves and masculinity for the comfort of specifically white cis women.

 Even if we are accepted as sort of men looking, we have to be careful because cis women might see us as a threat and use it against us. We have ‘male privilege’ over cis women, while also needing to be subservient to them.


Transandrophobia deniers will be like “nuh uh transandrophobia doesn’t exist, you’re just experiencing misogyny directed at trans men for being failed men” with a straight face. For fuck sake it’s right there


So sorry to subject people to Tim Pool, but he’s a perfect example of a transandrophobic narrative people love to latch onto.

Trans men and transmasc people are routinely infantilized (in this case, portrayed as teenage girls) in order to take our autonomy away. This isn’t just about “protecting children,” and if you think that at this point, that nobody’s fault but your own. Not only are people obsessed with childrens bodies, but people are specifically obsessed with transmasculine and trans male bodies, especially if we can be used as damsels in distress.

Legislation against trans men and transmascs has been levied before, and fear mongering like this is one aspect as to why it is so prevalent. Trans male and transmasc bodies are seen as tools that others can use for themselves - we aren’t seen as people. We are not seen as human. This is what I mean when I say we are dehumanized specifically for our identities.


In addition. A trans man being treated as a man in the way a cis man is is NOT any form of privilege. It is in itself oppression. It does not benefit me to be turned away from reproductive healthcare because I am a man. It does not benefit me to be treated as an inherently inferior parent because I am a man. It does not benefit me to no longer have access to vital DV support services because I am a man. It does not benefit me to have my experiences with abuse and sexual violence dismissed because I am a man. It does not benefit me to be treated with hostility and suspicion in trans spaces because I am a man.

It does not benefit me to have my experiences of oppression on the basis of me being a trans man dismissed because I am a man.



I’ve seen a post where someone said that trans men erroneously use transandrophobia because, paraphrasing here, “what we are really experiencing is misogyny but we don’t like calling it that because makes us dysphoric”.

and like….yeah okay and having word for our oppression that doesn’t misgender us and make us dysphoric is a bad thing….how????

having language that is both useful and affirming is something we should strive for and transandrophobia is a lot more that “just misogyny”.

Also, like, lol – have people seenthe backlash that we get when we docall it misogyny? “You’re a man, you can’texperience misogyny. it’s just misdirected.”

people who act like all trans men have a super easy time raising money for top surgery etc piss me off so much…

i’ve been trying to raise money for my top surgery for probably 3 years now and out of the $8000 i need, i’ve gotten exactly $100. i’ve watched so many other trans people have these absolutely wild experiences with being able to raise tens of thousands of dollars while i’ve basically just had to come to terms with the fact that there’s no way in hell i’ll be able to pay for it through fundraising so i have to just pray i can save up enough

like…whatever image you have in your head of trans men as this group of people that everyone is desperate to throw their money at, i can assure you it’s dead fucking wrong, and i can’t put into words how exhausting it is to hear people talking about how easy it apparently should be for me to get the money i need while the reality is that i have no fucking clue how i’m going to be able to pay for my transition

every time i make an attempt to raise money and inevitably fail, i just feel more hopeless because i was sold this story about how miraculously easy it would be if i just put in a little bit of work and i had to find out the hard way that that literally couldn’t be further from the truth


I’ve seen this attitude from non-trans men that, “why would you choose be a man?” in this almost degrading tone, but honestly… even if me being a trans man were a choice, I’d still choose this every single time. I would choose this happiness. I would still choose to fight as I’ve done for years to be seen. I would still choose to transition. If this were a choice (it isn’t, but if it were), I am very content with it.

I love being a man. I love my trans body. I love my male body. I love my male identity. I love my fellow trans men. I love my community. I love the compassion trans men have, I love our drive, I love our dedication, I love our resilience.

a few things to keep in mind as you talk about the current situation with roe v wade:

  1. women are not the only people who can get pregnant, and therefore are not the only people who get abortions or the only people affected by restrictions to abortion access — sincerely, a man with a uterus
  2. the recent legislation against trans people transitioning, particularly as it relates to trans men and transmasc people, has been justified by the politicians supporting it using the argument that transitioning jeopardizes our reproductive potential, which they see as more important than our actual lives. if you support the legislation against us or have been silent about it, you cannot claim to be fighting for reproductive rights. you don’t get to only care about it when it affects you — if you let them get away with that rhetoric against trans people, you give them the power to use it against you. if you can’t stand in solidarity with us, you will end up standing against yourself

please don’t forget us in these conversations, and don’t be silent about the attacks on our bodily autonomy

all of this is connected — criminalizing transition, overturning roe v wade, it’s all working toward the same goal. if you care about one part of it, you have to care about all of it, or any efforts against it willfail

if you don’t care enough about us to fight our oppression for our sake, do it because you cannot fight against your own oppression without fighting ours too


Its undeniable that trans men face unique discrimination that trans women don’t face right? We have to worry about abortion and reproductive healthcare access, for example. 

You agree with that right?

So why are you getting more angry at what we choose to call that discrimination more than the discrimination itself. Why is the response “you’re talking over trans women” instead of “wow. As a trans woman I didn’t know that. I am glad that you are able to talk about your experiences, lets fight this together.”

The cries of one marginalized group don’t drown out the cries of another. that’s not how it works. 


TERFs be like

“We’re not trans-exclusionary! We include trans men in our feminism, they’re our ““sisters”” too!”

*proceed to fight against language that includes trans men in necessary reproductive healthcare and rights*

*refuse to listen to the lived experience of trans men and the unique struggles they face in comparison to cis people of either (binary) sex*

*victim-blame transmasc survivors of s//xual assault bc they went into men’s spaces and apparently that justifies fucking r//pe*

*just outright insult transmasc bodies with no provocation, for fun I guess?*

just got this reply to my post about the whole “testosterone is poison” thing and i want to clarify something because i’m sure a lot of other people will make the same assumption that this person did:

[Alt text: reply from @screwyouandrew which says: “It’s ALWAYS either a transphobe trying to convince you not to transition or a detransitioner who wants to project their feelings on to everyone else. Sometimes it’s a mix of both. I have never seen anyone outside of those groups say that bogus]

like…it’s absolutely not always those people, i can assure you

is it often them? yeah!

but that post was actually inspired by a tweet from a trans person who posted a picture of a shirt that said “survivor of testosterone poisoning” and said “this would be perfect for trans women”

this rhetoric is much more common within the trans community than you think, and that’s what makes it so frightening — it’s not just the people who we already know hate us and don’t want us to transition, it’s also members of our own community

no hate to the person who sent that reply, it’s totally possible that some people just aren’t in the right circles to come across the trans people who say this stuff, but the trans people saying it absolutely do exist

i wish it was just garden variety transphobes, that would be much easier to stomach even if it would still suck, but unfortunately that’s just not the case

lateral transandrophobia is very real, and this kind of harmful rhetoric exists within the trans community as well as outside of it

idk who needs to hear this but testosterone is not poison, it did not poison you, you just didn’t like the effects it had on you

as it is, testosterone is highly controlled (to the detriment of countless trans men/mascs trying to access hrt) because the fearmongering about its effects is so prevalent

it’s literally illegal for us to have it without a doctor’s permission, and even its controlled status is used to get in the way of us being able to access it (delaying when we can refill prescriptions, etc)

how do so many people see that think it’s like…all fun and games and totally harmless to talk about it like a literal poison?

even if none of that were true, it would be shitty — i wish every day that i could get top surgery and undo what estrogen did to my chest but you don’t see me calling it poison just because i don’t like it’s effects! and why don’t i? because i know my experiences aren’t universal and me not liking it doesn’t make it poison, so i’m not going to shit on it and make the people who like/need it feel bad!

but ESPECIALLY when fearmongering about testosterone has led to legal restrictions that have fucked so many of us over AND there have been so many attacks on transitioning access recently, how do people not see that talking about it that way is bad?

access to testosterone is incredibly precarious for many many people right now because its status as a controlled substance makes it a particularly easy target for people who want to stop us from transitioning — there’s never a right time for comments like that, but even if there was, *right now is not it*

not to mention, the most recent example of this rhetoric that i’ve seen (the one that inspired this) is especially disturbing because it’s literally a trans person looking at a shirt made by a transphobe calling testosterone poison and saying “oh that’s perfect for me!”

like…how can you look at something made by a transphobe (which was made with the sole purpose of being transphobic), think “i love this! perfect for me!”, and not realize that there’s something Very Wrong With That?

i have so little patience left for this bullshit at this point. i want to be understanding because i know dysphoria sucks and testosterone’s effects are super painful for some people, but i just don’t have it in me

testosterone is not poison, it’s a very natural hormone which most (if not all) people have in their bodies in some capacity, and for some of us the effects of it are genuinely so healing and just…generally wonderful

i’ve been on t for almost two months now and i’m fucking THRILLED! i love what it’s done so far! my therapist of almost 7 years said she’s never seen me smile as much as i do now! my voice has only just started dropping and i’ve already gone from hating the sound of it to almost crying from happiness when i hear it sometimes because it sounds so much more right!

does that sound like the effects of a poison to you? no! of course it doesn’t! because it’s not a poison, it’s a fundamentally neutral hormone that some people will love, some will hate, and some will be totally indifferent to. there’s nothing inherently bad about it, no matter how much you personally disliked it

if you care about trans men and transmascs like…literally at all, you should be advocating for testosterone to be descheduled, not adding to the demonization of it that allowed them to restrict it in the first place

why shit on something that’s been so incredibly life-changing (and life-saving) to do many members of your community, which so many of us have had to fight to get, when you could do literally anything else?

deeply deeply exhausted with the way everyone seems to think it’s perfectly okay to relentlessly make fun of how trans men and transmasc people look

i see it everywhere, from cis people and other trans people (including other trans men and transmascs — thanks internalized transphobia). no one has any qualms about just…throwing as many “jokes” and criticisms at us as they possibly can. if it boils down to calling transmasculinity ugly, it’s fair game to them and i’m sick of it

no one wants to hear about how bad you think our facial hair is. no one wants to hear your comments about our acne or hairlines. no one wants to hear about how upset you would be if you had our scars. no one wants to hear about how gross you think bottom growth is. nobody asked for your opinions on our bodies so please stop sharing them!

and of course, it’s all part of this larger idea that transmasculinity is something to be mocked and rejected. the comments about our voices, our names, our clothes, our hair, everything — nothing about us is free from being ridiculed in one way or another

but the criticisms of our bodies in particular have been on my mind lately as i’ve started seeing changes from t, and it’s absolutely exhausting seeing all these things that i really like (or at least feel neutral about) and knowing that the rest of the world, including members of my own community, will see them as my body being ruined

leave our bodies alone. we’re literally just sitting here existing, that’s not an invitation for you to make every joke you can think of and pick apart every inch of us

the “jokes” aren’t funny, y’all just have a fucking pathetic sense of humor


Mfs are like “I totally see trans men as men” and then perform cringe culture against anything associated with transmascs with the same vigorous vitriol they’d do to boy bands or YA
