#vitamin c serum


Sensitive Skin Warning!

Be careful not to use more than one product containing phenoxyethanol in a 6-12 hour time frame!

Phenoxyethanol is a preservative, an anti-bacterial, and a stabilizer found in many products. Its a great alternative to parabens.

Products containing 1% or less are deemed totally safe by nearly all countries, however when using multiple products, each containing 1%, it adds up leading to over exposure of phenoxyethanol. So be cautious not to layer too many products with this ingredient at one time on skin. Over exposure can cause hives, rash, anaphylaxis, and dermatitis on adults, as well as animals and infants { causes nervous system damage in infants ages 3 and younger}.

Here’s a quote:

◇"Most of the concern stems from recorded incidents of bad skin reactions (on adults) and nervous system interaction in infants.“- Healthline

Phenoxyethanol Free Products:

◇ Caudalie VineActive Vitamin C Anti-Wrinkle Serum

◇Belif True Cream Moisturizing Bomb

◇Olehenriksen Goodnight Glow Retin-ALT Sleeping Creme

◇Herbivore Prism 12% AHA 3% BHA Exfoliating Glow Serum

◇Josie Maran Argan Beta Retinol Pink Algae Serum

My opinion: its totally safe to use ONE product for adults containing phenoxyethanol every 6 hours. That way you wont get over exposure. If you like using more than one product on your face at a time try products that are free of this chemical to avoid harsh side effects. I feel using one or two products with phenoxyethanol wont kill you or even bother your skin ( in my experience) unless you are allergic.

Im totally investing in those products above to avoid over exposure. Lately my skins been very sensitive and red so i want to avoid any and all causes!

Shrink Your Pores and Remove Your Scars: Introducing the Vitamin C Serum!

I’m here to recommend one very specific type of serum- Vitamin C serum. Vitamin C has three main benefits:

  • It brightens your skin and fades hyperpigmentation
  • It can help create a more even complexion 
  • It’s anti-ageing

A side note: this type of serum is NOT SUITABLE FOR EVERY SKIN TYPE. It is an acid and may cause irritation.

Currently, I use the Dermacept Vitamin C10 Serum, after my disastrous brush with the Dear Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin Drop. I threw my bottle away when it turned brown (sun exposure causes Vitamin C serum to brown- one of the downsides of having the serum in a clear bottle), but long story short, my skin reacted very badly to that particular formula. 


Pictured:The Freshly Juiced Vitamin Drop from Dear Klairs. After using it with no visible results, I would not recommend it to anyone. 

I have written positively about products from Dear Klairs in the past with their mostly non-irritant toners and creams. However, I just don’t think it was the right match for my weird sensitive and oily skin type.

That put me off Vitamin C serums for a while, until a month ago when I stopped by my local pharmacy to get a mask (not sheet masks) and the lady working there suggested that I try this moderately-priced serum. She said something like, “no offence, but your pores are quite large and your skin is oily.” 

It didn’t take much convincing for me to get the product. I was curious about it, and even though I’m always down for some affordable products, I paid the price of US$49 for the C10 Serum by Dr Zein Obagi. That was literally the most I have ever paid for a single skincare product (not counting the time my mom and I splurged on a toner and an essence from Shiseido).

And so far, it’s been worth it! 


Pictured:The serum comes in a dark bottle, which is way more useful that the clear Dear Klairs bottle. It is made in Japan and contains 12 mL of product.

This serum comes in four concentration levels- C5, C10, C20, and C25, with C25 being the strongest. The best concentration for Vitamin C serums is 10-20%. 10% concentration is good for sensitive skin.

It also contains Vitamin E, and that mixed with the Vitamin C creates more antioxidants. It smells citrusy and the serum sinks into your skin quickly. Use 3-4 drops of it after toner, and follow it up with a gentle moisturiser twice a day. There might be some tingling when you first use it.

A self-described “high-performance serum” made by a famous dermatologist who has the ambitious goal of “Skin Health Restoration”, it is very potent. After a week, I could see the pores on my cheeks- you know the place around your nose- start to shrink. My face became less oily- and it’s not just a side-effect of a dry winter. I didn’t have a lot of improvement for my acne scars, but it might be because I haven’t used it for the minimum amount of time a product needs to show its effect yet.

My overall ‘first impression’ is that my skin has not even been irritated by this product and has actually been looking more healthy than before. The only issue I have with it is the price to be honest.

Alternatives to the C10 serum

  • Pure Vitamin C 21.5% Advanced Serum from By Wishtrend 
  • Vitamin C Brightening Serum by Melano CC (remember my sheet mask post? well this is from the same brand that made those really good vitamin c 5-minute sheet mask packs)

Reblog with your Vitamin C serum recommendations!
