#this exactly



Pro respecting elders in the ‘listen to people with more experience than you’ and 'don’t discount people as automatically regressive or out of touch because of their age’ sense. Very much anti respecting elders in the 'authority figures are automatically right’ and 'children aren’t allowed to disagree with their parents’ way.


one thing i never get tired of in songs is when they include some sounds from the recording booth like a laugh at the end, a ‘was that good?’ or like, the sounds of the guitar being put down, a chair creaking. it’s nice how music can be used as an escape but also something that ties you right back down to earth. it will affect you so deeply & then ur like wow… you just played that. it’s grounding & magical & just one of my fave things ever!




the actions I’m willing to excuse from a fictional character is determined by the vibe of the whole show/movie/book

exactly this @lukestarkillerisgay

[ID: A reply by @LukeStarkillerIsGay that reads: “one shows dealbreaker is another show’s ‘they’re just quirky.’” End ID]


this is the future liberals want




miscommunication as a plot device makes me angry

if you just talked to each other but no

on the one hand i agree with this but on the other hand one of my coworkers rented an alpaca from a petting zoo and brought it to work because my boss said she wanted an alpaca sweater but the guy didn’t hear her say sweater and didn’t want to upset her by asking why the fuck she’d want an alpaca

I think that highlights a good genre difference: miscommunication in drama is frustrating, overused, and just kinda shit. Miscommunication in comedy is fucking hilarious.


also im so sorry for anyone that ever compliments me on here, I know I’m very stale with the same “I’m glad you like …!” “I’m happy you like …!” over and over again I’m just really bad at taking compliments I promise I’m not icing over at you. I promise I reread them and think about them at night giddily kicking my feet in the air like a lovesick teenager

dduane:“Being a writer”, via @charles_jensen at Twitter.


“Being a writer”, via @charles_jensen at Twitter.

Post link


I don’t need therapy i need to kill people killing people would fix me being covered in blood will make me so stable and normal i promise


i love telling people “godspeed” it adds so much weight and dignity to everything i’ll say it to a friend driving cross country or a coworker grabbing lunch from the corner store like good luck bitch!! may the road rise to meet you and the wind be at your back!!!


WWX’s second life isn’t a redemption arc where he’s atoning for his ‘sins’. His second life is the reward for all the good things he did in his first life. WWX does NOT have a redemption arc because he never needed one.
