
#pool #poolparty #weekday #weekdaynight #holiday #canadaday #partyallnight

#pool #poolparty #weekday #weekdaynight #holiday #canadaday #partyallnight

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This Wednesday sure feels like Friday.Via @intothegloss on Instagram

This Wednesday sure feels like Friday.

Via @intothegloss on Instagram

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Camiseta inspirada en la hazaña de  José Manuel Sánchez Gordillo 

Camiseta inspirada en la hazaña de  José Manuel Sánchez Gordillo 

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No spring break for me… 

No spring break for me… 

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MATCHA AFFAIRSI recently had a discussion about the definition of “Lifestyle” with a friend of mine.MATCHA AFFAIRSI recently had a discussion about the definition of “Lifestyle” with a friend of mine.MATCHA AFFAIRSI recently had a discussion about the definition of “Lifestyle” with a friend of mine.MATCHA AFFAIRSI recently had a discussion about the definition of “Lifestyle” with a friend of mine.MATCHA AFFAIRSI recently had a discussion about the definition of “Lifestyle” with a friend of mine.MATCHA AFFAIRSI recently had a discussion about the definition of “Lifestyle” with a friend of mine.


I recently had a discussion about the definition of “Lifestyle” with a friend of mine. Definitely not easy to define but after ripping the word apart we ended up with the conclusion that it’s basically anything that makes our life more stylish. May it be cars, fashion, nice hotels or, like in this case, drinks. But what makes a drink stylish? One key factor is to provide customers with healthy ingredients. And another one is to come up with a catchy design - and that’s where I come into play. Carpe Diem challenged me to create an outfit based on their newest product: The Matcha Green Tea. The result is an everyday look based on the bottle’s color range - Uncomplicated and easy to wear.

Wer mich kennt, weiß das Gespräche mit mir über Mode oder Lifestyle des Öfteren ausarten können und mir nichts, dir nichts sehr lang und tiefgreifend werden können. So auch letztens geschehen beim Versuch den Begriff “Lifestyle” auseinanderzunehmen. Fazit: Alles was unser Leben in irgendeiner Form stylish macht, verdient ein Lifestyle-Siegel. Ob es sich dabei um Autos, Fashion, schicke Hotels oder, wir in diesem Fall um Drinks handelt, ist vollkommen egal. Wie stylisch ein Drink am Ende des Tages sein kann, beweist Carpe Diem und lancierte vor Kurzem seinen neuen Matcha Green Tea. Designtechnisch bleibt die Marke sich dabei treu, was mir die Challenge ein Outfit rund um den Drink zu stylen deutlich erleichtert hat. Herausgekommen ist ein lässiger Alltagslook, angelehnt an die Farben der Flasche - Unkompliziert und easy nachzustylen. 

WEEKDAY Denim Jacket, Shirt & Shorts | NIKESneakers

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This Navajo word means: Saturday!

It’s literally “the little Sunday,” since Damóo is Navajo for Sunday.

When you think about Yázhí, and how it can mean “the little one,” keep in mind that it’s a word referring to age. For example Dibé Yázhí describes young sheep, typically lambs.

Navajo day names are entirely out of necessity of recent times. The word Damóo is likely a borrowed term from Spanish Domingo, which itself is denoting the Christian holy day.

When you consider the English weekday names - like Saturday - their roots can be references to earlier deities (like the Roman god Saturn). The fact that all Navajo weekday names are relative to “God’s day” in the Christian sense, suggests heavy influences by early missionaries - whose work on transcribing and codifying the Navajo language forms the basis of many Navajo language texts.

But just as we use Saturday without much thought about Roman religious beliefs, the true origin of Damóo remains ambiguous to many, which makes it hard to precisely trace the origins.

One way we can find out more about our sense of time is to ask more elderly Navajo people. Their grandparents were around during a time when Spanish and English were completely foreign.

❤️✨ #Weekday #quotes #lushlife #love #uncoditionallove #lady #style #look #fashion #little #holiday

❤️✨ #Weekday #quotes #lushlife #love #uncoditionallove #lady #style #look #fashion #little #holiday #life #love #instyle #faith #happiness #personalstyle #personal #styleoftheday #fabulous #simplegirl #simplelife #labellavita #bangkok #lifestyle #lifestylechoices #feelfreetocopy

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