#rupert ttp


rupert: what does ‘take out’ mean?

joan: food.

cecily: dating.

percy: murder.


rupert: we need to distract these guys.

amir: leave it to me.

amir: centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. discuss.

cecily, darling, and percy: *Immediately begin arguing*

joan, watching in horror: oh this. i don’t like this. i don’t like this at all.

Amir: *tapping fingers on table*

Rupert: *tapping back*

Darling: stop that!

Rupert: stop what?

Darling: you’re talking about me in Morse code!

Amir: yes, that’s what we’re doing. In our very limited free time as kings of the heartland, we took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you.


Rupert to Percy: that’s exactly what we did.

wenceslaus: you are in no way a valid authority to dictate bedtime

rupert: what if i taught you how to lucid dream?

wenceslaus: ?

rupert: when you learn how to control your dreams, you can do anythingthere.

rupert: just go to sleep; i’ll find you on the other side. i’ll teach you there.

wenceslaus, ten minutes later: *is asleep*

amir: i can’t believe that worked

rupert: me neither

Percy: my boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss on the lips. What should I do?

Cecily: punch him in the stomach. Then when he doubles over in pain, kiss him

Rupert: tackle him

Amir: dump him

Joan: kick him in the shin

Darling: no to all of those! Just ask me to lean down!

Amir: are you alright? You didn’t get any sleep last night.

Rupert: I got a solid eight minutes.

Rupert: not consecutively, but it’s fine. You’re not even that blurry.

Rupert: is 4 a lot?

Percy: depends on the context.

Percy: dollars? No.

Percy: murders? Yes.

Cecily: I can’t believe you and Darling broke the bed last night.

Rupert: yeah, what were you two even doing?

Percy: umm…

[last night]

Darling: bet you can’t jump high enough to touch the ceiling.

Percy: try me.

percy: what if the person who named walkie talkies named everything?

cecily: pregnancy tests are maybe babies

rupert: socks are feetie heaties

darling: forks are stabby grabbies

amir: defibrillators are heartie starties

wenceslaus: nightmares are dreamy screamies

joan: you are disappointments

fitzroy: *barks*

rupert: i know you can’t talk. pretending you can just helps me think.

fitzroy: *barks*

rupert: i’m going to pretend i didn’t pretend to hear that :/

rupert: goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out amir’s birthday invitations.

barabbas: well, what are they supposed to say?

rupert: “amir’s birthday”.

barabbas: so, what do they say instead?

rupert: “amir’s bi”.


barabbas: works out either way.

rupert: me and amir are having a baby.

percy: oh, that’s gre-

rupert, slamming adoption papers onto the table: it’s you, sign here

amir: [picks up his phone] what, ru, i’m busy-

rupert: do you think drinking 36 cans of red bull consecutively would make my senses heightened or would i just die?


amir: i’m on my way
