


My@knotbang collab with the ever Fabulous @kalika999and@fantasticwinter is here!!!!!! We have werewolves and found family! We have Drama! Did I mention WEREWOLVES????

Read it here!!!! (And remember to shower your author with those kudos and comments if you enjoy it!)



Unboxing videos but its a werewolf filming her vampire wife groggily waking up from a coffin when the sun goes down.

Werewolf: what could be in this box
Vampire: [muffled voice] your wife

Werewolf opens the coffin: Beautiful, just what I always wanted!

The empty coffin on screen: [bashfully] Stop! I dont have my makeup on!


I made a goofy one page rpg today, please enjoy!


someone saying: "holy shit, that's a big fuckin' coyote!" another person saying "quick! tag it before it wakes up!" a werewolf is laying there slumped over with 4 tranq darts in her butt
someone asking a trans fem "oh, nice helix piercing! where'd you get it?" she responds "good question!" she doesn't look quite sure of it herself.
trans fem protagonist stating "can't sleep with this damn thing in my ear."
she's at a tim hortons, "one large tea please" the worker respondes with "okay!" from behind a counter and a big plastic shield
two animal researchers are standing outside the masc one is saying "that huge coyote should be around here somewhere..." the fem says "we're right on top of the tracker" they both look confused the protag is walking out the store behind them with her ear tag in display
the fem animal researcher asks protag "excuse me! have you seen a large coyote around here?" protag responds with "can't say that i have..."

been drawing some werewolf stuff over twitter, here, have them all together as one big sequence. the bit where she’s complaining about it keeping her awake is about 2 weeks later.

for the record: the talk of coyotes is because there are no wolves here on my island. they are extinct and we imported coyotes to take their place (it did not work well)











just looked through about 700 werewolf books, good grief.

most seem to fall into two categories:

  • werewolf serial killer mysteries
  • domineering alpha romances

neither is really what I’m interested in.

here is what I’d want from the werewolf novel of my wildest dreams:

  • good relationships, especially friendships between packmates (lone wolves are boring)
  • werewolves who like being werewolves. (angsty wolves are boring)
  • the practical details of werewolfery: who’s got the bail money for animal control, whether anyone’s microchipped, what you pack in a bag for a night out werewolfing
  • the uses of werewolfery: hiring yourselves out as trackers or canine rescue, getting certified as service dogs, spending your free time at the library letting little kids read to a friendly doggie
  • female werewolves, and no weird gross hypermasculine alpha stuff going on in werewolf culture
  • queer werewolves, and no weird gross heteronormative ‘laws of nature’ stuff going on in werewolf culture
  • dog jokes.

The standard urban fantasy female protagonist dating a werewolf who is not an alpha. Bonus points for it being a cute beta werewolfess who thinks her girlfriend’s perpetual posturing as the ‘baddest bitch on the block’™ is the most adorable thing ever. Extra bonus points for fuzzy baby werewolves and adopted babies. (Because actual wolf packs? Exist to raise children. They’re family units, focused around rearing cubs.)

#werewolves #queer wolves #werewolves as the foster parents of the supernatural world #if there’s a kid so much as sniffling in their general vicinity they’re going to get adopted #the fae discovered that they could straight-up hand off changlings to werewolf packs #no deception needed #magic using children of mundane parents who can’t handle it? #every pack has a dozen of them #fic ideas

okay this is one of the cutest reblogs I’ve gotten. 

imagine it

werewolves just going YES FAMILY GOOD and adopting everyone and making sure they get attention and food and understand that it’s fine to be who you are and that you’re not alone, you’re pack now

and the kids that can’t turn into wolves get to ride on the dogsleds to make sure they’re not left out during the full moon family bonding time (… you have to be an adult to pull a dogsled. mistakes have been made.)

werewolves on the PTA. werewolf den mothers. werewolf little league coaches. werewolves filling the bleachers and auditioriums and dance halls and galleries, cheering for their kids. werewolves helping kids with their homework, werewolves sewing costumes for the school play, werewolves showing kids how to change a tire

werewolves with battered kitchen tables with chewed legs. werewolves with huge family dinners. werewolves ferrying pies and casseroles and fresh baked bread back and forth between family members’ houses. werewolf extended families. massive werewolf packs that are technically only about 25% werewolf but still definitely packs

puppy teeth being left for the tooth fairy. fangs being left for the tooth fairy. cuttlebones being left for the tooth fairy. stolen teeth being left for the tooth fairy. werewolves with giant families full of kids with different needs and species.

werewolves adopting everyone. werewolves fostering everyone. werewolves who wind up with dozens of kids, all of whom are family and therefore pack.

yes good, give me more like this


i feel this in my soul

WEREWOLVES BASED ON ACTUAL WOLF PACK BEHAVIOR INSTEAD OF BULLSHIT DOMINANCE THEORY! All the werewolf fiction I’ve read involves everything falling to shit due to infighting over who gets to be alpha like WAY TO ILLUSTRATE EXACTLY WHY THIS IDEA DOESN’T WORK. You really think wolves would be successful hunters if they were constantly getting injured and wasting energy fighting each other?!

The whole idea of “alpha” dynamics is based entirely on the behaviour of wolves in captivity! If you so much as google “wolves in captivity alpha”, you’ll get a bunch of results about why it’s not representative of actual wolf behaviour.

As it turns out, if you capture, restrain, and shove together wolves from unrelated packs, they will fight and form a hierarchy of power.

Kind of like prison. Because, functionally, the exact premise of that kind of captivity is kind of like prison.

Wolves are social animals, and they interact in the wild pretty much the same way other family-centric social animals do.

Hey, you know what another family-centric social animal we’re all familiar with is?People. Just, you know, take away the oppressive idea that one parent is the definitive and unchallengeable head of the household that most of us have lived under for so long first.

Wolves are apparently group problem-solvers, and presumably, in large packs, you’re going to get squabbling and older pack members mitigating it, just like that one patient aunt or uncle or grandparent or close family friend who is essentially a relative often does in big families.

There’s a very legitimate basis for writing werewolves as friendly, community-minded folks. If your werewolves view their human neighbours as other packs not in competition with themselves, they’re likely going to be those people that the entire neighbourhood views as very nice, but “a little overwhelming.” (And maybe a little too indulgent with their kids, according to the neighbourhood snobs.)

Your gigantic werewolf family is probably going to be a litle less threatening and overtly secretive and a little more “we’re having a barbeque, when can we expect you??? you didn’t come last week, were you sick??? we were all worried- do you not eat meat?? oh, okay, I’ll have Sophie and Thaddeus pick up some Halal burgers and we’ll scrub off the second barbeque for them and some vegetable skewers, too, does that sound good?? so when can we expect you????”

(Also: werewolves taking in queer kids and mentally ill kids and kids from broken homes even though they’re mundane because they can’t comprehend how someone could not want them. Werewolves taking in street kids.)

#…a pack of werewolves living in a huge house together like one of those huge families people sort of smile incredulously at#multiple generations#a pack occupying a trailer park because it’s near the woods and there’s a certain amount of security in having a mobile home#packs being viewed by mundanes as those eccentric families that fill the school gymnasium every time there’s an event with one of their kids#packs migrating to accomodate new packmates and encountering other packs#packs fusing to form entire communities#wolves taking in mundane street kids#werewolves#writing#urban fantasy


thatdogmagic:Yeah, that’s gonna take some getting used to.


Yeah, that’s gonna take some getting used to.

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cowboys are to pirates what werewolves are to vampires

well since nobody in my notes has stepped up and done this. fuck it wolfboy and vampirate

literally the only funny tags in the history of this post


during october werewolves are at their most powerful. they don’t physically get stronger it’s just a pleasant confidence boost.


The werewolves who protected and fought for the good of the community, the same as the witches who lived at the edge of the village, shared in the powers of the Gods and Goddesses of the wilderness beyond. To give and to take. To heal or to curse. To frighten or to seduce. To travel across time and boundaries otherwise impassable to mortal humans and there to meet with strange spirits and with the beloved dead, the Ancestors. To have the ability to change shape and to divine the past and the future. To speak sooth, the Divine truth of prophecy, and to propagate as needed between the people, the Gods, the land, and the Fey. To fight in the air or in other worlds for the fertility of the fields, the orchards, the beasts and the tribe or village itself.

The power of the werewolf, of the warrior, springs from that deep well, one that goes back millions of years. Woden, as the God with the ability to loosen bonds, could unfetter the chains of civilization and society, even of convention, and so He is rightfully lord of the wolves and of the werewolves. He is the First Fruit of the World Tree, the one who sacrificed Himself to be reborn as something other,to journey elsewhere and come back again with great gifts of knowledge and abilities beyond the norm. He became two-natured, a King and a trickster, a warrior and a shaman.

Shapeshifting, flying, seducing, with the ability to curse or to heal, the Gods and Goddesses of the troop of night [Wild Hunt] reflect the same power of the witches and werewolves who came at Their command. Just as the full moon is said to cause the transformation of man into wolf, so the Moon Goddess calls forth the chosen to fly to far places, to the battle, to the feasting. As the Goddess could give life or take it, so Her witches had the same authority. They walked as She walked, between worlds and as a part of the cycle of nature. While those who were called by Woden, who sworn to Him, walked the dual nature of man and beast, partaking of both and belonging to no world and all worlds. They were both within and without the rules of law, the so-called “natural order,” by obeying an even greater and more mysterious natural order that had little to do with human rules. They could protect or they could consume, just as nature can give bounty or death.

These are all powers outside the pale, making those who bear them outsiders and dwellers in the unknown wilds, the desolate places, the Old Forest of myth and legend, the world of Faery. Half here and half there, a living bridge between two very different and yet intertwined worlds.

- The Bird-Foot Goddess and the Werewolf God, Veronica Cummer

I accidentally more were au…
second sketch is a size comparison for peridot and jasper.


someone saying: "holy shit, that's a big fuckin' coyote!" another person saying "quick! tag it before it wakes up!" a werewolf is laying there slumped over with 4 tranq darts in her butt
someone asking a trans fem "oh, nice helix piercing! where'd you get it?" she responds "good question!" she doesn't look quite sure of it herself.
trans fem protagonist stating "can't sleep with this damn thing in my ear."
she's at a tim hortons, "one large tea please" the worker respondes with "okay!" from behind a counter and a big plastic shield
two animal researchers are standing outside the masc one is saying "that huge coyote should be around here somewhere..." the fem says "we're right on top of the tracker" they both look confused the protag is walking out the store behind them with her ear tag in display
the fem animal researcher asks protag "excuse me! have you seen a large coyote around here?" protag responds with "can't say that i have..."

been drawing some werewolf stuff over twitter, here, have them all together as one big sequence. the bit where she’s complaining about it keeping her awake is about 2 weeks later.

for the record: the talk of coyotes is because there are no wolves here on my island. they are extinct and we imported coyotes to take their place (it did not work well)


Should I post my newest absolute garbage first draft unedited chapters? No.Am I going to anyway? Yes. Absolutely!

Here they are: 

Wollstonecraft Chapters 7 & 8

(i’m holding off on posting them on tumblr for now)


tags under the cut

Keep reading


Should I post my newest absolute garbage first draft unedited chapters? No.Am I going to anyway? Yes. Absolutely!

Here they are: 

Wollstonecraft Chapters 7 & 8

(i’m holding off on posting them on tumblr for now)


tags under the cut

Keep reading

Should I post my newest absolute garbage first draft unedited chapters? No.Am I going to anyway? Yes. Absolutely!

Here they are: 

Wollstonecraft Chapters 7 & 8

(i’m holding off on posting them on tumblr for now)


tags under the cut

@writingbyjillian​  @dianacartertano@dahladahlabills@chibi-blue-scapula@aslanwrites@flyingfalconflower12@justapotatowriter

half-turned werewolves are my aesthetic(do not tag with kintypes)

half-turned werewolves are my aesthetic

(do not tag with kintypes)

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QUIET PLACES - GILNEASQuiet Places is a series of maps that mark suitable roleplay locations with liQUIET PLACES - GILNEASQuiet Places is a series of maps that mark suitable roleplay locations with liQUIET PLACES - GILNEASQuiet Places is a series of maps that mark suitable roleplay locations with liQUIET PLACES - GILNEASQuiet Places is a series of maps that mark suitable roleplay locations with liQUIET PLACES - GILNEASQuiet Places is a series of maps that mark suitable roleplay locations with li


Quiet Places is a series of maps that mark suitable roleplay locations with little to no NPCs. They’ll be categorized as follows; Home - Closed buildings with a homey exterior ideal for walk up. ‘Open’ Home - Also a homey building but with actual openings or rooms. Camps - Refugee or relief tents along with supplies nearby. Merchant - Areas or caravans perfect for merchant or trading roleplay. Sacked - Destroyed, burning and pillaged buildings, streets or trading stalls. Forsaken - Places ‘claimed’ or occupied by the forsaken. Event - Miscellaneous areas that are heavily themed and may be perfect for certain rp scenarios.

Gilneas is a completely empty capital, making it an absolute favorite roleplay city for more than just Worgen. The only animated models you’ll find here are creaky windows, birds and other players. (I’m serious, not even a critter!)  Blizzard’s art team outdid themselves with this Victorian grimdark atmosphere and haunted ghost-town. So come one come all edgelords and ladies!
Light’s Dawn Cathedral is the largest walk-up and event location by far. But many other areas are frequented like Greymane’s Court and some of Merchant Square. That being said, Gilneas is a complicated piece of in-game architecture. Some windows, ledges and buildings you can’t even access while other spots are purposefully tucked away. A frustrating place to explore but awesome to RP in. There are TONS of quiet buildings and spaces where people don’t seem to go or know about.

You’ll find mostly Alliance side roleplay here, but I’ve stumbled upon a few blood elves and the rare Forsaken. Honestly it’s a shame I haven’t come across more Horde side guild events taking place in Gilneas - there’s a nice chunk of the city heavily themed for our darkest lady. Not to mention it’s far easier to get to for Horde! Trust me!
So, to all roleplayers, consider making an event or a casual RP night in Gilneas some time soon! Or just head on over for some of that nice, dark setting.

Cathedral Quarter
a)Light’s Dawn Cathedral
b)The Northwest Gate
c)Brief Relief
d)Taking Advantage
e)Where’s the bandages?
f)Wine, for the nerves.
g)Wild Insecurity
h)Notexactly like he used to make.
i)A little warmth.
j)A little chill.
k)Stench Pit
l)Basic Needs
m)Not enough to fight back.
n)Alliance Aid
o)Broken Fountain
p)The fog is rolling in.

Merchant Square
q)Dripping Anticipation
r)Lone Room
s)Home away from home.
t)Burning Room
u)New Territory
v)Second Sacrifices
w)Silent Room
x)Alleyway Change
y)Lantern-lit home.
z)Sorrowful Showers
1)Dull reading.
2)The Old Dowager
3)It’s anglin’ weather!
5)…and I’m still here.
6)Wet fur smells worse.
7)I need you in my sights~
8)The East Gate
9) Moist Wood
10)Dusty Windows
11)Rotting Rooms
12)Rain on cobblestones.
13)It’s a haunting fog.
15)Just letting them out to moist!
16)Smells like rotten everything.
17)For the Dark Lady
18) I will wait.

Military District
19) Canals
20)It’s simple, ambush!
21)I’ll taaaake…this one!
22)Too quiet..
23)Can’t read with all this smoke.
24)By boat.
25)Making Graves
A)Spiral to the ramparts.
B)Abominations for Dummies.
D)It’s locked
E)Desolate Path
F)Emergency Ammunition
G)The Manor
H)Mist Street
I)Moonlit destruction
J)Around the bend

Greymane Court
L)A Noble’s Welcome
M)Even here…
O)Cold Longing
P)A Last Defense
Q)Southwest Gate
R)For Elune
S)The Grey Square
T)Caravan for Home
U) Fisherwoman’s Secret
W)Goods from afar!

P.S. Mother of GOD it’s done!!! Sorry for the wait everyone, getting a new job has taken a lot of my focus and energy these days! Let me know if the lack of coordinates bothers anyone!
Silvermoon is up next~

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