#what was i thinking

beanefiel:maybe when i diei’ll get to be a car driving in the nightlighting up the dark


maybe when i die
i’ll get to be a car
driving in the night
lighting up the dark

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Inktober, day 19. It’s been a long time since I drew these kids…

Inktober, day 19. It’s been a long time since I drew these kids…

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Watch me doing MC moodboards as if I am not a college student with missing assignments and homework due to the next week.

Oh my god its SO much easier doing single character commissions. Those double character commissions were killing me

Why did I agree to work the night shift

Having competitions with my friends to find the most embarrassing song from our childhood

The North of England Easter traditions brought to you from the Crown Inn, Poplar-on-Tweaven.

Back at the Crown it was all stations go. Violet gave a wicker basket to Fred.

“These are the onion peel dyed eggs, for egg rolling down Crown Bank. Take them to the back of the pub and remember, it is one egg per child.”

“I wondered where that pong of onions was coming from. They do look pretty though, but don’t arf pen and ink,” the brewer preferred a more hoppy odour.

“Jack, you take these plain eggs to the beer garden. There is a table set up with colouring pens and markers for the more artistic types. Remember one egg per child,” Jack nodded at Violet to reassure her he had got it.

“That leaves the jarpers for later. The Church is in charge of the Easter Egg Hunt around the village. I just hope they haven’t made it too difficult for the little ones.” Violet took a breath.

“I think it was Tim and Lucille who hid them, so should be all right, Vi,” Val reassured with a wink.


“So I just drop my egg down the bank?”

“Trixie, you must have rolled an Easter egg before?” Bernie thought her friend was deliberately being dense.

“You mean one smelling of onions? Can’t say I have,” Poplar’s latest resident snapped back.

“No wonder we want to shot them away down the hill,” laughed Fred.

“What is the point?” Trixie wasn’t satisfied.

“It’s just a laugh. You race your pals and see how many times you can roll it, before it cracks,” Bernie was losing patience.

“Represents the stone rolling away from the tomb,” Paddy interjected. Bernie made a shocked face and Paddy grabbed her by the waist and said, “What? I am not a complete heathen,” threatening to roll her down the hill.

“So once I have rolled this, I have to go down the hill, retrieve it and if it hasn’t cracked, do it again, until it does?” Trixie said, keeping a wide berth from wrestling Paddy and Bernie, the latter now screaming.

Fred, feeling a bit awkward himself with the tactileness of the moment, nodded at Trixie.

“Better get a move on love, don’t want to miss the start of the duck race.”


“The duck race down the Tweaven. First duck to Mount Busby wins.”

Paddy interrupted, suddenly letting go of Bernie, who actually did stagger a few feet downhill before achieving traction. “My favourite bit,” he grinned.

“You race real ducks. That is positively medieval,” protested Trixie.

“This from the Poplar sheep rustler,” corrected Paddy.

Bernie saved the situation and herself from joining the eggs at the bottom of the hill.

“They are not real ducks, Trixie. You know those ones you put in your bath, those rubber ones. You put your mark on one and the first one Reggie spots at the alpaca farm wins.”

“Who has a bath these days? Haven’t you all installed showers yet?” Trixie was confused.

Paddy huffed. Bernie added, “You might be the one at the farm, waiting for a duck next year.”

“I don’t think that is in my job description,” Trixie added, but she didn’t look convinced.

Fred and Paddy were trying unsuccessfully to keep a straight face, “Fancy a pint, Fred?”

“Not arf, Doc,” he replied, already heading for the pub.

“You are all as cracked as these eggs,” Trixie said, delicately tossing her egg southwards.

who the fuck thought it would be okay to let me take AP bio

So, I want to explain this jsjsjsjs For a homework on college, we were asked to make a comic with 5 panels. The conditions were to use a Phrase from a videogame, series or whatever and take it out of context. One thing led me to another and this what happened.

(Blushed Heisenberg for cencorship is the best thing that you’ll see today)
