#wheel of the year



This entire panel can be customized in any color scheme/combination you would like. Visit the link below and choose from the drop downs provided to create your very own, one of a kind custom stained glass pentacle!


•You can also purchase the pentacle as shown above if you prefer not to create your own.

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First and foremost, Witchcraft or Wicca is a religion. In The Sabbats, Edain McCoy reveals the eight major holidays of this faith and the many ways in which they are celebrated.  

There are two basic types of holidays. The first come at the Solstices and Equinoxes. The others divide the time between those dates in two, resulting in eight major holidays or Sabbats with approximately the same amount of days between them. The balance, here, gives the appearance of spokes in a wheel, so this cycle is commonly called the Wheel of the Year.  

The holidays represent two things. First, the harvest cycle. Each holiday represents a time in the growth of crops. From planting to growth, from harvesting to letting the lands lie fallow in the cold winter, the festivals follow the agricultural cycles of ancient times. However, they also represent the eternal love of the God and Goddess, following the God’s birth from the Goddess and his death before she gives birth to him again. This also follows the pattern of the Sun which moves from warm and high in the sky to cold and low in the sky.  

The book is filled with ways you can follow the Wheel of the Year, whether you work with a coven, with your family, or by yourself. You will learn the secrets of ritual construction and handicrafts appropriate to each of the festivals. You will also learn recipes for traditional foods for each holiday and even songs appropriate to the Sabbats.  

This is a wonderful, joyous book filled with color, information, and wisdom. If you are involved with Paganism in any way, this book is a must for your studies and practices. This book functions as both a resource and as a practical manual for the celebration of the holidays. Get your copy today.

368 Pages

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What a magical new Elemental Celtic plaque we have in stock at Eclectic Artisans. The detail within

What a magical new Elemental Celtic plaque we have in stock at Eclectic Artisans. The detail within this Celtic Elemental/Seasons plaque is stunning. NEW at Eclectic Artisans Pagan Marketplace. http://www.eartisans.net/collections/home-garden-plaques/products/elemental-celtic-cross-plaque-stone-finish

Size: 11.5 inches
Weight: 2.2 Lbs
Felt lined on the back with hanging hooks on each arm to hang upon your wall.

Representing the 4 elements as well as the 4 seasons, this Celtic Pagan Plaque will resonate with the Earthiest of Witches. There are so many symbolic connections within the plaque that you will see something new every time you gaze upon it. Encircled by the waxing and waning moon, magical and elemental correspondences, trees, the divine all seeing eye as well as Celtic Knotting, each arm of the plaque represents a different facet of the 4 seasons, corresponding elements as well as multiple aspects of duality and the divine. 

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As the darkest portion of the solar year approaches the northern hemisphere, the life energy around us sinks into sleep beneath the Earth and the air chills as creatures descend into hibernation or fly south for the winter. At this time, when the nights lengthen and the winds bite, magick is more accessible to those who may have struggled during the summer months as the walls between our world and the next stay quite thin after Samhain, until the springtime come Ostara. 

During this time, many hold Yuletide feasts or family gatherings, and spells and rituals of all kinds that encompass the hidden, the magickal and the feminine are performed as the Goddess’ power rules over the Earth whilst the God sleeps. Here are a few winter tips and ideas to keep your hand into the magickal game as you stay warm this coming new year.

  1. Bake healing spells into sweet spiced buns and other foods, and share them out at Yuletide and other Winter festivals. We all know that with the rise in the usage of heaters and the increased close proximity to each other as we stay indoors over winter, sicknesses spread like wildfire during the winter months. Spread healing magick through your loved ones by baking warm, welcoming winter foods filled with spellwork to keep illness at bay this year. Elderflowers are strongly antiviral and a common ingredient in certain foods and drinks (especially in the UK), and ginger helps fight nausea. Cinnamon stimulates your sinuses, and a combination of lavender and passionflower will calm the body better than any synthetic sedative, and aids in achieving and maintaining restful sleep. 

  2. Full moons are strongest during the winter months, so try using them to super-charge your crystals and tools. Moon-charging and washing are common practices amongst those of us who use tools, substances and crystals in our workings, and Winter moons are stronger than Summer ones as the Goddess is at the height of Her powers during this time. Use this to your advantage and perform some truly excellent winter workings with your new charged tools!

  3. Hold a Solstice bonfire to call the sun back from his sleep, in the footsteps of the traditional Witches and pagans who practiced rites at these most important times of the year, the Solstices. At such times the natural cycles are beginning anew, and through honouring the sun as he begins his return to full strength over the coming Spring and Summer, we may call down the sun’s strength into our lives for the next year to come.

  4. Promote some new seasonal mythologies to break the monotony of Santa Claus and his reindeer. As fun and jolly as the Fat Man is, Santa Claus, Sinter Klaas, Father Christmas, Old Man Winter, Saint Nicholas or whomsoever you choose to bring into your home as your solstice god of the year are all fairly old-hat at this point. Whilst many honour these individuals through longstanding heritage, most people simply continue the traditions they were taught as children. Well, I recommend coming up with your OWN seasonal myths to whisper to children as you cuddle up in your warm beds. Tell children about the Solstice Fairy, a tiny little thing who flies a sleigh pulled by magical bumblebees and brings presents and sweets to those who’ve been good. Tell them about the Snow-trees, great tall pine trees that grow up from the clouds and when they lose their leaves in winter they fall to earth as snowflakes. Of course these are just stories, but what is Santa other than a story we all agree is “acceptable”? Why not make your own this year; it’ll be more fun, and far less commercial! 

  5. Use the power of the coming new year to fuel spells for promoting change. As the year turns over into the new one, there’s a huge amount of mental energy focused towards the coming year, and what’s going to happen as our lives shift into the new period coming. Use this power in new years eve rituals to power spells for change in the new year - it’s more effective than resolutions, after all!

Have a blessed Solstice, my Northern siblings!

– Juniper

Merry & Blessed Imbolc

Many different ways to celebrate today. Imbolc, first day of February 2022.


Imbolc is celebrated on or around February first to welcome the earliest beginnings of spring.


Honor or welcome the sun by lighting a candle in your home (you can do a fake candle if you’re not allowed to light a real candle). If you really want to go all out, you can light every single fake and real candle in your house!
Get crafty! Make candles, Brighid’s Crosses, Brighid dolls, sun catchers, or start building a garden. Imbolc is a great time to plant seeds (unless it’s too cold outside; indoor gardens are always an option)!
Decorate your altar and/or home with crystals, flowers, stones, candles, images of the sun, or any other decor that celebrates the coming spring!
Divine your future! Get out your tarot cards, pendulum, dowsing rod, bones, or other divining tools and ask for advice or insight into the future.
Take care of yourself and your home! Do some spring cleaning and cleansing and take time for yourself. Take a bath, clean off your desk, do some easy cleaning or deep cleaning, whatever you prefer. This is a great time for cleansing and purification!
Cook and share with friends and family! Pies, cookies, bread, whatever you want. If you have the energy, you can cook a feast and celebrate with your loved ones, including deceased loved ones.
Visit a lake, stream, well, or another body of water. If you want to, dip a ribbon in the body of water and then hang it on a tree (remember to not litter; you could use a tree in your yard and later tie the ribbon off) to send a message of hope and healing!
Visit a park, lake, or forest and pick up litter. This is a great way to honor the coming of spring, but if it is too cold, you can always wait until it gets warmer!
Say goodbye to winter and start to welcome spring! You can do this through prayers, spells, thoughts, or actions. Meditation is one great way that you can do this! Cleansing, new beginnings, thriving, purification, and gratitude spells are also great ideas.
Honor Brighid if you wish to! You can make Brighid crosses or dolls, set a special place for Her on your altar or in your home, give Her a prayer or offering, or something else that honors Her during this special day.
