#witchcraft books

There are probably a million reasons why sometimes spells just don’t work. Most of the time it comes

There are probably a million reasons why sometimes spells just don’t work. Most of the time it comes down to needing to do the inner work or just waiting a little longer than you thought necessary for the magic to happen. Just like anything else, witchcraft is a practice and spell work takes time. So if you’ve been feeling out of focus with your casting there’s probably a reason why your spells aren’t checking out. 

Read below for my top ten reasons why sometimes spells just don’t budge. 

1 You didn’t do the inner work

The number one reason why magical intention doesn’t move the energy you wanted it to is because there are blocks, energy blocks. All these blocks are blocking up your ability to push forward to what you really want. Want to focus on more of your magic? Do the work to remove the blocks so you can forge ahead. 

2 Your spell doesn’t align with your highest intention 

Yes we all have the greatest potential, but what if what you’re asking for isn’t really aligning with that? Maybe you’re destined for bigger things…like owning that big company but you’re asking for a small fry raise at a place that drives you crazy with a toxic boss instead? If you have a calling go for it, don’t settle for second best. Your magic will help you more when you’re aligned with what you’re supposed to do. 

3 You don’t have enough focus

Spells are hard to perform. They’re even harder with kids, siblings, noisey housemates or any other interruptions bargingin in during your ritual work. If you really think you weren’t focusing enough, don’t force it. Just try the spell again when you can get a little quiet time instead. 

4 It just didn’t work

For reasons beyond understanding it just wasn’t meant for you (or me). I like to think of cases like this where my spirits are looking down the tunnel of my future and saving me from some really horrible outcome. So I say in instances like these, don’t force it, just go with the flow. 

5 You’re meant to focus your energy elsewhere

Just like the spell not aligning with your highest intention, it could be that your energy is needed elsewhere. Pay attention to where you are being drawn to. Something better could be waiting around the corner. 

6 You just need to practice

Pushing your magical energy out there to attract what you want in your life is not an easy task. It takes many years of dedication and practice to get it right. No one is perfect at it, and especially if you’re just starting out you may just need to practice. Don’t get frustrated, just like anything else, practice makes spells perfect.

7 You really don’t want it

Did someone beg you to perform the spell (the worst). Or is it something you really don’t want to do or happen? Dig deep and really ask yourself those hard questions. Are you manifesting what you truly want for yourself? 

8 The spell you used was off

Spells are weird. And there are a LOT of bad spells. Sometimes it’s hard to see which spells are not it and maybe the one you’re using just isn’t vibing with your energy. If it’s something you really want, switch up the spell and try again. 

9 You don’t believe

Belief is the number one drive in your magical force. If you don’t believe it’s like driving a car with no gas in the tank. Believe, believe, believe. 

10 You’re just having an off day

Maybe you’re just having an off day. It could be the planetary alignment, some funky person bothering your vibe at the gym, or a multitude of reasons why your energy was off. Even the best witches have off days. Dust off your spell and try again. 

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It’s crazy to me to think that we are in such survival mode with finances that ‘side hustles’ are a

It’s crazy to me to think that we are in such survival mode with finances that ‘side hustles’ are a regular thing now. Don’t get me wrong, I hate hustle culture. I believe we all should be pursuing our passions but not to the level of toxic self-destruction. 

So why the side hustle? Because we all need money, and witchy side hustles can oftentimes manifest into lucrative careers. Nothing makes me happier than a witch living their best life making a career out of doing what they were born to do. 

If you have another idea you want to add to the list, or drop a comment below!

Read tarot -This one is by far the one I see the most often, and that’s not a bad thing. I have my go-to favorite tarot readers for different things because I feel like tarot readers are not all built the same. Some styles of reading work better for life paths and some for career choices. Nothing is better than an abundance of tarot readers. Plus you can create a large audience by using Instagram or TikTok and this one requires almost no start-up money. 

Spell services - I’m not always a fan of selling witchy services because some people seem kind of shady or are in it just to make money and not really having any background in witchcraft or occultism BUT I put it on here. If you genuinely care about your clientele and want to spread the magic by offering great spell casting services, then this might be the side hustle for you.

Etsy shop - I am not remarkable at selling on Etsy and have never really had a tremendous amount of luck with that site, but that’s not to say you won’t. I’m also an avid Etsy shopper and have found loads of witchy shops selling everything from blended oils to fixed candles on the platform. 

Blog- Then there’s the blog. This is the space where I find the most success, but what I often don’t find are a lot of other witchy blogs. Sure, there’s a bunch out there, but it doesn’t seem as over-saturated as say a cooking or your basic mom blog. Although I don’t, you can make money off of advertising and other ad revenues. 

Write books - If you have a knack for writing, try penning your own book. You can go the traditional route of seeking out a publishing agent, but honestly, self-publishing is so huge right now. So many books with so much great content, definitely worth taking a look at. Who knows you could be the next big thing in witch books. 

Teach classes - Is there a local witch shop nearby? Have you thought about hosting classes or teaching workshops on various witchy subjects? In my experience I have found so many people interested in learning more about the craft, it could be a noteworthy start to a rewarding career. 

Create lifestyle goods - Lifestyle goods to me are things like shirts, stuff for your house, coffee mugs. Printify and Printful are two websites to get things rolling in the merchandise world.

Cottage food - Cottage food to me are things like jellies, jams and preserves. Think kitchen witch vibes. If you’re already a gourmet cook with a penchant for magic, this could be the space for you.

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How to make a kick-ass honey jarHoney Jars are nothing new. The concept is derived from adding somet

How to make a kick-ass honey jar

Honey Jars are nothing new. The concept is derived from adding something ‘sweet’ to ‘sweeten’ a person up to you. I guess I’m not the most likeable person because I’ve made quite a few honey jars over the years. But it’s always good to have people in your favor, especially in circumstances such as work, school, you know the important people who control your life (kidding!). 

Let’s take a minute here to say that a honey jar has absolutely no effect on things WHAT SO EVER. Think of it as a nice to have. Sure, it would be great if your boss was a little nicer to you, and you felt like they were on your side. But if shit hits the fan, your boss will still fire your ass even if they sort of like you as a person, so I’m just saying. A honey jar is not a controlling mechanism. It’s just a little energy thrown someone’s way to nudge them in the direction of liking you a little more than maybe they naturally would have. 

What you need to perform this spell:

A Jar (cleaned out sauce jars work well for this too.)

A spell candle in the color of your intention. 

Something of the targets or a paper with their name written on it 9 times. 


Anything else you would like to add. Some ideas include sweet herbs like lavender or rose petals, rose quartz, sweet orange essential oils or anything else you think the person might like. 

What you’ll do:

Clean out your jar well and smoke cleanse it with any incense. 

Meditate and clear your mind focusing on your target. 

Add your target’s personal item and cover with honey. 

Next add in any additional items. 

Cover your jar. 

Place a candle on top of your jar. Securing it by lighting the wick and dropping a few wax drips onto the lid of the jar. 

Let the candle burn all the way down. 

Leave your jar somewhere safe. 

Occasionally add items to it that you see fit.

*Note: Never leave your candle unattended. If you have to walk away, blow out your candle and light it when you come back.

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Fall has always been my favorite season, especially after a long summer. The way the leaves change a

Fall has always been my favorite season, especially after a long summer. The way the leaves change and everything just has this spooky ambiance to it. I like to think of fall as very introspective. Whereas summer and spring are more about growth and moving forward with something new, Fall for me is about celebrating death and the cycle of turning inward. 

Salt your doors and windows - I like to add an extra ‘layer’ of protection in the fall with all the extra spirit activity. I have overdone the salt on occasion so a small sprinkle will do. You don’t need a 3 inch thick line of salt that messes with the way your windows close. 

Tie up your herbs to dry through the winter - If I’m at a fresh market I like to pick up some herbs and dry them out for use in the season. You can even bundle them up with sage or add them to bathwater. 

DIY Candles - I have made SOME candles before but sometimes I just melt the tops of candles from the dollar store and toss in herbs and oils in the wax. You can even add crystal shards or charms that go with your intentions.

Make an apple pie (or pumpkin!) - I always try to make one good fall pie from scratch, pie crust and all. When I knead the crust I think about health and prosperity for my family.

Sweep your porch for prosperity - I do this in the summer too but keeping your porch clean of debris helps the funds flow in. 

Dry orange slices - This makes your place smell amazing. Dry some orange slices and keep them on hand for citrus cleansing baths throughout the fall. Citrus baths are especially good when you’re feeling that seasonal depression. 

Read tarot on Halloween - I always do a full reading for myself on Halloween to see what the new year brings in for me. 

Thoroughly cleanse your space - You don’t have to do this with incense. Especially if it’s cold. Just leave out bowls of water with a few Tablespoons of salt. Flush it down the toilet the next day with all the bad vibes.

Leave out offerings for ancestors - If you do ancestral offerings leave them out some apples, Whiskey, or anything they would have liked in their life.

Tidy up your spells - I try to do this a few times a year when I feel like I have too much going on. It helps me cleanse my mind and rethink all my priorities. 

Collect fall findings outside - Acorns, feathers, seeds, there are a lot of things you can find just by stepping outside that will help you along in your practice. 

Nature walks - Nature walks are also great for this. I once found a dead squirrel at a park and took it home to collect the skull. 

Make moon cookies - I love sugar cookies so sometimes I just use a glass and cut out moon phases with the dough and bake. 

Write or journal - Fall is a great time to sit by the fire or a cozy space in your house and dig into your own thoughts and just write out what you feel. 

Pick up a new witch book - My reading always gets more intense in the colder months. I think there’s just less to do and I always pick up the latest witch book to stay in the loop with what’s going on in the magical community. 

Brush up on meditation - Meditate when it’s freezing outside and warm up your inner core. Try having some relaxing hot tea beforehand. 

Record your dreams - We tend to sleep more in the fall/winter months so it’s a great time to start a dream journal. To help with remembering your dreams, sleep with your journal on your nightstand and write down anything you remember as soon as you wake up.

Thrift for witchy finds - Thrift stores are great in the fall. So much fun stuff can be found snooping around old thrift shops or even Goodwill. I’ve picked up the majority of my witch things second hand. 

Cast a fire spell in a bonfire - If you’re at a bonfire write a wish on a piece of paper and toss it in for a fun spell. 

Visit a cemetery - Nothing is better than a cemetery on a crisp Fall day. Just don’t forget to leave your pennies for the gatekeepers. 

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I don’t know if ‘spell fallout’ is already a term or not, but I always feel like it’s an important t

I don’t know if ‘spell fallout’ is already a term or not, but I always feel like it’s an important thing to discuss in Witchcraft. Basically spell fallout are the unintended or unaccounted events that happen after you perform a spell. Let’s use what happened to me as a great example of how you can F up your life with magic. 

For about 4-5 years I was working at a company that I on and off loved. At first it was not great, but we moved around and I kind of began to like where I was at and more importantly what I was working on. I learned a lot and even though it was frustrating, I wanted to be there. Then after a few years we were moved again to another space and it was a little horrible. Around that time I was super stuck and not feeling like I was experiencing any growth. Of course I blamed my environment and the circumstances around me and not my own fear-driven decision making. I could have simply looked for another job that continued my career growth. But I didn’t, I blamed everything and everyone else around me. 

Out of frustration I did a spell on the waning moon to let go of all the things that didn’t serve me. I was NOT specific and I just generally did the magic without even reading my tarot. That week I was laid off at work. I have not always been financially stable in my life and having the security of a steady paycheck was a HUGE deal for me. And now it was gone. The rug was pulled out from under me and my safe little job had vanished. Being laid off or even fired was one of my biggest fears and that experience sent me into a huge month-long panic attack. 

Of course, afterwards everything was fine. It took some time, but I was able to secure employment and continue to grow in my career. I also had a lot of personal growth related to that experience. I let go of tons of fear, moved forward with my own side business and stopped giving into other people’s expectations of me and started living for myself. 

Although these were all AMAZING things that I could never have accomplished without the help of my irresponsible spell, THERE ARE BETTER WAYS to achieve this. So before you cast a spell and turn your life into a hot mess for months on end, think about why you need the spell and all the things that could happen in your life from the casting of this one spell. And most importantly, be specific about what you want in your spell. Otherwise you’ll accidentally ‘let go’ of that job that might no longer be serving you, but is still paying the bills. 

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I’m not always the greatest at clearing my tarot decks. Usually I start out with really great intent

I’m not always the greatest at clearing my tarot decks. Usually I start out with really great intentions to keep my tarot decks squeaky clean by cleansing during EVERY full moon. Every full moon usually becomes every other full moon until it’s been several months and I’m going bananas wondering why my tarot deck is giving me the most random cards ever. 

Don’t be like me, cleanse your tarot decks! I recommend doing a small clearing in between every reading, and then a big cleansing monthly. This will keep the energy of your decks neat and tidy and ultimately connect to you better during your readings. 

1 Selenite

This spiritual stone usually comes in a cylinder or cone shape. It naturally connects to the higher realm so therefore is the perfect stone to clear energy with. Place one on top of a freshly shuffled deck overnight for a good clean clearing. 

2 Smoke Cleanse

I use this one a lot, just because I like the way the smoke cleanses the cards. Fan out your tarot deck in front of you and use loose or stick incense to waft the smoke around the cards. Use your intuition and pick up cards you think need a little extra and wave them around the smoke. 

3 Use a salt bowl

You don’t need a ton of salt, but a good amount. Fill up a bowl (clear glass is my preference but use whatever you have). Place your tarot deck standing up right in the bowl overnight for a salt cleanse. 

4 New moon 

During the new moon, take your tarot decks outside and let the moonlight shine on it for a few hours. The new moon’s energy will dip down and cleanse out any stagnant energy.

5 Black Tourmaline 

I use this stone when I need a deep cleanse. Just like the Selenite method, place the stone onto or around your tarot deck for a few hours to absorb any lingering energy. 

6 Meditation

Another way to cleanse your tarot decks is by simple meditation. Hold your tarot cards in your hands or set them in front of you. Picture a white light filling the cards and clearing them of any energy.  

7 Tapping

This is more of a quick clearing for back to back readings. If I’m doing a lot of tarot-ing I will usually tap the cards three times in between just to knock out any energy left over from the last reading. 

8 Sunlight

Like the moon method but using the sun. The sun has a more masculine energy so if I’m wanting to connect to that side of energy then I’ll leave my cards outside in the daylight instead. 

9 Reorder 

Another way to cleanse is to put the cards back in their order starting with the Major Arcana and going through all the suits. This method aligns the cards back to with their original energy ultimately cleansing the deck.

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This is a fairly easy spell that can be performed without much prep time or ingredients. (My favorit

This is a fairly easy spell that can be performed without much prep time or ingredients. (My favorite!) It’s also just super useful to help manifest what you want while visualizing your goals each month. 

If you have a side hustle or small business then you know how much effort and energy it is to grow. You’re working all hours of the night, posting on social media, coming up with a strategy and even paying for ads to help bring in new sales. With that being said it’s always a good idea to back up so much mundane work with the energy of a spell for your business. 

This is a working spell, meaning it’s never really ‘complete’. You can continue to add components to it and keep the energy active as you grow your business with the spell. It also works really well for online shops and e-commerce businesses as you don’t really need a physical location to perform the spell successfully. 

What you need

  • A small box (decorated however you want)
  • A print out of your products 
  • Cinnamon oil
  • One green candle
  • 4 coins

What you’ll do

Print out your products on one piece of paper. You can make them small if you have several products, or just print out your best sellers. Anoint your candle and coins in cinnamon oil. Light the candle and place the coins around the candle. Visualize your business growth with whatever that means to you. Either acquiring more sales, clients, or shop visits. Let the candle burn down all the way. Fold up your piece of paper and place it in the box. Place the coins and any wax remnants on top of the paper, in your box. 

Keep your box on display on your altar, or in a prominent place. Add items to it as you see fit, and light a green candle next to it anointed in cinnamon oil to repeat the spell every waxing moon. 

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On May 20th Portland Button Works turns 10 years old!

To celebrate we are offering two sales until the end of May!

Portland Button Works is offering 20% off all custom items (pin-back buttons, magnets, and bottle openers) with coupon code: BUTTONSONLY

The Spiral House Shop is our catalog of pre-made buttons, zines, books, and other curious items. We are offering 10% off with coupon code: BIRTHDAY10

Join Frankie Castanea (ChaoticWitchAunt), J. Allen Cross (Oregon_Wood_Witch) for an afternoon of witchcraft and magic

We are so excited to be hosting this event!

Join Frankie Castanea (ChaoticWitchAunt), author of Spells for Change, and J. Allen Cross (Oregon_Wood_Witch), author of American Brujeria, for an afternoon of witchcraft and magic.

Prepare for a day of witchy fun, book signings, Q&As, and more!

Saturday May 28th, 2022 2 PM
Turn! Turn! Turn!
8 NE Kilingsworth
Portland, Oregon 972

All Ages!
Mask and proof of vaccination require

Click here for the facebook event page.

Frankie Castanea is a writer, content creator, and practicing pagan and folk witch more commonly known on the internet as “Chaotic Witch Aunt.” They are on several platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, where they create both comedic and educational content. They have been interviewed about being a witch on the internet by Bust and Nylon.

J. Allen Cross is the author of “American Brujeria: Modern Mexican American Folk Magic”. He lives in Oregon, and works as a professional witch, psychic medium, and paranormal investigator.

New in the catalog! Spells For Change: A Guide For Modern Witches by Franke Castanea aka Chaotic Witch Aunt on instagram and tiktok.

There are so many great books for thoughtful new witches coming out right now and this is another one that I would recommend to those seeking to build their own modern witchcraft practice.

ALSO! We will be hosting and event with the author here in Portland, Oregon at the end of May. Stay tuned for details!

Portland Button Works and the Spiral House Shop update 11 February 2022!

We are all set up at Wytche Daye at the Lloyd Center Double Tree in Portland, Oregon! Check out me down and browse the witchy wares!

Today’s Entertainment Prompt

Have you ever re-read a book you loved? What do you think drew you back to it?

- Submitted by @mythical-manda

Hi everyone! Five years ago I started THE WITCHES’ WORKBOOK, a book project designed for beginners to start their practical journey into magic, witchcraft, and spellcraft. I’m so happy that it’s been helpful to you all over these years, and wanted to put up a post!

CHAPTER ONE: BEGINNING WITCHCRAFT is an orientation into what witchcraft is and isn’t, common misconceptions, avoiding cultural appropriation, vocab, and other basics.

CHAPTER TWO: ELEMENTS OF WITCHCRAFT goes into all the aspects and fundamental pillars of witchcraft, ritual, spellcraft, and other “witch adjacent” crafts like herbalism and divination.

CHAPTER THREE: ENERGY ESSENTIALS is a guide on how to perceive and manipulate energy, including meditation, grounding and centering, raising energy, charging, and more.

You can read the three chapters so far here: https://theoryofmagick.gumroad.com/

It’s also available in PDF form on Discord, via @archives-discord.

The books are always free, but tips are always appreciated! I hope to continue the project with more volumes as time goes on. Happy 5th Bookiversary to you all! <3

Full list of contents below:


  • Introduction

- Where do I begin?

- Disclaimer: My Own Beliefs

- Using This Series

- Following Along

  • Part One: Modern Witchcraft, in Brief

- What Do We Mean by “Modern Witchcraft”?

- Supplemental Reading

- Essential Vocabulary

  • Part Two: Building your Practice

- Your Core

- Building Part by Part

- Personal Tips I’ve Found Helpful

  • Part Three: Common Misconceptions

- Paths

- Religions and Spirituality

- Who can be a witch?

  • Supplemental Chapter 1 Reading
  • “Homework”



  • Catching up

    - Using This Book
  • The Elements of Modern Witchcraft
  • Energy Work

    - Examples of Energy Work
  • Spellcraft

- Components of Functional Spellcraft

-Intent & Will



-Further Examples of Spellcraft

  • Ritual

Examples of Rituals

  • Secondary Crafts

Brief Examples of Secondary Crafts

  • Magic in Witchcraft


A Source of Power

  • Supplemental Ch2 Reading

Reference Books: Grimoires, Herbals, Spellbooks, Books of Correspondences

  • “Homework”



  • Using This Book
  • What is Energy?
  • Feeling Energy: The Basics of Meditation

    - Accessability

- Exercise: Tuning in to the Local Energy

- Basic Meditation

  • Drawing Down the Everything

- How to “Draw Down” Color, or, Color Breathe

  • Grounding & Centering

What is Grounding & Centering?

- “Grounding”

- “Centering”

- How to Ground and Center

- Why and When should I Ground & Center?

  • Charging: The Basics of Energy

- Charging with Energy

- Charging a Candle with Energy: Traditional Method

- Charging with Energy: the Energy Field Method

  • Raising Energy in Spells & Rituals
  • “Homework”


First and foremost, Witchcraft or Wicca is a religion. In The Sabbats, Edain McCoy reveals the eight major holidays of this faith and the many ways in which they are celebrated.  

There are two basic types of holidays. The first come at the Solstices and Equinoxes. The others divide the time between those dates in two, resulting in eight major holidays or Sabbats with approximately the same amount of days between them. The balance, here, gives the appearance of spokes in a wheel, so this cycle is commonly called the Wheel of the Year.  

The holidays represent two things. First, the harvest cycle. Each holiday represents a time in the growth of crops. From planting to growth, from harvesting to letting the lands lie fallow in the cold winter, the festivals follow the agricultural cycles of ancient times. However, they also represent the eternal love of the God and Goddess, following the God’s birth from the Goddess and his death before she gives birth to him again. This also follows the pattern of the Sun which moves from warm and high in the sky to cold and low in the sky.  

The book is filled with ways you can follow the Wheel of the Year, whether you work with a coven, with your family, or by yourself. You will learn the secrets of ritual construction and handicrafts appropriate to each of the festivals. You will also learn recipes for traditional foods for each holiday and even songs appropriate to the Sabbats.  

This is a wonderful, joyous book filled with color, information, and wisdom. If you are involved with Paganism in any way, this book is a must for your studies and practices. This book functions as both a resource and as a practical manual for the celebration of the holidays. Get your copy today.

368 Pages

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Note: I have not been able to read through all of these yet, I am slowly making my way down the list. If there is a book that is offensive or incorrect please send me a message and I will review it and remove it from the list if necessary. 

Modern Magick Second Edition; Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts by Donald Michael Kraig 

The Witch’s Magical Handbook by Gavin Frost and Yvonne Frost

The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft, and Wicca by Rosemary Ellen Guiley 

Nocturnal Witchcraft; Witchcraft After Dark By Konstantinos 

Call of the Horned Piper by Nigel Aldcroft Jackson 

Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham

Encyclopedia of Spells by Michael Johnstone 

The Mystical World of Ancient Witchcraft; An easy Insider Guide To the life changing Power of your Magick Energy by Rose Ariadne 

Old World Witchcraft; Ancient Ways for Modern Days by Raven Grimassi  

The Study of Witchcraft; A Guidebook to Advanced Wicca by Deborah Lipp

Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland 

The Witch’s Master Grimoire; An Encyclopedia of Charms, Spells, Formulas, and Magical Rites by Lady Sabrina

Witchcraft in Tudor and Stuart England; A regional and comparative study guide by Alan Macfarlane 

The Pagan Federation; Witchcraft Information Package

Herbal Magick; A Witch’s Guide to Herbal Enchantments, Folklore, and Divination by Gerina Dunwich

The basics of Magick by K.Amber

The Book of Night Magick by Phillip D. Williams

The Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Folklore By Patricia Monaghan 

Celtic Mythology A-Z By Gienna Matson & Jeremy Roberts

Storytelling; An Encyclopedia of Mythology and Folklore 

Norse Mythology; Legends of Gods and Heroes by Peter Andreas Munch

Constellation Legends By Norm McCarter

Encyclopedia of Greek and Roman Mythology By Luke Roman and Monica Roman

Mysteries, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena; Mythical Creatures By Linda S. Godfrey

A Guide to Astrology By Fredrick White

How to Use Astrology; How and Why it Works By Michael Erlewine 

A Manual of Astrology

Astrology for Dummies by Rae Orion

The Astrology Book; The Encyclopedia of Heavenly Influences By James R. Lewis

Astrology Course

The Cyber Spellbook; Magick in the Virtual World By Sirona Knight and Patricia Telesco 

Herbs in Magick and Alchemy; Techniques from  Ancient Herbal Lore By C.L. Zalewski

Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs By Scott Cunningham 

The Magical Household; Spells & Rituals for the Home By Scott Cunningham & David Harrington 

Herbs Magickal and Otherwise 

The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, & Brews By Scott Cunningham 

Plant Powers, Poisons, and Herb Craft By Dale Pendell **

**This book contains information on Poisons and is for informational purposes only, read at your own risk. 

The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs By Richard Alan Miller

Cunnigham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic By Scott Cunningham

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs; Their Medicinal and Culinary Uses

Spiritual Alchemy; The Inner Path

Practical Handbook of Plant Alchemy By Manfred M.Junius 

Real Alchemy; A Primer of Practical Alchemy By Robert Allen Bartlett

An Illustrated History of Alchemy and Early Chemistry 

Alchemy Unveiled By Johannes Helmond 

Medicinal Plants in Folk Tradition; An Ethnobotany of Britain & Ireland By David E. Allen & Gabrielle Hatfield

Slavic Pagan World

Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen By Scott Cunningham

Cunningham’s Book of Shadows By Scott Cunningham

Learning Tarot

The Pictorial Key to the Tarot By A.E Waite

Tarot Symbolism & Divination 

Tarot; Mirror of the Soul By Gerd Ziegler 

Tarot Keys By Andrea Green 

The Symbolism of the Tarot by P. D. Ouspensky

Healing Crystals; The A-Z Guide to 430 gemstones By Michael Geinger 

Dooney’s Crystal Database

An Introduction Guide to Crystals and Healing Stones By Ron & Sue Windred

The Healing Crystal First Aid Manuel By Michael Geinger

Practical Crystal Healing By Nicole Lanning 

Divination Systems by Nicole Yalsovac

How Divination Systems Work

The Path of the witch

The Weiser Field Guide to Witches

Practicing the Witch’s Craft By Douglas Ezzy

Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart

Hope you enjoy! Please feel free to add to the list!

Moonlight Academy

Really impressed with this book so far! I have a few of the other modern witchcraft books (modern witchcraft guide to tarot and the modern witchcraft grimoire) they are great resources!


Here’s a collection of hundreds of books about magic and witchcraft.

With beginner friendly guides, constant updates with new resources, and a welcoming community — this server is open to all, even if you’re just looking to satisfy your curiosity.
