#wiccan community



Beltane Oats and Honey Scones

Beltane is upon us and this year most of us are going to spend it inside… A nice way to celebrate this special day is to bake. I filmed this recipe for you, I hope you will like it!


Beltane Oats and Honey Scones

These rustic scones are quick and easy to bake. The use of plain flour and oats makes them raise less. They are amazing eaten straight outside of the oven with some jam and clotted cream (or butter!) Beltane is the celebration of the coming of Summer and a celebration of fertility. Days are warmer and longer, plants are growing, and the soil is fertile. Unfortunately, most of us will spend Beltane indoor this year and I thought I would publish the recipe I’ll do to celebrate this day.

Even if you are not celebrating Beltane, these scone are delicious! Let me know what you thought of this recipe!


  • 80g Self-raising Flour
  • 80g Wholemeal Flour
  • 20g Oats
  • Pinch of Salt
  • 2 tbsp Sugar
  • 75g Butter
  • 60mL Whole Milk
  • 2 tbsp Clear Honey


  • Preheat the oven 170ºC / 340ºF, grease a baking sheet
  • Mix flours, sugar and salt in a bowl
  • Using your finger tips, rub in the butter until the texture is crumbly
  • Warm the milk and the honey together. Stir until the honey has completely dissolve
  • Add the warm milk to the flour mixture and mix to make a soft dough. If it is too moist, add a bit more flour.
  • Divide the dough in two ball. Roll each of them in a flat round about 2 cm thick
  • Cut the flat rounds in 4 quarters each
  • Bake for 15min, until pale golden and springy to the touch
  • Keep in an air tight container for a couple of days