


Pride Requests #7

Alloaro Gay Mudclaw (Windclan), Bi Ace Brambleberry

Bi Tawnypelt, Aroace Cinderpelt, Bi Blossomfall

Bigender Darkstripe, He/Him Lesbian Dovewing

Lesbian Bristlefrost, Panromantic Ashfur, Maverique Violetshine

Did Sol even have a goal as a villain? Or did he just show up one day on SkyClan then the Lakes and was like “I’m here, I’m queer, time to ruin the lives of everyone here.”

“No. Being a medicine cat is my destiny. It’s what I was always supposed to be. The Clans depend on me. Half Moon told me.” - Moth Flight

same page: “I’m going to give up my kits.”

“WindClan can deal with it. Many moons have passed since ShadowClan drove us out of our home, but too many cats still see WindClan as the weakest Clan. You act as if we can hardly feed ourselves. But WindClan is as strong as any other Clan and we shall prove it. We do not need help from any cat.”

― Onestar

dude’s leadership is so bad, i have to give it a rating of one star-

 “I have traveled so far and loved so much, and yet I am still following the Sun Trail, headin

“I have traveled so far and loved so much, and yet I am still following the Sun Trail, heading for my new hunting grounds."  — Gray Wing

Design note - His eyes are always droopy

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“Thank you, Ashfoot. You taught me what I needed to learn. Everything I endured brought me to this, to give me something to fight for in WindClan. And if trouble does come, then WindClan will deal with it. After the Great Battle, and the fight against the stoats, there’s surely no threat that our Clan can’t face.” — Crowfeather

(Plus a sassy Crowkit)

Antpelt! reading about him on the wiki made me realise how dark his death is :D wow :’D


reading about him on the wiki made me realise how dark his death is :D wow :’D

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Nightcloud! Gave her sligthly bigger paws since she is described as strong and muscular in the books

Nightcloud! Gave her sligthly bigger paws since she is described as strong and muscular in the books 

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Tried going for a punk dad sort of look 

Tried going for a punk dad sort of look 

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“And I hope when you think of me years down the line

You can’t find one good thing to say

And I’d hope that if I found the strength to walk out

You’d stay the hell out of my way” -no children by the mountain goats

Crowfeather my beloved. I decided to give them a rex coat because I want them to look more like how I imagine breezepelt looking. Anyway him and squirrelflight kiss.

Many cats think of other Clans’ scents as foul. After all, they’re too used to the smell of their own homes.

ThunderClan smells like rich soil and something nuttty, with an odd muskiness that other Clans attribute to them simply not grooming themselves enough. They do groom regularly, of course, but it makes no difference.

WindClan smells of earth that’s been dried and baked by the sun. Some think of it as plain old dust. Back in the days of tunneling, cats who worked underground always smelled damp.

ShadowClan smells like pine, plain and simple. But the scent is strong and sharp, almost shocking to the nose of any other Clan cat. Though it’s considered overwhelming now, there are elders who remember when the Old Forest left ShadowClan reeking of stagnant water and rotting vegetation.

RiverClan smells of petrichor, something that would be pleasant if it weren’t for the fish on their breaths. But RiverClan thinks the scent of blood and meat on the other Clan’s tongues is equally revolting. 

For all the complaints, the Clan cats are more or less used to the scents of the other Clans. But SkyClan’s new arrival has left them unable to ignore the strange smell they carry.

SkyClan smells like far away. Like the inner bark of unfamiliar trees, flower petals on the wind, and something comparable only to a green-leaf night. No one can decide whether it’s foul or pleasant.

Mudclaw (Mudkit; Mudpaw | Windclan) Note: These designs are free to use for non-commercial purposes

Mudclaw (Mudkit; Mudpaw | Windclan)

Note: These designs are free to use for non-commercial purposes with credit! But if you appreciate my work, I have a [ Tip Jar ] !

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