#winter soldier


Watch out he got a knife

A leetol Buckitty doodle because there needs to be more catto Bucky content

facinaoris:    I was made to be             to be a monster. [ x ] facinaoris:    I was made to be             to be a monster. [ x ] facinaoris:    I was made to be             to be a monster. [ x ] facinaoris:    I was made to be             to be a monster. [ x ]


   I was made to be
            to be a monster. [ x]

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Havent drawn Bucky in a while and I wanted to draw spiderbaby pete with his uncle who has no idea how to handle a baby

Hawkeye: Freefall #1 (2020)Writer: Matthew RosenbergArtist: Otto SchmidtHawkeye: Freefall #1 (2020)Writer: Matthew RosenbergArtist: Otto SchmidtHawkeye: Freefall #1 (2020)Writer: Matthew RosenbergArtist: Otto Schmidt

Hawkeye: Freefall #1 (2020)

Writer: Matthew Rosenberg

Artist: Otto Schmidt

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Click for detail | SSR Agent Bucky Barnes from this auClick for detail | SSR Agent Bucky Barnes from this au

Click for detail | SSR Agent Bucky Barnes from this au

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Very helpful , except for the bit about endgame because Fuck endgame.

Of Gods and Men

A Loki x Reader, Bucky x Reader Fanfic

Author Notes: Lemme tell you, this hurt to write. And I still love it. Something about heartbreaking ANGST, man, I love it so much. Enjoy!


Relationship: Loki x Gender!Neutral Reader, Unrequited Bucky Barnes x Reader

Content: 2.7k words (reminder, I’m awful at using tenses correctly in writing, so if you see a mistake, no you didn’t-)

Summary: You and Bucky have been through hell and back during your time with Hydra, both broken a beaten birds of a feather. And yet, when the both of you are safe with the Avengers, neither of you can bring yourselves to show your love. And then Loki shows up in all his Godly greatness and takes you from right under Bucky’s nose.

Warnings: Everyone lives and you can’t stop me, Swearing, ANGST, Unrequited love, Hydra, Mentions of torture, Heartbroken Bucky, Kind of SMUT, Gender neutral SMUT, Bottom!Reader, Top!Loki

I Do Not Allow My Works To Be Reposted, Reuploaded, Or Reused- Even If You Give Credit.

While some of my works may not be NSFW specifically, my page is still 18+, minors please do not interact.




The day the Avengers rescued you from Hydra’s grasp was the last time you ever hugged the Winter Soldier- no, the last time you ever hugged Bucky Barnes. The man who fought by your side to accomplish whatever mission Hydra had given you was not Bucky, but the man inside the Soldier that you grew to love, was. They say trauma forms unbreakable bonds, which was as true as ever in your case, but what they don’t tell you is that it also breeds uncertainty.

When you finally collapsed in Bucky’s arms inside the Avenger’s tower, free from the shackles Hydra forced on you, you knew you were finally home. He knew better than anyone what Hydra could do to your mind, so all he could do when you broke apart and sobbed in his arms was whisper sweet words and promises of a better life. And while his promises rang true as you spent your days in the comfort and stability that was the Avengers, you didn’t expect it to be at the price of the man you loved.

Not once in the months that flew by had he pulled you back into the safety of his arms. The both of you were so broken, but you wanted to be broken together. But he wouldn’t give you that and you wouldn’t seek it out either. When he put his walls back up, you were right there with him, cementing your own distance. Sure, you talked with each other; you had to work together. You went on missions together, trained together, ate and fought together, but the unspoken words of a long established boundary were never addressed. Fleeting smiles and half hearted jokes could never tear down the walls the two of you worked so hard to build against each other.

The only time you saw his hardened armor crack was when Thor had brought his unruly brother into the confines of the tower. And the God of mischief would surely be your undoing. You saw the familiar flare of a broken soul within the God and every line of your being begged to reach out and comfort him. It didn’t come easily at first. He reeled and pulled away from your soft gaze until he found a flicker of your own hidden mischief shine in your eyes. That crack of impishness drew him in in a way he never thought a simple mortal could.

Bucky saw it too. He saw it in the way you would sling pestering jokes at Loki and the God would fire them right back with a grin pulling at his lips. When you openly cackled at Thor’s retellings of the cruel pranks Loki used to pull on him as a child, Bucky watched as Loki’s eyes shimmered with mirth and his own barriers started to fall as he let you in. Bucky hated the way the God took you passed his walls so easier, and he hated it even more when you hadn’t even bothered to put up your own as you had done with him. Your eyes found Bucky as he watched you interact with Loki and you saw the shine of hurt that swam beneath his walls. You wanted to reach out to him too, but he had made it very clear that that was not what he wanted. So when you saw him screaming out behind his hardened glare, you added another brick to the wall between the two of you.

And that is where you were at today, avoiding Bucky’s piercing stare as Thor blessed you with yet another story from his and Loki’s childhood.

“Loki has tried to kill me on many, many occasions,” Thor’s booming voice rang throughout the living room as he sat perched on the couch with the eyes of the Avengers peering up at him with interest, “there was one time when we were children, he transformed himself into a snake-“ you couldn’t help the snort that escaped you as Thor spoke. Loki sent you a cheeky grin as he knocked his shoulder against yours from his place beside you on the couch.

“You cruel little boy,” you cooed as you knocked his shoulder right back.

“Hush, this is the best part,” he insisted as he eyes swam with mischief and his heart stopping grin spread across his face.

“-and he knows that I love snakes, so I went to pick up the snake to admire it,” Thor continued as he shot Loki a glare that didn’t reach his eyes, “and he transformed back into himself and he was like ‘bleh it’s me’-“ you let out a bark of laughter as you quickly covered your mouth in surprise as Loki snickered beside you, “-and he stabbed me. We were eight at the time.” You couldn’t help the laugh that tumbled form your lips as you smacked Loki’s shoulder.

“Youstabbed him?!” you laughed incredulously as you turned to gawk at Loki. Thor huffed and slumped in on himself.

“I assure you it was no laughing matter,” he muttered as he sent you a withering look, “I could have died that day.” Your giggles subsided slightly when you saw the other Avengers looking at Loki as if he had kicked a baby. The horrified look on Bruce’s face brought back your laughing fit, and you all but keeled over as the cackles wracked through your body.

“Oh gods,” you wheezed out between laughs, “I would pay to have seen that.” Loki’s grin itself was enough for you to not feel the slightest bit of shame as you openly shared your amusement.

“See, dear brother,” Loki said as he turned his mischievous gaze onto Thor, “this was the reaction you should had given at such an amusing prank.”

“You didn’t-“ you wheezed yet again, “-you didn’t even stay as a snake, you could have bitten him, but no- you stabbed him. Oh fuck, I’m dying.”

Bucky’s heart burned. He hated this, whatever this was. He hated how well you and Loki got along. He hated hearing your beautiful laugh if it meant you were giving it to the God. He hated watching you grip onto Loki’s arm for support as you doubled over with laughter. He hated it. He hated Loki. If the attack on New York wasn’t enough of a reason to hate him, your love for him was. Loki’s eyes flickered over to meet Bucky’s and his easy grin turned malicious. Loki wasn’t dumb, far from it. He saw the way the soldier looked at you, with such a heartbreaking amount of love and he relished in the fact that you never fell into it. Loki knew you loved the soldier back, but there was something cold and hardened that kept you from accepting it. But he also knew youlovedhim, so the soldier was of little worry. Loki’s arms snaked around your waist as he pulled you closer, his eyes never leaving Bucky. The way the soldier clenched his jaw and fought the need to watch the God’s arms wrap around you made Loki burn with amusement. Loki dipped his head towards you and let his breath ghost across your neck.

“Careful or you’ll hurt my idiot brother’s feelings,” he cooed and you shuddered at his close proximity before sending him a shit-eating grin.

“Awe, are those feelings that I’m seeing in you oh great God of lies?” you teased, worming your arms over his to lace your hands together behind his neck. He rolled his eyes as he tugged your closer. The Avengers were used to you and Loki cuddling up together, hands always on each other. They weren’t surprised by the addition of two more touch starved people, so it wasn’t uncommon to see the two of you grab at each other like this. What was strange, however, was seeing Loki dip his head down to nuzzle against the nape of your neck.

“I assure you I have very few positive feelings for my brother, but you dear, you I have plenty for,” he purred as his words rumbled against your skin. You sucked in a breath as you shuddered. This…this was new. Not that you minded, he had just never pushed it this far before. Harmless flirting was nothing compared the feeling of his cold lips brushed against your skin as he spoke. Your eyes fluttered as you lifted your head to look at the others. A mixture of surprise and awkwardness settled across their faces, most looked away when your gaze flicked over them as your eyes trailed towards Bucky. He absolutely dripped with rage. As your eyes met, he abruptly stood and made a quick exit. He ignored Steve’s pleas to stay as he broke eye contact with you and stormed from the room. His anger left the room with him, but not without stirring your own first. Who did he think he was? He had no right to act like that when all he’s done was push you away.

“Calm down, love,” Loki muttered quietly so only you would hear him, “would you like to leave?” You huffed as your anger dissipated when you remembered you were still wrapped tightly in his arms. Offering him a nod, he stood, your arms falling from his neck as he pulled your hand into his own. He let his glare flick across the Avengers, as if daring them to stop him from taking you from the room. When no one objected, he tugged on your hand to help you stand before offering you a small smile and leading you away. You obliged and followed after him, you hand gripping his tightly in return.

Loki pulled you into the elevator and his hand quickly fell to the button control panel. Usually he would hit the button for his floor and you would spend the day reading books in his room, but you had a different idea today. You reached your hand out to stop him as you hit the button to your floor. His gaze flicked to you in confusion.

“How about we go to my room today, yeah?” You suggested as a grin grew on your face. His eyes widened slightly before a smirk pulled up his lips.

“As you wish, darling,” he purred and you relished in the familiar flame of mischief that swam in his eyes as they drank you in.




Bucky’s anger practically evaporated the second he was back in his own room. It had been a long time since he’d let his emotions dictate his actions, but he couldn’t handle the look in your eyes when they met his. Slightly glazed and full of want. Want for someone who definitely wasn’t him. He wanted to rip you from that snake’s arms, but he couldn’t. It wasn’t his place. After his rage had settled, he only felt guilty. He was sorry for storming out like that, he knew you didn’t deserve that. So, he steeled himself, pushed down his emotions, and headed out of his room and made his way into the elevator. He pressed the familiar button to your floor like he had done so many times before. Not that you knew of course, he’d go to check on you and you never once noticed his presence. It was better that way.

As he stepped off the elevator, he was so wrapped up in thoughts of what to say to you that he barely realized that Steve was making his way down the hall towards him.

“Bucky,” Steve said, his voice suspiciously tense as it snapped the soldier from his thoughts, “what are you doing here?”

“I’m….I’m going to go apologize to…,” he muttered your name after, not meeting Steve’s gaze. After a moment of silence he narrowed his eyes and looked at the captain. “What are you doing here?”

“Nothing,” Steve spoke quickly, eyes flicking to the elevator, “I was just leaving. You should…give them some time alone.”

“No, it’s better to apologize as soon as possible,” Bucky insisted, “it’s better to not let it fester. You know that.”

“Buck…,” Steve started, sending his friend an apologetic look, “now really isn’t a good time to talk to them.”

“Why? They’re in their room aren’t they? I barely see them outside of the team, so this is the best time,” Bucky said as his suspicions grew.

“Look Buck just…trust me,” Steve said, his eyes filling with a look of pity that didn’t go unnoticed his friend.

“No Steve, I know I’m probably going to get my feelings hurt but I need to apologize. Now,” Buck insisted as he stepped around Steve and started to make his was passed him. Steve carefully grabbed onto Bucky’s wrist, stopping his movements.

“Come talk to me after,” Steve said, leaving no room for argument before letting go of Bucky. Bucky shot him a suspicious look, but nodded nonetheless. With a sigh, the captain relented and made his way to the elevator. Bucky caught the captain’s eyes once more before the doors slid shut and he turned to make his way back down the hall. The soldier tried to steel himself up as he approached your door, but the closer he got the more his nerves soared. He took a final breath of confidence as he stopped at your door before he lifted his fist, ready to knock. Before he could go through with it, sounds from inside your room caught him off guard.

Ohgods Loki, yes,” came your breathless voice from inside your room. It hit Bucky like a truck as his hand froze midair. He could make out the sound of skin on skin and the creak of your bed as it hit the wall over and over again.

That’s it,” Loki growled, his voice heavy with lust and Bucky had to physically stop himself from kicking the door down, “just like that pet. Taking a God so well.” Your breathy whines quickly turned into panting moans as Bucky heard the bed hit the wall harder and faster. He wanted to throw up. He wanted to take a step back and book it to the elevator, but he froze. He could barely breathe let alone move.

Fuck Loki, love you. Love you so much,” you whined and Bucky choked back the traitorous sob that swam up his throat.

Hnn- love you more, darling mortal,” Loki let out a shuddering grunt that finally got Bucky’s feet moving. He hastily stepped back and pressed his back against the wall across from your room, “all mine, only mine.”

Yours, always. Fuck Loki, so good, gonna cum,” you moaned out, your voice pitching with pleasure and the sound had Bucky’s feet carrying him away faster than he could think.

Bucky slammed the call button on the elevator and threw himself inside as soon as they opened. A sob shot its way out of him as he held back the bile that threatened to force its way from his stomach. Your moans and calls for a man who wasn’t him rang in his head, over and over. He couldn’t get the sound to piss off as he slammed his hand down on the button to Steve’s floor. Steve. Steve knew, that’s why he tried to stop him.

As the doors to the elevator slid open and Steve stood on the other side, Bucky felt the weight of the world crash into him. Steve was quick to kneel down and wrap his arms around his friend, but Bucky barely noticed. Steve’s words of comfort went in one ear and out the other. The only thing he could think about was how badly he had fucked up. He had finally lost you.

And you took his heart as you left.




The ending might have been rushed, but it hurt my soul to write so please forgive me-

NEW!Captain America & Winter Soldier pieces:Earrings: $10.00Necklace: $12.00Earrings are availabNEW!Captain America & Winter Soldier pieces:Earrings: $10.00Necklace: $12.00Earrings are availab


Captain America & Winter Soldier pieces:

  • Earrings: $10.00
  • Necklace: $12.00

    Earrings are available in a mis-matched pair incase you can’t decide(; Necklaces are sold solo or as a BFF set for a discounted price!

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