#witch morning routine


07.00 -  Start the day with a large glass of water. Drink it slowly while looking outside of your window, noticing the sky, the trees, and nature around you.

07.05 -  Write your daily goals and affirmations in your journal. What do you want to achieve today? What are you grateful for? 

07.20 -  Sun salutation yoga, to welcome the sun back after the long winter, and appreciate your body and what it is capable of doing. 

07.50 -  Meditate on what new ideas, projects or inspiration this new season is bringing back into your life. 

08.00 - Cleansing shower, to remove any bad energies that might be lingering from yesterday. Use sigil magic by drawing the triple goddess, or any other symbol, on your body with soap or any other product. 

08.15 -  Glamour magic ; whether you use makeup, or simply moisturize your face, apply any products on your skin with positive and magical intentions. 

08.30 -  Practice self-love by making a delicious and nutritious breakfast that will give you strength and energy to have a wonderful day. 

08.45 - ☕ Stir your coffee/tea clockwise and pour all of your strength and intentions inside, so that when you will drink it, you will absorb its powers. 

09.00 - ✨Say out loud “today will be a good day”. And get started. 
