#witch night routine


20.00 -  Dinner! Practice kitchen magic by filling your dinner with fresh, healthy and tasty food. Use spring fruits and vegetables to draw power from the current season. Eat slowly and enjoy each bites. 

20.30 -  Spring is the season for learning and starting new projects ; take advantage of this energy to open a book about witchcraft, spirituality or any topic you’ve been interested in. Drink calming herbal teas like lavender, chamomile, sage or lemon balm. 

21.15 -  Clean your face and brush your teeth, while repeating peaceful and positive affirmations. I like to say out loud “I did my best today. I’m grateful for both the good moments and the challenges that came my way.” while taking care of my skin.

21.30 -  Stretch your body. You can follow a night/slow yoga class, or simply do your own movements, whatever feels good. Listen to soft, calm music. 

21.50 -  If possible, sit outside and meditate under the moonlight. Turn off all lights inside your home, leaving only some candles burning. Sit down. Breathe. Seize calming and tender thoughts from the moon. 

22.00 -  Lie in bed, and make sweet dreams.

Find my witchy spring morning routine here
