#witch spells


You Will Need: 

  • A small yellow candle
  • A red permanent or nonfading ink pad
  • A Map on which you have marked the places where you and the friend live, to the right of the candle

Timing:Wednesday, preferably on a windy day. (not obligated to be on a wednesday)

The Spell

  1. Light the candle, saying, “The distance fades,miles disappear. When I think of you, I know you’re here.”
  2. Draw a line in pen on the map from where you are to where your friend is living; saying: “ Joined we are in friendship, a friendship just as strong, Across the world, across the street, our hearts and minds will always meet.”
  3. Leave the candle burning, go outdoors, face the direction in which your friend lives, call his name, and send a message of love.
  4. Follow up with a social media post, a letter, or an email before the candle is burned through.
