#witch tip



2022 Witch’s Calendar

For all my witches out there, here’s a handy list of the 2022 dates for the major holidays, full and new moons, and special events. I’ve listed my sources at the bottom. Dates and times for all events are calculated for Eastern Standard Time, USA, Northern Hemisphere. Adjust for your location as needed. Enjoy!

WOTY Holidays and Solstices

  • February 1-2 - Imbolc
  • March 20 - Spring Equinox / Ostara
  • May 1 - Beltane
  • June 21 - Summer Solstice / Midsummer
  • August 1 - Lughnasadh
  • September 22 - Autumn Equinox / Mabon
  • October 31 - Samhain
  • December 21 - Winter Solstice / Yule

Full Moons

  • January 17 - Wolf Moon ♋️
  • February 16 - Snow Moon ♌️
  • March 18 - Worm Moon ♍️
  • April 16 - Pink Moon ♎️
  • May 16 - Flower Moon ♏️
  • June 14 - Strawberry Moon ♐️
  • July 13 - Thunder Moon (aka Buck Moon) ♑️
  • August 11 - Sturgeon Moon ♒️
  • September 10 - Harvest Moon ♓️
  • October 9 - Hunter’s Moon (aka Blood Moon) ♈️
  • November 8 - Frost Moon ♉️
  • December 7 - Cold Moon ♊️

Fun Fact: The title of Harvest Moon is given to either the September or October full moon, whichever falls closest to the autumn equinox. In 2022, that month will be September.

New Moons

  • January 2 ♑️
  • February 1 ♒️
  • March 2 ♓️
  • April 1 ♈️
  • April 30 ♉️
  • May 30 ♊️
  • June 29 ♋️
  • July 28 ♌️
  • August 27 ♍️
  • September 25 ♎️
  • October 25 ♏️
  • November 23 ♐️
  • December 23 ♑️

Special Events

  • April 30 - Black Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse (10:42pm EST)
  • May 16 - Total Lunar Eclipe (12:11am EST, coinciding with zenith)
  • June 14 - Supermoon
  • July 13 - Supermoon
  • October 25 - Partial Solar Eclipe (11:01am EST)
  • November 8 - Total Lunar Eclipse (5:59am EST, coinciding with zenith)


Inverse - Full Moon 2022 calendar: Dates, times, schedule, and names for the brightest nights all year

Astroseek - Full Moons 2022 & New Moons

The Pagan Grimoire - The Wheel of the Year: The 8 Festivals in the Wiccan Calendar


Beginner Witch Tip:

Always so research on a specific topic before attempting anything. Do you want to research but don’t know where to start? These are some books we recommend.

  • Bucklands Complete Book of Witchcraft
  • Green Witchcraft by Paige Vanderbeck
  • Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch by Rachel Patterson
  • Moon Spells by Diane Ahlquist
  • Protection and Reversals Magick by Jason Miller
  • Protection Spells by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
  • The Modern Guide to Witchcraft by Skye Alexander
  • Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn
  • The Way of the Green Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock

These books are amazing to get started with if yall would like some more recommendations feel free to ask.

EDIT: we have seen reblogs saying a couple of these books are not the best to begin with or to use for research. These are simply books we have read and thought were good for beginners. This is why we recommend research because it is a possibility that some of the information in these books are false.

Thank you too those who pointed out the flaw we will start being more careful on the books we recommend.


Grim and Melinoe

Feel free to email us at [email protected]


Grimoire - Magical Topics

Magic/Witchcraft Masterposts:
An Leabhar na Draíochta (The Mori Witch’s Book of Magick)
Gender Magic
Rejuvenating Witchcraft
Love Magick Masterpost
Beauty Magic Masterpost
Valentine’s Witchery
Ultimate Protection Magic Masterpost; Part 1
Ultimate Protection Magic Masterpost, Part 2
coffee witchcraft
Gentle Witchcraft
Periods suck. Witchcraft helps.
Travel Witchery
Housewarming Magic
Sick Witchery
Witchcraft for the grieving
Energy Work Masterpost
Energy Work Masterpost
Protection Magick (A Masterpost)
Tea Magic
Drink Magic Masterpost
Wheel of the Year Resource Masterposts
Birthday Witchery

Some Types of Magic:
Types of Magic
Sympathetic Magic
Knot, Thread & Cord Magic
Sex Magic
Witchcraft 101: Binding Magick
Witchcraft 101: Uncrossing
Hearth Witchery Ideas
House Witch’s Chores and Witchy Home
Quick Kitchen Witchcraft
Pocket Magic
Threshold magic 101

Helpful Information:
Liminal Spaces in Witchcraft
Liminality & Liminal Spaces
Consent vs Defending Sovereignty
Law of Return
Energy Work Terminology
Energy Manipulation Guide: Sensing Energy
Charms - Magic Without Tools
A beginner’s guide to shadow work
Shadow Work
10 Prompts for Shadow Work
A Long List of Ways to Spiritually Protect Yourself
Localizing Your Practice
To be a Local Witch
What to use when in witchcraft
Some things you can keep track of as a witch
Tapping Into Your Psychic Senses
What are the Claires?
witchcraft and the law
3 Reasons Why “Harm None” Is Utter Bullshit

Witchcraft Practice in General:
Advancing beyond ‘Witchcraft 101’
Grounding & Centering
Magical Journaling
Gentle witch little things
Manifest your dreams and desires
Reconnecting with your craft
Witchy Journal Prompts
Become inspired again in your craft
Come on, let’s go for a walk and talk about Intuition
Spiritual Burnout: Tips and Reminders
What to do when you fell out with your practice
Mundane Magic: Laundry Edition
Mundane Magic: Office Edition
Mundane Magic: Hand Washing
Meditation: myths vs reality
Write your Witchcraft
Racist Stereotypes About Magic
Traditional Witchcraft is regional witchcraft
How to make offerings to the Major Spirits (i.e. Gods), the Animal Familiar or the Household Fairy… with GIFs :)
Musicians and Witchcraft
What you mean to say: Karma Edition
Magic vs. Medicine?
Depth and Cultural Appropriation in Witchcraft
Are You Ready to be Teaching?
Racism, Spirituality, and Witchblr

Various Witchy Tips:
Witch Tips for City Witches
Magickal and Non-Magickal Tips for Writing
Tips for the traveling witch
Artsy Witch Ideas/Tips
Glamour Witchcraft Tips
Witch Study Tips
Tips for my closeted witches <3

My Witchcraft Practice:
Mentoring - something for experienced witches to consider
Let’s talk about ableism
Let’s talk about witchcraft and emotions
The “advanced” witch
The “empathic” witch
Advice to witches and Pagans who wish to be allies
Frequently Asked Questions For The Modern Day Witch
Karma, what exactly is it?
Meditation tips
“What is/is not cultural appropriation”
Fruits of Your Craft 30-Day Challenge




shadow work PSA

after having *four* different relatively-new-to-witchcraft witches express to me in the last few weeks that they feel they aren’t a very good witch for not doing shadow work, I’m gonna make this PSA:

“shadow work” is not really a witchcraft thing, it’s a concept in psychology coined by Carl Jung. they certainly go hand-in-hand, it’s absolutely a useful thing to do to further your ability in your craft (and also just a healthy thing to practice) but it’s not a concrete requirement as a witch. it’s up to you if you want to do it ♡♡ if there’s certain traumas you don’t feel comfortable addressing yet, you are not required to, you’re still a witch.

if you would like to do shadow work but aren’t sure where to start, don’t overthink it. all it is, is analyzing the ins and outs of the less-pleasant ways our brains work. addressing and challenging the parts of ourselves we don’t like and don’t want to reconcile with. this can include working through trauma, or recognizing and unlearning our own problematic behavior.

write a list of things about yourself/things you do/thoughts you have that you’d like to better understand or unlearn entirely. approach one subject at a time, and just sort of do some stream-of-consciousness journaling about it. you don’t have to have a life changing epiphany, the only goal is to know and serve yourself as best as you can. it can take you one day, or a month, or longer. it’s up to you. it can be exhausting, it can reopen wounds you’d rather leave closed. as someone with cPTSD I can understand why this might be a slippery slope for a lot of people, and also why I want to tell all the witches that if you’re not comfortable doing this, you *are not required to do it*. do not let witchtok make you feel like you’re not good enough or not a real witch or whatever because you don’t do everything they think you should do.

9 times out of 10 though, you will feel better at the end.


99% of shadow work is basically self guided therapy confronting the things you ignore or hide from yourself. It’s a great tool but you don’t have to do it.

You don’t have to do shadow work if you don’t want to.

You don’t have to do shadow work if you aren’t ready.

You don’t have to do shadow work alone.

You don’t have to do shadow work at all, ever, as a witch.

Shadow work is not a requirement for anyone, for anything.

Shadow work is not witchcraft. Shadow work is psychology.


Never call up what you cannot put down. It is a myth – and a dangerous one, at that – that a practitioner can only attract things that they can deal with. Just like how when you’re walking in the woods only wild animals will come up to you if you can deal with them. Or just like in real life you will only interact with people that you can easily send away. In reality a person can attract all sorts of things to them that they cannot deal with – and magic is no different. If you start calling for powerful entities that you have no hope of banishing, well, then you’ll get them. If you have zero experience, start with entities that you have a fair chance of fighting – like a kitty or a bunny. See how you do, gain experience in banishments. Go on from there.

What you call will come. It is a cool, but very scary, fact that what you call will come. Start calling Bael or Beelzebub and you can be quite sure the Lord of Flies will take notice of you. You may not be able to sense or see this interaction, but it has occurred. It is a frustrating reality of being a conjurer that you have to control your thoughts and not “accidentally” come in to contact with certain beings. Beings can and will appear to you even if you have not set up your summoning circle, your conjuration tools, or prepared yourself mentally. Avoid calling things when you are unprepared. Avoid calling anything you cannot deal with (see “never call up what you cannot put down” and “start small”).

You are not always going to immediately see the effects of a conjure gone bad (or good). So you conjure a spirit one day and stuff gets freaky, and you feel uncomfortable. But instead of properly shutting down your ritual and banishing your space, you just get up and walk away. Everything seems okay. Then a month later the water faucet bursts and floods your house. Things start to go missing. You can’t be near your closet without getting a panic attack. You feel the need to sleep with your lights on. Your pets won’t come in to your bedroom any more. If a conjure goes bad, you are not always going to immediately see the effects so you can take care of it immediately. Predator spirits can be very sneaky. They want to creep in to your life and start to take control without you noticing. If a conjure starts to go bad, shut it down properly. Banish to the best of your abilities. Take care of things ASAP. A “wait and see” philosophy does not really work with bad conjures. Likewise, you may not even know things have gone badly until the symptoms start to arise. When stuff starts going wrong, don’t wait – take care of your business. If you read that and say, “how do I take care of my business?” then conjuring is not right for you just yet.

Likewise, suppose you conjure a benevolent spirit to help you out. You may not immediately see the effects of it’s touch of grace. Give things a little time to develop – spirits are not “magic”, they require time to work just like we do!

Start small! Summoning big powerful stuff is not your goal as a beginner. Your goal is to work with safe conjures, get experience in banishment and protection, and learn how to safely work with spirits. Once you’re a big badass conjurer and this post is nothing but a distant memory, then go for those crazy summons. Until then, go for those domesticated animal, baby elemental, plant spirit conjures.

Make a habit of doing things right. During a recent psychic reading, a demon verbally kicked my ass for doing things wrong. It was a bit of a wake-up call. If it’s “only” a reading then I don’t need to protect myself, right? If it’s just a bunny spirit I don’t need a proper circle. But this is the kind of sloppy conjure habits that get people in serious trouble. Realize that the point of protection isn’t for when things go right, as you are expecting – it is for when things go really wrong. My ego tells me I don’t need a circle to conjure a kitty cat. But as a rational conjurer, I should know better. Do things right, even for small conjures. It is worth the effort.

You not being able to sense things does not mean that nothing is happening. One of the messages I am getting more often lately than any other is, “I see visualizations just as you described, but I don’t believe they are real.” Well, they’re real, and your self doubts are not stopping a spirit from wondering why you conjured it just to ignore it. Some spirits are going to take offense to this. I know when I conjure a spirit and then my dog (or something) distracts me, they get pissed off. When you conjure, you are dealing with a real being that had the courtesy to show up to your call. Even if you are not able to sense them, visualize them, etc., they are likely there. With experience you can tell the difference between a failed conjure and your inability to see spirits. Until then, always assume as spirit has shown up, thank it, and send it away correctly.

A spirit being “good” and a spirit being a boot-licker are two different things. I conjure lots of “good” (meaning, not predatory, friendly to humans) spirits that are short-tempered, impatient, and generally unwilling to be a doormat. Even when working with angelic spirits, perhaps the “most good” ones you can find, they get frustrated at me if I am doing something that bothers them. Just like you get irritated when people do things that bother you. Goodness is different than endless patience and a desire to comply to your every whim. Just like there are a multitude of predatory, unfriendly, wants-to-eat-you spirits who present themselves as being ultimately benevolent, sweet, and loving, there are a multitude of good spirits who present themselves honestly and don’t want to put up with your bull.

Use good manners. “Thank you for responding to my call.” “Our time to speak has come to an end, please return to your home with my best wishes.” Pleases and thank-yous go a long way in the spirit world. Don’t neglect good manners.


How to Enchant an Item

DISCLAIMER: These posts are for brief educational purposes only. We do not teach on our blog. If you would like to have classes with us check out our patreon here.

Good Afternoon, everyone! I wanted to make sure on this beautiful day we got another post out earlier than normal, for your entertainment and brief education, and focus today’s post on a specific (& powerful) type of spell work!

Enchantment is an easy and great spell we all can preform on our items to make them love generators, protectant wards, chakra balancer’s, etc. You can enchant anything from a pendant, mirror, book, pen, makeup, herbs, crystals, etc! Enchanting an object is simple, and with help from me today, I’m going to break it down for you!

How to Start:

First, cleanse your object and tools with any choice of incense! Some great cleansing incense are Frankincense, Myrrh, Palo Santo, Cedar Sage, or any ‘Blessings’, 'Peace’, 'Love’, 'Healing’, 'Good Fortune’ type of incense works equally as well! Remove all negative energy that could be tied to it, or simply residue on it. For your tools, grab your journal or pieces of paper, and whatever colored pen you want to use. On one page, you are going to write at the top of your paper the overall intention you want your object to have; while on the other you will place your object and draw a circle around it.

Second, keep our object in its little circle you’ve drawn around it, or remove it and hold it in one of your hands to continue an energetic connection with it. On the piece of paper where you main intention is written at the top write down what you want the object to attract, do, protect you from, or banish. As you are writing down the actions you’re enchanting the item. Don’t worry about keeping your focus on the item; allow you mind to visualize what you want it to do, situations you want it to attract, visualize what desires you wish it to bring forth, or opportunities, or how it will protect you.

Tip:Speaking the affirmations out loud, as well as writing them helps you visualize and generate more of the energy you’re desiring to program into the object–but is NOT required !!!

Third, when you’ve finished writing its programming on one side, go back to the circle and begin branching bubbles off of it and connect the affirmations to it. This is more so a metaphor for the affirmations already being apart of your object, you’re just drawing them out and 'activating’ them; as you’re really attaching the affirmations to the object which is enchanting it.

Finally, when you’ve finished writing down everything, create a sigil (using the word{s} you’ve themed as the intention you’ve set for it) and draw it in the center of the circle you’d drawn around the object. This part is optional, but a good way to close the enchantment and create a protectant ward for the spell itself from ever being tampered with.

Additional Things You Can Do/Add:

One, during the enchantment have crystal’s that attract what you’re desiring near by, around you, or meditate with them in you lap. Adding crystals to any spell work helps amplify the energy your desiring to attract, and draw more of it in. They become absorber’s during spell work as well, and will be capturing all new energy and programming it to your intentions.

I’ve attached my favorite crystals, & a guide below!

Next, light a candle while preforming the enchantment. You can light any candle, especially any White (as it’s a universal power color); or grab any colored candle that’s color associates with what you want to attract:

Red- love, passion, sexual energies, physical beauty, creative ideas, energizing, self-assertiveness, power, wealth, & ambition

Black- protection, honesty, discipline, empowerment, banishment, & dominance

Blue- wisdom, love, unity, calming, intellect, psychic abilities, healing, peace, harmony, loyalty, & new perspectives/possibilities

Pink- femininity, divine feminine, love, friendship, kindness, self-care, empathy, nurturing energy, & beauty

Orange- spontaneity, uplifting energies, opening Sacral Chakra (sexual nature), generating enthusiasm, motivation, creativity, & confidence

Green- earth connection, grounding, peace, stability, wealth/money, love, partnership’s, business opportunities, security, relaxation, luck, youthfulness, communication, honesty, & generosity

Yellow- optimism, confidence, finding one’s true identity, manifesting true desire’s, creativity, vitality, pleasure, happiness, & inspiration

Purple- physic abilities, opening third eye, expanding/increasing intuition, confidence, protecting/remembering dreams, healing, good health (physically, emotionally, spiritually), personal reflection, & motivation

Another, if you didn’t write the enchantment in a journal, put the pieces of paper in an envelope and seal it with white/red/green/black/purple/blue wax. Store it in a drawer, box, sleep with under your pillow, or place somewhere safe. This makes the enchantment a sealed spell, and helps protect it more; as well as manifests it into the Universe more quickly, protected, and abundantly.

My Gifts:

I hope this post helped explain more clearly how you can enchant your objects to attract and become generators to your desires- and in brining forth your manifestation’s more quickly!! I’ve attached photo’s below of how to set up/ what it should look like with journal photo’s; and included my crystal guide for you to all download and use! As always, I love you all! Embrace and enjoy the chaos ;)


- hannah <3

~!Link To Crystal Guide!~

Journal Photo’s + Sigil How To Photo:

  • Baths that cleanse and motivate you to complete a task (peppermint and lavender are great) 
  • Organizing your workspace to clear cluttered ideas
  • Washing bedsheets to cleanse from past nightmares
  • Burning incense while you clean a room to boost emotional cleansing (Jasmine is great for depression, lavender for anxiety)
  • Cast banishing spells on toxic people for closure
  • Face masks that double as glamours
  • Take an energizing bath to help recharge after energy-draining spells
  • Eat your favorite foods to add oomph to a happiness spell

Guardian Ward

So a little while back I made a post on warding, but I wanted to follow up on that post, so in this post I’m going to teach you how to make a guardian ward. This ward is a bit more advanced but I still believe it to be novice friendly.

Generally speaking, you want to pick something small and decorative to be your guardian. I chose my little elephant incense burner. Pick an item that is less likely to be played with or touched. Start with cleansing your object and then charge with your intent. Good intents to charge with are Protection, Safety, Happiness, etc. After you’ve charged your guardian, carry it around the space you wish it to protect, as you do this, focus on tying the area to the guardian energetically. Visualize a barrier around the space, kinda like a magick circle. After you’ve shown the guardian the space it will protect, place it in its permanent spot and once again focus on its intent.

Another thing you can add that will make this ward stronger, is an energy source. You can pull from the earth and create a bridge between the earth’s energy and the guardians.

Please be aware that this kind of ward has the possibility to transform into a sentient thoughtform. Due to this, you must maintain a healthy relationship with the guardian. Regular physical/energetic cleaning and offerings can go a long way!


shitty witch tip #1


don’t make moon water in a glass jar when it’s below freezing outside
