

writerblr ask game you send me an object or a colour and i come up with a simile/metaphor/image

I have lived a hundred lives, and none of them were my own.

stillness brings out the world’s inner most secrets.

a room that once was ours now stands empty in the lonely hours. there’s no more me, or you; no sun, or moon. just an empty room that once was ours.

Lessons from a flower

A flower fulfills its purpose by simply existing, it sprouts to life, blossoms and withers when its time has come-so should you follow in his suit. You are born into this world and you grow, you exist until you can no longer do so. You exist and that’s more than enough… That is the only lesson that a flower should teach you.

i made this meme for my writing/life partner and i feel like someone will appreciate it

#writing memes    #writblr    #writerblr    

1. Make sure you’re using the correct platform.
When I started writing on Wattpad, I found it extremely difficult to garner attention when there were so many fics being posted in my fandom with hundreds of thousands of reads– it was difficult to build a platform for me. On the other hand, another fandom I’ve written in has a community built exclusively on Wattpad and my attempts to post fan works on Archive Of Our Own were unsuccessful. Find out which platform works best for you and your fandom. Consider your established audience, the fandom presence, searching and tagging systems, etc. to decide where you’ll post. What works for one fandom won’t for another.

2. Tag appropriately/ Don’t over-tag.
This is mostly based off my experience using AO3 but can be applied generally. While searching for fics, if something has twenty tags but is only a couple thousand words, readers looking for a specific trope might skip over it because the trope they’re looking for might not be extremely relevent.
Only add tags that are major parts of the story. This is more of a personal preference for me, but also sorting tags by most to least relevent is a good way to show which tropes stand out and which are in the background.
Similarly, don’t tag characters/ships that only appear for a short amount of time as that can be misleading.

3. Use other social media and be active in your community!
When I started writing fanfction seriously, I had a real easy time gaining readers because I already had hundreds to thousands of followers on my other stan accounts. Fast forward to a few months ago when I jarringly switched fandoms and now had almost no dedicated readers willing to give me a chance. 
Now, after a few months in the fandom, my Tumblr following is growing and so is my fic audience, but it was very crushing to post for the first time in a new fandom only to realize no one cared.
Also, being active in the comments on Wattpad/AO3/FF can help, too. For most of us, comments are a hugedeal, and that can definitely prompt fellow authors to look around your page and explore.
The only thing to avoid with this is directly self-promoting in other’s spaces. Make sure your comments are genuine and don’t take away from the author.

4. Update consistently
This is advice that I don’t follow, but it would be way easier for me if I did.
On the other hand, my SO spent months updating her fic consistently (at least every week or two), and it payed off. The longer you update consistently and consecutively, the more people are drawn to your work– once you go a few weeks or months without missing, it’s easier to trust you won’t abandon your project.
Plus, who doesn’t love a series you can get invested in and look forward to? Knowing your favorite fic updates on Fridays is something to look forward to while getting you through the week.

5. Most importantly: Remember that readership doesn’t matter and doesn’t reflect on you.
While I’d love to say that the best fics have the most kudos, that simply isn’t true. The best works can sometimes fly under the radar no matter what you do to stop it. These tips are here to try to prevent that, but at the end of the day, you may just be unlucky.
The numbers absolutely do not equate to the quality of a fic– at most, they’re a nice bonus.
Don’t get down on yourself over the small things, that just holds you back from bigger successes in the future.

me when writing: how do i make this MORE fucked up

#writblr    #writerblr    #writing problems    #writer life    #writing    

The Adverb Rule: Only use an adverb if it changes the meaning of the verb. ie. “He whispers quietly” vs “He whispers sadly”.

The ‘Said’ Rule: Similar to the adverb rule– only use a different dialogue tag when it changes the meaning of the dialogue. The most common exception would be ‘asked’.

The Dialogue Tag Rule: Only tag dialogue when absolutely necessary. My suggestion for this is to write the first draft with minimal tags then, while editing, add tags in where there may be confusion.

The Kiss Rule: When writing romance, if your characters need to kiss (or show any other physical affection) for readers to know they’re in love, they don’t have good chemistry.

The Infamous ‘Show Don’t Tell’ Rule: Not only is it fairly self-explanatory, but you’ve probably heard it a million and one times. Basically: if you canshow it, do. ie. “she thought the man was annoying” vs. “she rolls her eyes when the man begins to speak”.

The Exceptions to the ‘Show Don’t Tell’ Rule: My personal rule for this is showstuff that’s relevant to the story but tellstuff that’s going on in the background. “She rolls her eyes when the man begins to speak” is a good place to show, but you should opt for, “she thought the curtains were ugly” when simply describing scenery.

The Really/Very/Etc. Rule: In exposition, don’t overuse ‘filler words’ like ‘really’ or ‘very’. Of course there are some exceptions, but just like other adverbs, only use them for a reason.

The Change Rule: Just like you wouldn’t end a novel if no change took place, don’t end a chapter unless there is a clear, apparent change from the beginning of the chapter. If a scene doesn’t have a change, recognize that it might just be a filler and consider deleting it, if not heavily revising.

Obviously no rules should be followed all of the time, but these are some good habits to get into while writing. Best of luck!

my outline is just sheets of scribbled notes in a trench coat

#writing    #writerblr    #writing memes    #writer    #writerslife    #creative writing    #writing is hard    #musings    #literature    #writers    #writers on tumblr    

bawling my eyes out as i write down everything i feel to later use it in my writing. the grind never stops.

#writerblr    #writing    #writer problems    #musings    #teen writer    #fanfic    #literature    #writers on tumblr    #writing memes    

trying to translate five pages of frantic scribbling into coherent sentences for my creative writing teacher

#writing    #writing memes    #creative writing    #writerblr    #writers on tumblr    #musings    #writers life    #teen writer    #poetry    

my goal in life is to be the pretentious bitch who speaks solely in book quotes

#writing    #creative writing    #writerblr    #shakespeare    #musings    #writing is hard    #poetry    #writers life    #writer    #writers on tumblr    #writing memes    #literature    

crumbling under the pressure of school but hey, at least i have an excuse to not write

#writing    #writerblr    #writing memes    #writer    #writers    #writerslife    #literature    #writing is hard    #creative writing    #musings    #writers on tumblr    #fanfic    

read a book so good i want it injected into my bloodstream

#writing    #writerblr    #writing memes    #writer    #writers    #writerslife    #literature    #writing is hard    #creative writing    #writers on tumblr    #musings    #writer life    

ass is sore from sitting so long but we gotta make sacrifices for the books we love

#writing    #writerblr    #writing memes    #writer    #writers    #writerslife    #literature    #writing is hard    #creative writing    #writers on tumblr    #musings    #writer life    

thinking of a cottage in the woods away from society where i could be alone and write.

i probably wouldnt write but still

#writing    #writerblr    #writing memes    #writer    #writers    #writerslife    #literature    #writing is hard    #creative writing    #writers on tumblr    #musings    #writer life    

you can tell which character is the author’s favourite by who suffers the most

#writing    #writerblr    #writing memes    #writer    #writers    #writerslife    #literature    #writing is hard    #creative writing    #writers on tumblr    #musings    #writer life    

it’s autumn, prime time to write lyrical nonsense about leaves changing colours

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