#romantic academia aesthetic


i cannot even begin to emphasize how romantic signing off letters or postcards with “always yours” is. like… no one ever knows if they would be together forever. we love someone with the knowledge that they might not be in our lives in the future. we know we could fall apart. we still write “always yours”, because we mean to say, “hey, i know you might not be in my life forever, but you will have a part of me still. a part of me will be always yours to keep.” i need a moment

the absolute beauty of singing “i just want to see you in the morning” over and over again in Autumn Town Leaves is just. a lot is happening here, but all that matters to me is that i see you in the morning. the lack of demands, the absence of big expectations, just a simple wish to wake up next to one’s lover in the morning. i am not asking for anything else, i just want to see you in the morning.

i am once again thinking of how we are all really made of moments and memories. i am here in the present, but at every moment memories from the past visit me, in a way that past blurs into the present and i cannot separate them anymore. i randomly think of the joke a friend made when we were doing dishes together once, while i am doing my dishes alone. i see glimpses of who i was during my teenage years when i see my teen brother doing some mundane thing. every time that i remember moments and memories is a reminder of the fact that i have lived a life, one with people who are inextricably a part of me, one where i have lived, loved and grown. i am not who i was a years ago, and i will not be who i am today a year later. but each part of who i was, am, and shall be will live, in these moments and memories. i can’t tell if it’s a good thing. i think atleast sometimes it is.

one of the best things about being familiar with an artist’s whole discography is being able to observe the recurring themes their songwriting. we are all attached to certain things and feel certain emotions more than others, and all of that makes repeated apperance in the art we create, even though we don’t always intend it that way. it is so beautiful to notice those patterns in someone else’s art because it makes you feel like you know them a little better with it, as a human being. there is nothing that is more human than art.

me wishing i had pretty pinterest notes and aesthetic handwriting: :(

physics handwriting looking like this:


me, feeling immediately better about myself: :)
