#incorrect clone wars quotes


Obi-Wan: Quick, we need a distraction. Is anyone good at jumping up and down and make noises?

Cody: Yes, it’s you.

Obi-wan: I don’t see what you mean?

Cody: You doing it plenty at night.

Anakin: Fuck you!

Obi-wan: *looking at Cody*

Cody whispering: want later?

Obi-wan: Maybe later, but listen here you little….

Anakin: Hey guys did-Uh….. Am I interrupting something.

Cody: Of course not, General Skywalker. We just both half naked, because we follow a new trend.

Anakin: What is it called?

Obi-wan: Get out.

Obi-wan: Commander, I believe I’m starting to have feelings for you.

Cody in a gay panic: Cool! See you later.

*Later that night*

Cody: And I said ‘cool’

Rex: Sucks to be you Codes.

Cody: I said cool…

Rex: *patting Cody*

Cody: Ah, so you decide to dress up dead,for Halloween.

Obi-wan *viably confused*: What you mean?

Cody: Well, the sickly pale skin. Your eyes looking like bruises. Blue lips. That’s an amazing make up actually.

Obi-wan: Make up??

Cody: Make up. For Halloween. That’s what you did, right?




Obi-wan: I love you.

Cody: I will murder you.

Dooku: My grandpadawan doesn’t need a slut, clone.

Cody: I know. But I needed one, so I found your grandpadawan.

Dooku: *ignites the lightsaber*

Qui-gon: Stop fripping my padawan!

Cody: Stop having a sexy son!


Obi-wanblushing: Uh… Thank you Commander.

Cody: I never need a bitch.

Cody: I am what a bitch needs *winks*

Obi-wan: Cody, if you call me again a bitch. I hope you’re having a good friendship with the couch.

Modern au

Cody with boxers and socks: Morning babes *kiss Obi-wan forehead*

Obi-wan: Cody, I am on a zoom meeting.

Cody: Oh sh-*runs away from the camera*

Rex: Professor, I don’t want to see my brother again like this. Its give me ideas I don’t want to know.


Cody: Yes sir?

Qui-gon: Are you kriffing my former padawan?

Cody: Sir, Kamino taught me, not to lie to my superiors. Hells, even Alpha himself.

Qui-gon: Oh… So I take that as a no.



Qui-gon: He’s fripping my padawan!



Cody: Do you ever feel, you being watch?

Obi-wan: We are. That ghost won’t stop giving me, the “disappointed looks”.

Cody: WHAT ghost!?

Imagine there being no ghost but Obi-Wan just saying that to fuck with Cody

Cody pointing the blaster in the air: Are you SURE, there is a ghost with us?

Obi-wan: Maybe it is, maybe it is not. Who knows.

Cody: I will shoot you.

Cody: Do you ever feel, you being watch?

Obi-wan: We are. That ghost won’t stop giving me, the “disappointed looks”.

Cody: WHAT ghost!?

Sith AU

Cody: What do you choose? The easy way or the hard way?

Obi-wan: The fun way.

Cody: The fun way?

Obi-wan: Well yes. We play some games and then, it’s up to you if you want to be a “hard” or “easy” way, my dear commander.

Cody blushing: That’s why people hate you.

Purge trooper Cody: Fuck you!

Obi-wan: Fuck me yourself, you coward!

Cody: I’m trying!!!

Obi-wan: I heard from a little bird, that you like your coffee sweet and creamy.



Ahsoka: Oh. So you like your coffee, like you like your men?


Rex holding tears: I just love, that kid.

Commanders + Rex

Cody: You’ll never guess who prank called me today.

Rex: Palpatine?

Bly: The Chancellor?

Wolffe: Palpatine?

Fox: Sheev?

Gree: You too?

Cody: How did you… wait…


Palpatine: Commander Cody, the time has come.

Palpatine: Execute-

*line cuts out due to Palpatine saying the trigger word (execute)*

Cody *on Utapau is confused why the Chancellor himself is prank calling him*

Ponds: He prank called everyone?


Rex: *addressing Torrent* Alright men, there’s going to be an “optional” training session tomorrow at sunrise.

Fives: Question?

Rex: *sigh* Yes.

Fives: Is Tup going to be there? I will boycott this training unless he is there.

Rex: Any particular reaso-

Fives: No, I think I make a strong point here.

Tup: Question?

Fives: Nope. No more questions, case closed.

Commanders + Rex

Cody: *sends a link - How to not Execute Order 66, a General Guide. Written by Marshall Commander Cody of the GAR*

Cody: Please read and apply to standard operating procedures.

Cody: I had one of thosedreams.

Fox: What happened?

Cody: This. *flashback*

Wolffe *after reading the guide*: Sounds good.

Gree: Will put this into action.

Bly: What is Order 66?

Ponds: I don’t know and I don’t want to know.

Fox: Never liked Palpatine anyway.

Fox: So if he conveniently say accidentally fell out of the Senate building one day…

Rex: You would have absolutely nothing to do with it of course.


*Domino Twins have just woken up*

Fives: Hey,

Echo: *time for the daily dose of dumbness*

Fives: *proceeds to ask a very dumb question*

Echo: Daily Dose acquired, goodnight!

Fives: Echo?

Fives: But it’s the day cycle… and people say you’re the smart twin.
